Разработка внеклассного мероприятия HEALTHY LIVING GUIDE КВН

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учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №6 Шепель Т.А.

класс 7

Форма проведения: КВН

Оборудование: плакаты, интерактивная доска


- воспитание бережного отношения к своему здоровью;

-пропаганда здорового образа жизни;

- развитие языковых, познавательных способностей, ценностных ориентаций, готовности к коммуникации.


- совершенствовать навыки говорения.

Ход мероприятия.

I. Организационный момент.

Ведущий. I think keeping health is very important for everyone now. Moreover health is one of the most urgent problems in the world now. Why is that so? There is nothing more important than health. “Health is above wealth” wise people say. Even the Romans spoke of a health in a proverb: “A healthy mind in a healthy body”. You cannot be good at your studies or work well if you don’t take care of your health. How do you take care of your health? Do you have bad habits? Are they dangerous? Do you anxious about food you eat?

Today we try to solve these problems and find the most cheerful and quick-witted team.

There are two teams: “--------“ and “ ------- “

Let me introduce our jury: ------------

II.Проведение конкурсов.

Конкурс1. Приветствие.

Our first competition is greeting. (представление девиза )

Команды рассказывают о себе по следующему плану:

1) Name

2) Age

3) Favourite subjects

4) Hobby

5) Favourite Sport

6) Favourite meal

Конкурс 2. Разминка. Конкурс капитанов: “What should you do to be healthy” ( 10-15 sentences)

Конкурс 3. Good and bad habits.

Ведущий: You are given some phrases and words connected with good and bad habits. You should divide them in two columns. Be attentive. (three minutes)

Eating wholemeal bread, eating sweets, eating low fibre food, exercising, not keeping diet, physical inactivity, drinking alcohol, smoking, drugs, a healthy diet, sleeping five hours, getting up early, regular meals, surfing the net for hours, eating fast food every day.

Конкурс 4. Bad habits – bad health. (two minutes)

Ведущий. You must fill in the gaps.

You’ll have bad teeth if you ......

You’ll have overweight if you ........

You’ll have a cough and high temperature if ..........

You’ll have weakness if you .........

Конкурс 5. Healthy products

Ведущий. It happens very often that healthy products are not tasty. Do you know what products we should eat? Divide these products into groups. ( three minutes)

P r o d u c t s: eggs, sweets, bred, fish, tomatoes, grapes, pears, meat, jam, honey, cucumbers, carrots, milk, sour cream

1. Energy rich products.

2. Proteins.

3. Vitamins and minerals.

Конкурс 6. How to look great.

Ведущий. The captains of your teams should give a piece of advice to the opponent.

(капитаны стараются дать как можно больше советов друг другу – каждый сове – 1 балл).

III. Подведение итогов.

Команды награждаются грамотами

Все участники получают в подарок памятки о здоровом образе жизни.