Тексерілді: « » ----------- 2014 жыл
Day: | Form: 6 1
My summer holidays
[link] \ is the \ treasury \ of winter \ of summer \ The fruit of summer is the treasury of winter. Ёз меваси – қиш ҳазинаси.
Plan \ in\ summer \ winter \ for \
Plan for winter in summer. Қиш ғамини ёз ўйла.
Қиыңды создерді таңдап, мақалды қүрастыру арқылы екі топқа
Where did you spend your holiday?
What did you do?
Travelling, swimming, go sightseeing …
Introducing the new lesson:
Let's start our lesson. The theme of today's lesson is "My summer holidays ". We will speak about summer holidays.
Pupils write down the date, the day and the theme in their notebooks
Танымдық кезең.
To give information about summer holidays
Practical work on the
Grammar: Questions: Where did you…? How did you…? Сұрақтарына жауап беру.
Жаңа сөздермен таныстыру
Аctivities- іс- әрекет, іс-қимыл
Holiday - демалыс, мейрам, каникул.
Plane – ұшақ
Train - поезд
Go sightseeing – көрікті жерлерді аралауға бару
Warm - жылы
mountains - таулар
Pupils write down the sentences in their notebooks 2 топ берілген жаңа сөздерді оқып, сөздік кітаптың көмегімен аударады. Мәтін сөздері: New words Аctivities, holiday, plane, train, go sightseeing, warm,
Pupils find the word and write in their dictionary copybook.
Бірлескен оқу.
Dauren spent two weeks in Turkey with his parents.
2 топ мүшелері
Nina went Russia for three weeks with her mother.
“Dauren`s and Nina`s holiday” мәтінді оқьш аударады.
Dauren and his parents flew to Istanbul and then drove to Marmaris
Тиімділігі: Таныс емес сөздерді аударып,
Marmaris. Nina and her mother flew to Moscow and
айтылуын меңгеріп, сөздік қорларын
Then they took the train to the town.
молаита алады.
Dauren stayed in a hotel near the beach. Nina stayed with her grandparents.
When Dauren came back to Almaty, he stayed at home for the rest of the holiday. Nina spent two weeks with her aunt in St. Petersburg.
Топпен жұмыс:
2 топ мүшелеріне“Dauren`s and Nina`s holiday” мәтін қайта оқып, кейін оларды жалпы іс-әрекетін салыстыру.
Read the text again and compare Nina`s and Dauren`s holiday.
Nina`s holiday.
Dauren`s holiday.
Nina went to Russia
Dauren went to Turkey
Топпен жұмыс:
Жасаған постерлерін топ болып
2 топ мүшелеріне“Dauren`s and Nina`s holiday”
holiday” мәтін бойынша нақты
2 топ бірі-бірінің постер бойынша жасаған
мәліметтерді постерге түсіруте тапсырма
жүмыстарын «Екі жұлдыз, бір тілек» -"Two stars, one
wish" бойынша жетістіктерін айтып, бағалайды.
Оқушылар бір-бірінің жетістіктерін толық
Pupils write down in their notebook about one of the
аиқындап, нақты мәлшеттерге көз жетюзіп
Students` holiday. Read it your partner.
тоқгалғаннан кейіи, сынып жүмысы
дәптеріне нақты акдараттарды жазып
Work with pictures
Pupils look at the pictures. Discuss the pictures with your partner. Ex.6 p32
What I know
What I want to know
What I learned
Pupils write in box what are they know, what are they want to know and what are they learned in the lesson.
6 hats of Edward de Bono
Giving marks
Formative assessment (assessment for learning) Summative assessment (assessment of learning)
Giving the home
Speak about holiday
Write about your holiday
X. Reflection
Did you like the lesson? Was it useful for you?
Very well! The lesson was very informative.
You all worked very well. I'm pleased with your answers.
I`ve got a lot of useful information. I was active. I answered well.
Thank you for your participating.
Good job! The lesson was quite interesting. I've got
Now pupils, at the end of our lesson let's write
some information. I understood almost everything.
your opinions for this lesson.
The lesson is over!
Good bye!
But I was a little tensed. I've made a few mistakes.
Try again. Good luck! The lesson was dull. It was difficult for me to take part in it. I've made a lot of mistakes. I wasn't ready for it.