Урок №4 Проект «Реклама»
Topic: Project «Advertising»
Students’ book: Michael Harris, David Mower, Anna Sikorzynska, New Opportunities Intermediate (Russian Edition).
to practice the use of advertising expressions;
to practice individual and group forms of work;
to practice listening, speaking and debate skills;
to present one’s knowledge of the topic to the classmates;
to show the skills of presentation.
Resources used:
adverts of different kinds from radio, TV, billboards, newspapers and magazines;
individual tools (computer, camera, and paper).
presentation of an individual or a group project (listening, speaking, debate and presentation skills):
demonstration of personal knowledge in the field of «Advertising».
Preparation for the lesson:
to install multimedia;
to set up the equipment.
Sources of information:
Stage 1 (Introduction)
Good morning, dear friends! Today we are going to revise the material we’ve studied about Advertising and carry out a group or individual project (presentation of the 1st slide).
Picture1. Slide 1. The extract of the teacher’s presentation «Topic of the lesson»
At the previous lessons we:
Picture 2.Slide 2. The extract of the teacher’s presentation « Types of Adverts»
And today I want you to design and produce any advertising product you want, and in 4 hours be ready to present the result of your work.
Stage 2 (Preparation for the project)
Preparation (50 minutes)
Look at the slides of the presentation and choose the way of advertising you want. Write notes for your adverts;
Picture 3.Slide 3. The extract of the teacher’s presentation «Ad sites»
Picture 4.Slide 5. The extract of the teacher’s presentation «Classified Ads»
Picture 5.Slide 7. The extract of the teacher’s presentation «Other Ad product»
[pic] [pic]
Picture 6 .Slide 4. The extract of the teacher’s presentation «TV Ads»
Writing (45 minutes)
Use your notes to make an advertising product;
Checking (15 minutes)
Check the spelling of the words. Use a dictionary. Display your posters, clips or sites;
Design (2 hours);
Presentation (5 – 10 minutes)
Display your posters, clips or sites. Make a speech and try to sell your good or service.
Новосибирская область. Учитель английского языка Курченкова Ж.В.