Всероссийский конкурс исследовательских работ учащихся
Направление: лингвистика (английский язык)
Тема: «История создания Храма Рождества Христова в посёлке Анна Воронежской области»
Капырина Александра
МКОУ «Аннинская СОШ с углублённым изучением отдельных предметов», Воронежская область
9 класс
Научный руководитель:
Кузнецова М.В., учитель английского языка
г. Обнинск, 2013/2014 учебный год
1. Introduction p 2
2. The building of the Church in Anna p 3
3. Consecration of the Church p 4
4. Closing of the Temple p 5
5. The Temple of Nativity in the years of the Second World War p 6-7
6. The Temple in Khrushchev's period of leading p 8-9
7. Revival of the Church life p 10-12
8. Conclusion p 13
9. Bibliography p 14
10. Appendix p 15
1. Introduction
The history of the Russian Orthodox Church is studied quite well. But the history of individual churches and parishes is studied much less. Therefore, studying of the past of the church in my native place seems to me quite interesting and necessary. The history of the church in Anna is the history of the whole small Motherland.
The purpose of the research: to research the history of the Church of Nativity since the first historical events till nowadays.
The topicality of the research: The theme of my research is interesting and actual for me because I live in a period of rebirth of orthodox values not only in Russia but in my native village Anna. I’m sure it’s is impossible to bring up a real patriot of Russia without knowledge of historical facts in our native places. Many contemporaries are worried by revival of modern values. Without doubt the problem of keeping traditional Russian shrines, bringing up of modern generation in the best Russian traditions is the main goal for Russian nationhood. As for me, I am keen on learning English language. I’m trying to improve it as much as possible. I’d like to introduce my research in English.
The main tasks are: 1) to use and learn the documentary literary sources;
2) to collect and classify the material on the topic;
3) to learn archival documents of the Church of Nativity
4) to meet and interview orthodox priests of the Church of Nativity;
The object of the research: historical documents connected with the history of foundation of the Church in Anna.
Hypothesis: Let’s assume that historical events and government policy influenced both the birth and closing of the church and also its revival.
2. The building of the Church in Anna
The prince Baryatenskiy instructed to build an Orthodox Church on the territory of Anna. The famous architect of Voronezh Stanislav Myslovskiy created the plan of building of the Church in the village Anna Bobrov uezd. The project of building was approved by the Prince Vladimir Baryatinskiy in March 1892. On the 14 August 1982 the bishop of Voronezh and Zadonsk Anastasiy blessed the building of the construction. At once people began to prepare building materials in the estate. In June 1894 the first Temple was laid. It was made in honor of Baryatinskiy’s silver wedding jubilee. It was decided to build the new temple to the north of the old temple. Worship took place in the old building. The foundation stone was blessed by the archpriest Vasiliy Vyshnevskiy. In five years the temple was ready for blessing. Contemporaries were impressed by such unusual beautiful construction for the countryside. People were admired by architecture and the size of the temple. Baryatinskiy’s financial opportunities gave a chance for the architect not to limit his creative skills. The architect was very talented, well- educated and had great experience. On 10 May 1899 the temple was passed the comission headed by the engineer A. Kuprinskiy and the local priest Dmitriy Nikonov. The church has been built in Byzantine style. It is built in the shape of a cross and crowned by 13 domes. On the west side there is a four-tiered bell tower, the height of which, together with a cross is 43 meters, the length of the temple with a bell tower is 43 meters, the width is 28. The temple has three pristols: The Chief is in the honor of the Nativity of Christ and two, northern and southern, in honor of St. Vladimir and the holy matyr Nadezhda. Iconostasises were done in St. Petersburg in the workshop of the trading house of Slonov and Vitaliev. Iconostasises hasn’t been kept. They were destroyed in the 30s of the 20th century. In the Temple heating was arranged. It was a rarity in those days, even in large cities. In the basement of the temple ovens were stacked, from which the warm air took place in winter and cool in summer. They created heating and ventilation. The Total construction costs 150 thousand rubles. Solonov’s and Vitaliev’s House set for the Temple different accessories worth over 24 thousand rubles. Our ancestors describe their memories about delivering of the big bell to the temple. Its weight was nearly five tons. Special roads were built for such occasion. Peasants were driving the bell from the station to the temple on their shoulders. [link] Сборник стихов «Мой край родной», А.А.Тимашов – Воронеж, 2010