The time to act it now
Some popular sports weigh-lifting bow
Archery race puck
Artistic gymnastic marathon racket
Boxing discus throwing crew
Car (motorcycle) racing windsurfing national team
Diving chess official, referee, judge
Gymnastics draughts opponent, rival
Figure-skating gym championship
Mounteneering court competition
Skating ring cup
Skiing track match
Ski-jump arrow to win, to beat
Swimming bat to lose
Loser Score Runner-up
To win
The Olympic Games
The first Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896. There were nine sports: cycling, tennis, gymnastics, swimming, athletics, weightlifting, rowing, wrestling and shooting. Sailing was also to have taken place, but had to be cancelled because of bad weather at sea.
At the first Olympic games there were no real team sports. Then, slowly, a few team sports joined the programme. Football and hockey were the first team sports introduced into the Olympics in London in 1908. Then in 1936, at the Berlin Olympics, the Germans brought in handball and the Americans had basketball accepted as an Olympic sport.
It often happens that if the country introduces a new sport into the Olympics then goes to win the gold medal. In 1904 the Americans were the first to introduce boxing and won all seven events. Five horse-riding events were introduced into the 1912 Stockholm Olympics, and Swedish riders won four of them. And in 196, at the Tokyo Olympic, two won all three gold medals in the Judo , and also won the first women’s volleyball competition.
Some new sports were recently added to the Olympics. In Los Angeles, in 1984, baseball was introduced and windsurfing became an Olympic sport.
Ex.1 Say When and where were introduced the first modern Olympics.
Horse riding
Judo and volleyball
Baseball and windsurfing
Handball and basketball
Ex. 2 Распределите виды спорта по смыслу
Volleyball judo table tennis
Sailing cycling football
Golf handball tennis
Swimming boxing basketball
Ex.3 Найдите лишнее слово 1 a) basketball b) football c) tennis d) baseball
2 a) judo b) volleyball c) boxing d) wrestling
3 a) table tennis b) cycling c) swimming d) skiing
4 a) tennis b) volleyball c) table tennis d) basketball
5 a) baseball b) golf c) tennis d) football
6 a) swimming b) sailing c) windsurfing d) rowing
Ex.4 О каких видах спорта говорят эти люди?
Hand-gliding snooker/pool/billiards riding darts
Windsurfing motor-racing bowls
The ball has a natural curve(изгиб) on it doesn’t go in a straight line on the grass.
Provided it’s not too windy at the top, there is no problem.
It isn’t incredibly noisy, fast and dangerous, but it’s really exciting to watch.
You can get sore at first and can hardly sit down, but you get used to it after while.
It’s all a matter of balance really.
You need a good eye and a lot of concentration.
Ex 5 Распределите по колонкам слова, относящиеся к виду спорта, инструменту и месту проведения игры.
Badminton golf rifle(винтовка) skiing
Billiards ice-hockey ring skis (лыжи)
Boxing oar (весло) rink(каток) stick
Court pitch (склон, вершина) river table
Course racket shooting(стрельба) table tennis
Ex.6 Составьте как можно больше комбинаций
Basketball ring
Boxing racket
Cricket boots
Football gloves перчатки
Golf course площадка для гольфа
İce-hockey rink
Running court теннисный корт
Skating club
Squash pitch
Swimming bat бита
Tennis rink
Volleyball track (трасса, лыжня)
Pool бассейн
costume плавательный костюм
Ex.7 Что ты держишь в руке
Golf baseball
Squash hockey
Tennis snooker (снукер, вид бильярдной игры)
Badminton pool
Darts billiards
Archery canoeing (гребля на байдарках)
Cricket rowing (гребля)
Table tennis fishing
Ex. 8 Вставьте нужный предлог и догадайтесь, о какой игре идет речь
at between by into of on to with
___is played ____ two teams ___ a court ___ a three-metre –high basket(корзина, весящая на высоте 3х метров) ___ each end. There are five players ___ each team and up to seven substitutes(запасной). The aim(цель) __ the game is to score (забить)points ___throwing(кидать) the ball ___each other until one of them scores.
Ex. 9 Выберете подходящее слово
1. He’s over 90 but he is very ... for his age.
a. tense (натянутый) b. nervous c. active d. uneasy (неловкий)
2. They run every day to keep ... .
a. fat b. fit (здоровый) c. faint (слабый) d. upset(грустный)
3. I am sure his illness was caused by ... .
a. overwork b. stamina(выдержка) c. fitness
4. His ... was so bad that he never used a lift. d. health (здоровье)
a. agoraphobia (боязнь открытого пространства) b. claustraphobia
c. insomnia d. antidote (противоядие)
5. After his heart ... he was told to relax more.
a. attack (приступ) b. turn (кружение) c. ache(боль) d. diet
6. She is ... from a nervous breakdown.
a. healing(исцеление) b. fainting (обморок) c. suffering (страдать) d. itching (зудить)
Ex. 10 Переведем
1. Он всегда принимает участие во всех соревнованиях.
2. Он лучший игрок в команде.
3. Она очень талантливая и сильная спортсменка. Всегда занимается по несколько часов в день.
4. Я горжусь своей командой.
5. мой любимый вид спорта – бейсбол и футбол.
6. Очень важно держать себя в форме. Не надо сидеть на диете, нужно просто ходить и постоянно двигаться.
I wish you luck and happiness