Викторина для 5-8 классов,
проведена на недели английского языка
Цель: повторение и актуализация лексико-грамматических навыков учащихся, активизация лексического материала, развитие умений и навыков учащихся выражать свое мнение изучаемым языком. Создать условия для осмысления учащимися своего опыта и знаний, способствовать выявлению творческих способностей, развивать, укреплять коммуникативные навыки, способности к догадке, убедить в целесообразности использования критического мышления. Воспитывать интерес к изучению английского языка, патриотические чувства к Родине, любознательность.
Викторина состоит из 30 вопросов. В течении недели ученики должны написать свои ответы на отдельных листах и вложить в «коробочку» для ответов.
What is the name of the famous clock in London? (Big Ben)
What is the name of the square in Moscow where you can see the Kremlin? (Red Square)
What is the British Queen’s name? (Elisabeth II).
On what river does London stand? (The Thames).
What is a “double-decker”? (a bus)
Where is the Eiffel Tower situated? (in Paris).
Where is the Statue of Liberty? (in New York)
Who was the first cosmonaut in the world? (Y. Gagarin).
Is Britney Spears from the UK or from the USA? (USA).
When do the British celebrate Christmas? (on the 25th of December)
When do Russian people celebrate Christmas? (on the 7th of January)
On what holiday do people dress as witches or ghosts? (Halloween)
On what holiday do people give each other painted eggs? (at Easter)
What colours does the Russian flag have? (white, blue, red)
What is the name of the famous detective who lived in Baker Street?
Is the thistle a plant or an animal? (a plant)
Which is correct – on Monday or in Monday? (on Monday)
Do the English like drinking tea with milk or with lemon? (with milk)
What do the English say when the clock shows 5.30 - it’s half past 5 or it’s half past 6? (it’s half past 5)
What is the name of the famous American cartoon maker? (W. Disney)
Which is correct– the money «is» on the table or the money «are» on the table?(is)
What is the symbol of Halloween? (a pumpkin)
Did people drive cars one hundred years ago?
Did people ride bikes one hundred years ago?
Did people watch TV one hundred years ago?
Did people write with ball-point pens one hundred years ago?
Did people travel by train one hundred years ago?
Did people eat hamburgers one hundred years ago?
Did people wear jeans one hundred years ago?
Did people make telephone calls one hundred years ago?
По истечении недели были проверены ответы и награждены победители.