Topic of the lesson: Sopping. Clothes
The theme of the lesson: Department store
Integrated lesson
Aims of the lesson:
Learning skills:
- to fortify lexical units of the topic “Shopping. Clothes”;
- to teach pupils build phrases and expressions with learnt grammar and vocabulary;
- to train pupils to use learnt lexical and grammar units in communicative situations and writing exercises;
Developing skills:
- to develop listening skills;
- to develop communicative and dialogue skills with the usage of certain phrases;
- to develop group work;
- develop attention, thinking, and propositional logic.
Educative skills:
- to rise the interest in learning English as a source of getting useful information;
- to teach children be polite and tolerant;
- to bring up pupils’ desire in learning English as a source of communication, knowledge, and self-actualization in modern world.
Equipment: laptop, projector, interactive board, flashcard, books, exercise boks, vocabularies, handouts.
Plan of the lesson
Beginning of the lesson.
Organizational moment. Greeting and aim:
The teacher greets the children, asks who is on duty today, asks about the day, date, topic and aims of the lesson (everything can be seen on the interactive blackboard).
The teacher: Good morning, children!
Pupils: Good morning, our teacher!
The teacher: Sit down please. Who is on duty today?
Pupil: I am on duty today. The weather is fine. The sun is not shining, but it’s not snowing. There are no leaves on the trees, there are clouds in the sky, the birds do not sing their songs, and the grass does not grow. The temperature is 1 degree above zero. Gleb and Pasha are absent.
The teacher: Thank you very much. What is the topic of the lesson?
Pupil: The topic of the lesson is “Shopping. Clothes.”
The teacher: What is the theme of the lesson?
Pupil: It’s “Visiting a Mall”
The teacher: Right. What are the aims of our lesson?
Pupil: The aims are:
- to revise lexical units of the topic “Shopping. Clothes”;
- to be able to make up dialogues with given phrases and expressions using the example;
- to develop listening and writing skills;
- to develop listening skills;
- to develop communicative and dialogue skills;
2) Warming up.
The teacher: thank you. Today we are going to visit a Mall and make some purchases, but before I want you to revise all the necessary words to be able to buy anything you want and feel comfortable with your buying. Look at the blackboard, here you can see the crossword with the key word, you task is to give me as many words as you know, but your words should contain letters from the key word.
The key word is “SHOPPING”, so all your words should contain letters from this key word.
Example: The first letter is “S” so words may be “skirt, shorts, sleeve, shirt, school uniform, socks, scarf, silk, sandals, sweater
The next letter is “H” and there are only 2 words “hat and heels”, but pupils can name the words that contain letter “H” – leatHer, T-sHirt, sHoes, tigHts, ligHt, cHecked
The next goes “O” – anOrak, glOves, shOes, shOrts, flOwery, blOuse, schOOl unifOrm, bOOts, sOcks, trOusers, pOcket, buttOn, wOOlen, cOttOn, pOlka-dOtted.
The letter “P” – Polka-dotted, Pocket, jumPer, striPed, Plain, ziPPer
“I” – skIrt, shIrt, traIners, unIform. plaIn, tIghts, tIe, zIpper, earrIng, rIng, sIlk, suIt, mIttens, lIght, strIped.
“N” – loNg, jeaNs, traiNers, aNorak, saNdals, Necklace
The last letter is “G” – Gloves, tiGhts, rinG
The teacher: Very nice. You did a great job.
Main part of the lesson
Checking on a home-task
The teacher: … tell me please, what is the home-task for today?
Pupil: We had to revise past tenses and translate the sentences into English.
The teacher: Yes, I will collect 2-3 exercises-books and the others will read their sentences, but before we will repeat the formation of Past Simple.
Pupil: We form Past Simple with the help of –ed that we add to the verb or with the 2nd form of the irregular verb.
The teacher: Nice, we are ready to check the home-task
Children read the sentences that they translated into English at home:
Yesterday I and my mother went to the market, because I wanted to buy new trainers.
People started to decorate their clothes many years ago with pockets, buttons, sleeves and zippers.
Last week I tore my school uniform and lost my badge.
In summer I wore red polka-dotted dress, and in autumn I used to wear jeans and anorak.
My mother asked me to wash the shoes, but I forgot.
Last winter I had woolen mittens, brown boots and a fur coat, I grew up and can’t wear them any more.
The teacher: Very nice. Take your exercise-books
While-listening activites. We are going to have listening now. I will divide you into 3 groups and you will work together. You have to listen to the dialogue very attentively, after listeng the dialogue you will have to make up your own dialogues and then act them out.
(On the board is shown the dialogue, during the dialogue children may take notes)
Dialogue 1. Pretty woman goes shopping. The first experience
Shop-assistant: May I help you?
Vivian: I’m just checking things out
Shop-assistant: Are you looking for something particular?
Vivian: No… well… yeah… something conservative.
Shop-assistant: Yes
Vivian: You’ve got nice stuff…
Shop-assistant: Thank you
Vivian: How much is this?
Shop-assistant: I don’t think it will fit you.
Vivian: Well, I didn’t ask if it would fit. I asked how much it was.
Shop-assistant: How much is this Marie?
Shop-assistant 2: It is very expensive
Shop-assistant: It is very expensive
Vivian: Look! I’ve got money to spend in here.
Shop-assistant: I don’t think we have anything for you.
