Проект урока английского языка в 10 классе
по теме «Идеальная школа»
Образовательная: совершенствование лексических навыков говорения, восприятия и понимания речи на слух; развитие умений выражать свое мнение на основе прочитанной информации, видеосюжета;
Развивающая: развитие способности к выделению главного и второстепенного, развитие межкультурной компетенции учащихся; развитие у учащихся объема слуховой и оперативной памяти, воображения, способности к сравнению и обобщению;
Воспитательная: воспитание культуры взаимоотношений с носителями языка и со сверстниками, привитие навыков работе в команде.
Оснащение урока: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, раздаточный и наглядный материал
Введение учащихся в атмосферу иноязычного общения Целеполагание
Этапы урока
Приветствие и вступительное слово учителя.
Good morning dear students and dear guests!
Today we’re having an unusual lesson-first we have many guests here today and secondly there are our American friends here. These are Victor and Brian. They are going to help us to discuss the ideal school. V., could you briefly explain what the main aims are of this project? (Hello everybody! We come from the USA, state Utah. We’re dealing with the project «An ideal school-how it looks like». We accepted your teacher’s invitation and today we’ll help you with fresh ideas)
That’s why we’ll be discussing the ideal school. Today we’re going to speak about
School building and equipment
Lesson organization and teachers
School sponsored activities
Evaluation systems
Let us imagine travelling through different countries. On our journey we’ll collect the best ideas from all over the world. On the papers I’m giving you note down what you see and hear, so you’ll be able to present your own ideal school at the end of the lesson.
Let’s get started!
Hands out 1
Совершенствование активных лексических навыков по теме
Совершенствование восприятия и понимания речи на слух
The first point is school building and equipment. Which country, do you think, has the best school facilities? (Sweden, Italy, Finland) My beloved Germany, of course! Watch the slideshow and choose 5 things that you’d like to have in your ideal school.
Предтекстовый этап
Let us now discuss lesson organization and teachers. For this point let us travel to Finland which is supposed to have one of the best educational systems in the world. Here is a letter from one of the educational Finnish forums about their lesson organization and teachers, but you know, some of the statements seem unbelievable to me.
Текстовый этап
Read and try to figure out which facts may be false. Here is a video on this topic, watch it and tell me what wrong was in the letter.
Послетекстовый этап
So what facts turned out to be false?
What makes the school life interesting and full of positive emotions? Sure, an active out-of-class life. Let’s ask our American guys about it.
Relaxation break. Doing yoga and meditation have become so popular nowadays and I can show you how it functions. (Put your hands together and close your eyes. Imagine that you’re near a waterfall and the water carries away your worries, sorrows and negative energy. Think about your summer, the seaside, imagine a gentle breath blowing past your face and pleasant warmth between your toes. Breathe in the fresh sea air and listen to the seagulls. Imagine you’re a dolphin gently gliding through the water. Smile… Only positive things are waiting for you. Open your eyes, we will now continue our work) =)
Hands out 2
Link to the video - [link]
A: Excellent (85-100%, 优秀)
A :90-100%
B: Good (75-84%, 良好)
B :78-81%
C: Satisfactory (64-74%, 中等)
C :68-71%
D: Pass (60-63%, 及格 )
F: Failure (0-59%, 不及格)