Фрагмент урока английского языка по изучению нового лексического материала, 10 класс

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Краткое описание: Фрагмент урока по изучению новой лексики по теме "Характер человека" в рамках модуля 1 "Крепкие узы" УМК "Английский в фокусе" авторов О.В. Афанасьева, Дж. Дули. Данная работа представляет собой поэтапное овладение новым лексическим материалом и его закрепление. Задания пост�...

10 класс. УМК «Английский в фокусе» Авторы: Афанасьева О.В., Дули Дж.

Модуль 1. «Крепкие узы»

Задача: познакомить с лексикой, описывающей черты характера человека в рамках изучения модуля «Крепкие узы»

Фрагмент урока:

  1. Read and guess the meanings of these adjectives: (5-7 мин)

  1. Loyal –firm in their support for the person

  2. Selfish – caring only about themselves

  3. Aggressive – angry and violent

  4. Patient - calm, not easily annoyed

  5. Caring –helpful and sympathetic

  6. Jealous – angry or bitter about sth

  7. Creative – able to invent and develop original ideas

  8. Trusting – honest and sincere

  9. Dishonest – not truthful, cannot be trusted

  10. Moody – angry or depressed without any warning

  1. Check yourself. Use the dictionary. (3-5 мин)

  2. Which of the following adjectives have a positive and which have a negative connotation? Write them in 2 columns. Explain your opinion. (5мин)

  3. Which do you look for in a friend? Which do you try to avoid? (5-7 мин)

  4. Fill in: loyal, patient, moody, dishonest, jealous (3-5 мин)

  1. John cannot be trusted. He is very ______________.

  2. He goes to all of his teams’ matches. He is a ______________ fan.

  3. Sarah is a good teacher. She is __________________ and kind.

  4. She never says anything nice to her. I think she is _______________of her.

  5. One minute she is happy and the next she is sad. She is quite _________.

  1. Make the funny sentences or stories using new adjectives. (5-7 мин)