to arise arose arisen arising ��������� to awake awoke awaked awaking ������ to be was/were been being ���� to beat beat beat beating ���� to become became become becoming ���������� to begin began begun beginning �������� to bend bent bent bending �������� to blow blew blown blowing ���� to break broke broken breaking ������ to bring brought brought bringing ��������� to build built built building ������� to burn burnt burnt burning ������ to buy bought bought buying �������� to catch caught caught catching ������ to choose chose chosen choosing �������� to come came come coming ��������� to cut cut cut cutting �������� to dig dug dug digging ������ to do did done doing ����������� to draw drew drawn drawing �������� to dream dreamt dreamt dreaming ������� to drink drank drunk drinking ���� to drive drove driven driving ������ to eat ate eaten eating ���� to fall fell fallen falling ������ to feed fed fed feeding ������� to feel felt felt feeling ����������� to fight fought fought fighting ������� to find found found finding ������ to fly flew flown flying ������ to forget forgot forgotten forgetting �������� to get got got getting �������� to give gave given giving ������ to go went gone going ���� to grow grew grown growing ����� to hang hung hung hanging ������ to have had had having ����� to hear heard heard hearing ������� to hide hid hidden hiding ������ to hit hit hit hitting ������ to hold held held holding ������� to keep kept kept keeping ������� to know knew known knowing ����� to lay laid laid laying ������ to lead led led leading ����� to learn learnt learnt learning ����� to leave left left leaving �������� to lend lent lent lending ���������� to let let let letting �������� to lie lay lain lying ����� to lose lost lost losing ����� to make made made making ������ to meet met met meeting ��������� to pay paid paid paying ������ to read read read reading ������ to ride rode ridden riding ������� to ring rang rung ringing ������� to rise rose risen rising ���������� to run ran run running ������ to say said said saying �������� to see saw seen seeing ������ to sell sold sold selling ��������� to send sent sent sending �������� to set set set setting ������� to shake shook shaken shaking ����� to shine shone shone shining ������� to shoot shot shot shooting ������� to show showed shown showing ���������� to sing sang sung singing ���� to sink sank sunk sinking ��������� to sit sat sat sitting ������ to sleep slept slept sleeping ����� to speak spoke spoken speaking �������� to spend spent spent spending ��������� to spring sprang sprung springing ������� to strike struck struck striking ���� to swear swore sworn swearing ������ to sweep swept swept sweeping ������� to swim swam swum swimming ������� to take took taken taking ����� to tell told told telling ���������� to think thought thought thinking ������ to throw threw thrown throwing ������� to wake woke waked/wokenwaking ���������� to wear wore worn wearing ������ to weep wept wept weeping ������� to win won won winning ���������� to wind wound wound winding ���������� to write wrote written writing ������