Поурочный план по английскому языку на тему My penfriend 5 класс. Т.Аяпова .АлматыАтамура 2015

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5 Form                                                  Lesson 12                                         Date:

Teacher: Grushko T. A.

Unite: 2 Step 5


The aim:





Type of the lesson:

Kind of the lesson:




1.Org. moment:





Phonetics :



3.Checking up h/w:


4.The main part:

Reading :









 Speaking :

Writing : Grammar:







 My friends.

My penfriend.

Formation of knowledge of pupils on "A penfriend".

1)Educational: Learn the students how to write an e-mail .Formation receptive grammatical skills, enhance the study of lexical and grammatical material. Semantization new thematic vocabulary, spelling skills and the formation of phonemic hearing.

2)Developing: Development of speech of pupils by obogoscheniya vocabulary through vocabulary and enhance the study of semantization a new way of using language guess. The development of a culture of dialogue and monologue speech, of interest to study the language

3) Teaching: expand the horizons of students and erudition

lesson application and improvement of knowledge and skills.


book, workbook, board, pictures, grammar table.

A penfriend,a music, a website , a poster, Biology, French, a pet, a hamster, a group.

Present Simple . have got /has got – positives, negatives , questions .

The procedure of the lesson:

T: Stand up please! Good afternoon, children! Sit down please! Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today ? What date is it today? Iam glad to see you.

Today in class we'll learn how to write an e-mail, how to use to have got /has got – positives, negatives , questions .

T:Open your books on page 67 ex.1 Match the adjectives with their opposites.

1.slim [ slɪm ] тонкий, изящный, небольшой

2.fair [ feə(r) ] справедливый, светлый, красивый

3.lazy [ ˈleɪzi ] ленивый

4.tall [ tɔːl ] высокий

5.shy[ ʃaɪ ] застенчивый, осторожный, скромный

6.plump [ plʌmp ] пухлый, полный, округлый

7.big [ bɪɡ ] большой, важный

8.sociable [ ˈsəʊ.ʃə.bl̩ ] общительный, контактный, дружеский

9.small[ smɔːl ] небольшой, низкий, короткий

10.short [ ʃɔːt ] короткий, краткосрочный, маленький

11.hardworking [ ˌhɑːdˈwɜː.kɪŋ ] трудолюбивый

12.dark[ dɑːk ] темный, темновой, тайный

Are you ready?Fine! Read please!

Right!Now repeat please after me !

Complete the text . Ex. 2 p. 67. Complete the gaps in the short text using suitable words.The first letter and the content help you to guess .

Now check it as a class.

T:Repeat please after me Phonetics : oo . Look at the cook.He makes food. He has a spoon and a cook book. Balloon, spoon ,moon, book ,cook, goodbye .

T: Who want to read ? Read please .

T:Very good !

T: What was your home task for today ? H.t. Ex. 10,11 p. 67. Say me ! What you can do and what you cannot do ?

Please tell me the words.Flute,guitar,dombyra, violin, cello, can ,to play. Super !

T: Open your books on page 68 . Ex. 4. Read the text.Read the e-mail.Translate!

Answer the questions in Ex. 3 p.68 Who is it from ? Who is it to ?

Remember! To practice your English you can write to a penfriend in another country . You can find penfriend websites on the Internet.

Now open your vocabularies and write down the new words.

penfriend [ ˈpen.frend ] друг по переписке music [ ˈmjuːzɪk ] музыка

website [ ˈwebsaɪt ] вебсайт poster [ ˈpəʊ.stər ] плакат, объявление
biology [ baɪˈɒlədʒi ] биология french [ frentʃ ] французский

pet [ pet ] домашний hamster [ ˈhæm.stər ] хомяк

group [ ɡruːp ] группа

Now repeat please after me ! Read please!

Now answer the questions Ex.5 p.68 .Match Peter s information with the questions.

Key :7,10,3,6,5,9,1,2,4,8.

Now ask and answer the questions about you .Make a dialogue. Ex.6 p.69

Who want to tell us the dialogue? Tell please!

Open your books on page 219 .Read the rule . Present Simple . have got /has got – positives, negatives , questions.


Look please on the grammar table! Write pleasethe rule!

Now take the cards and do the task.

[pic] [pic]

Now complete the sentences. Use have got or has got. Ex.8 p.69.

Ex.11 p.70. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition from the box.

Key :in, at, after at, on, on, up, for, with, from.

Remember ! Prefix un –has opposite meaning . happy- unhappy

Write the opposites of the adjectives and translate them.

Open your diaries and write down your homework Ex.5, p.68 b.Write.Learn new words .

Your work today was brilliant! Tell me please, what new words you have known at the lesson. Good! Can you write new words? Evaluate your work in the classroom.

The marks for the lesson are …

The lesson is over! Good-bye!