Shop-assistant 2: You’ve obviously in the wrong place. Please, leave
Post-listening. Answering the questions:
What is the title of this episode? (The first experience)
Where does this young lady come? (Women’s store)
What does she want to buy? (conservative dress)
Did she buy all she wanted? (no, the shop-assistants didn’t want to help her)
Dialogue 2. Good shop
Bridget: Hello. You must be Vivian. My name’s Bridget.
Vivian: Hi, Barney said you’d be nice to me
Bridget: He’s very sweet. What are your plans while you are in town?
Vivian: We’re gonna have dinner.
Bridget: Oh, don’t sit here, dear! You’re gonna go out? Dinner? Well, you’ll need a cocktail dress then. Come with me! Now, I’m sure we’re gonna find something here that your uncle will love. You’re a size 6, right?
Vivian: Yeah, how’d you know that?
Bridget: Oh, that’s my job.
Vivian: Bridge, he’s not really my uncle
Bridget: They are never, dear.
Post-listening. Answering the questions:
What is the young lady’s name? (Vivian)
Where is she going in the evening? (dinner)
What is she advised to have? (cocktail dress)
What size is she? (six)
Dialogue 3. A perfect shop
Vivian: People are looking at me
Edward: They’re not looking at me, they’re looking at me.
Vivian: The stores are not nice to people. I don’t like it.
Edward: Stores are never nice to people, they are nice to credit cards. Okay, stop fidgeting. Get rid of your gum. I don’t believe you did that.
Shop-assistant: Yes, I am Mr. Hollister, the manager. May I help you?
Edward: Edward Lewis, oh, yes, sir. You see this young lady over here?
Shop-assistant: Yes, anything you see here, we can do, by the way. Get ready to have fun, ok? Mary Pat, Mary Kate, Mary Francis, Tovah, let’s see it! Come on. Bring it out, girls.
Vivian: Oh, this is absolutely divine
Shop-assistant: Excuse me sir, Exactly, how obscene an amount of money were you talking about? Just profane or really offensive?
Edward: Really offensive
Shop-assistant: I like him so much…
Post-listening activities. Answer the questions:
What is the title of the this dialogue? (Perfect shop)
Why didn’t Vivian want to go shopping? (She thought stores don’t like people)
Did she like shopping at the end? (very much)
Do you like shopping? We’ll see now.
The teacher: Now, in groups you have to make your own dialogues, if you made notes while listening you may use them, also exercises 16 and 18 on pages 72, 74 will help you. In 7 minutes children make up their own dialogues during, present them to the teacher and the class.
Examples of the dialogues
a)Jane: Excuse me.
Shop-assistant: Yes,can I help you?
Jane: I'd like a pair of mittens, please.
Shop-assistant: What colour would you like?
Jane: Light blue.
Shop-assistant: Here's a nice pair.
Jane: Are they warm enough? Can I try them on?
Shop-assistant: Certainly you can.
Jane: Oh, they look very nice. I'll take them. How much are they?
b) Ann: Excuse me.
Shop-assistant: Yes, can I help you?
Ann: I'd like to buy a dress.
Shop-assistant: What kind of dress?
Ann: I'd like a lovely dress for a party.
Shop-assistant: Here's a beautiful long dress for a party.
Ann: Oh, no. Long dresses don't suit me well.
Shop-assistant: All right. Then try that pink silk dress on. I'm sure you'll like it.
Ann: Very nice, and colour suits me well. How much is it?
Acting out dialogues
Scanning the text. Pupils look throw the text to find necessary information and be ready to do the task. They have to feel in the gaps with the words given.
While-reading. Children read the text and fill in the gaps
Cotton, mittens, season, silk, T-shirts, warm, woolen
There are four seasons in the year. Each of them brings different weather and different dresses. When it is hot people wear … (1) and shoes, light …(2) blouses and skirts, sport shoes, socks and sandals. In the summer people dress like this in Africa, Ukraine, Britain and America.
In cold weather people usually put on… (3) clothes: jeans, and trousers, … (4) sweaters and jackets, coats and caps. In winter they wear fur coats and fur caps, high boots and … (5) or gloves.
The proverb says: “Everything is good in its … (6).” When you think what to wear choose the right dress. Think what is good at the spots ground and what is good at a party and why a long … (7) dress looks beautiful on a woman but is funny on a little girl.
c) Post-reading activities. Pupils say what words and where they have put down.
1. T-shirts
2. Cotton
3. Warm
4. Woolen
5. Mittens
6. Season
7. Silk
4) Writing.
The teacher: Open your exercise-books and write down the day and date, classwork. In your exercise books write down what clothes you wear in winter, summer, autumn and spring.
Start like this: In summer I wear …
In autumn (spring, summer) I wear …
Example: In summer I wear polka-dotted dresses or T-shirts and shorts. It is good to wear sandals also.
The teacher: Thank you.
Summary of the lesson
Home task. At home you have to make projects on the topic “Different clothes in different weather”. You may do it the way you like it – to draw, to print, to write or use PowerPoint. It must be colourful, interesting and without mistakes, let it have 10 sentences.
H/t – projects
The teacher: Tell me please, what did we learnt to do this lesson?
Pupils: We repeated learnt vocabulary and used it in dialogues and written answers. We developed listening and communicative skills. It was very interesting lesson. Thank you very much.
Thank you for the lesson and your marks are: