Открытый урок на тему Scotland the Beautiful

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6th Form 5.02.2015

Scotland the Beautiful

Цели и задачи : Комплексное обучение аспектам речевой деятельности с использованием современных методик и тенденций в обучении английскому языку, направленных на активизацию основных видов языковой деятельности .

Основные задачи : 1. Развитие навыков уст. высказывания по учеб. ситуации 'Scotland “

2. Развитие грамматических навыков учащихся ( Complex Object )

3.Развитие навыков мон . речи по тексту « Scotland the Beautiful”

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

Read the proper names in transcription

1. [ ˈləʊ.lənd ] 6. [ ‘skɒt ˈmɒn.jʊ.mənt]

2. [ ˈhaɪ.ləndz ] 7[‘prɪnszɪ'stri:t]

3. [sэ:woltэ 'skot] 8. [ ˈɪæθɪnz ]

4. [ ˈglæzgəʊ ] 9.[ ‘hɒlɪru:d]

5. [ ˈɛdɪnbərə ]

II. Лексическая зарядка

a) ex. 26p. 44 (Match the proper names and their definitions )

(Работа с карточками )

b)Complete the information that is missing in the sentences

1. The symbol of Scotland is a _________ , and its patron saint is _________ 2. Scotland is divided into ___________ and Lowlands . 3. _________ is the capital of Scotland . 4. Another big city in Scotland is __________. 5. The most interesting parts of Edinburgh are ___________________. 6. The oldest place in Edinburgh is _____________ . 7. The Edinburgh military ____________ takes place every August and September. 8. Holyrood House is the residence of __________. 9. One of the monuments in Edinburgh a monument to a dog called __________. 10 . Princes Street is Edinburgh 's popular _______.11. Princes Street is connected with the name of a famous writer _________ .

III. Развитие грамматических навыков (Complex Object )

I. Insert to where necessary

1. I would like Tim ___ show me Edinburgh.

2. My parents let me ___ visit Scotland .

3.Nobody expected the trip ____ be so wonderful .

4. Our teacher made us ___ read us the text “Scotland the Beautiful”.

5. We were allowed ___ enter the Castle.

6. We wanted Bill ___ tell us the story of the monument to a dog called Bobby .

7 . We made our father ___ take us to Edinburgh to see The Military Tattoo.

II. Express the same in English.

1. Нам бы хотелось , чтобы они посетили самое живописное место на севере Англии . ____________________________________________________________________

2. «Позволь мне поехать в Шотландию к бабушке.», – попросила маму маленькая Хелен . ____________________________________________________________________

3. Нам разрешили посетить Дворец Холируд. ____________________________________________________________________

4. Я хочу узнать побольше об истории Шотландии . ____________________________________________________________________

5. Мы заставили учителя рассказать нам о памятнике Вальтеру Скотту . ____________________________________________________________________

6. Мы бы хотели узнать побольше об истории Шотландии .___________________________________________________________________

IV . Речевая зарядка

ex.24 p. 42

1. Where is Scotland situated?

2. What is its capital?

3. What other big cities in Scotland can you name ?

4. What is the national symbol of the country?

5. Who is its patron saint ?

6. What is Scotland washed by ?

7. What rivers in Scotland do you know ?

8. What else do you know about Scotland ?

IV . Контроль навыков чтения

Give a test reading of the text ex.25 p. 42

V. Развитие навыков монологической речи

A) Imagine that one of your classmates has never read the text “Scotland the Beautiful “ . Tell him everything you know about Glasgow and Edinburgh

B) Let's make the outline of the text “Scotland the Beautiful “


1. Scotland . Iits traditions and symbols

2. The greatest centers of Scotland

3. Edinburgh .Its Old and New Towns

4. The Princes Street

VI . Задание на дом