Урок английского языка
по теме «Пойман на месте преступления»
( Учебник «Starlight» 11 класс
Virginia Evans Jenny Dooley, Ksenia Baranova, Victoria Kopylova, Radislav Millrood )
Учитель английского языка высшей квалификационной категории
МАОУ СОШ № 25 Смирнова Нина Валентиновна
Обучающие учебные цели:
выявить степень готовности учащихся к контролю усвоения новых знаний,
овладения умениями, навыками и способами деятельности на основе
актуализации субъектного опыта каждого учащегося;
организовать деятельность учащихся:
по самостоятельному применению знаний, умений и способов
деятельности в разнообразных ситуациях с употреблением
грамматических структур I wish/ I only / I regret, phrasal verbs and linkers;
обеспечить формирование (продолжить и закрепить):
предметных, специальных умений и навыков;
общих учебных умений, навыков и способов деятельности
(познавательной, информационно-коммуникативной и рефлексивной).
развивать личностно-смысловое отношение к учебному предмету;
формировать познавательные интересы, интеллектуальные и творческие
способности в процессе приобретения знаний по предмету с использованием
различных источников информации и современных информационных
Воспитательные цели
Развивать навык сотрудничества в процессе совместного выполнения задач,
воспитания уважительного отношения к мнению оппонента при обсуждении
проблем современной действительности;
формировать готовности к морально-этической собственных поступков.
вовлечь школьников в активную речевую деятельность на уроке путем
использования современных средств обучения и различных организационных
форм работы;
обеспечить активную деятельность каждого ученика в течение всего урока,
максимально увеличить время говорения каждого школьника;
закрепить навыки и умения учащихся в рамках изученной темы
(произношение, активный запас фраз и речевых образцов, умения устного
активного и рецептивного речевого общения используя изучаемые
презентация Microsoft Power Point
Mistakes turn into lessons, failures into blessings.
Good morning! Nice to see you.
I Let’s start our lesson. At home you were to observe a new Module we’re going to discuss. So what can you comment on these pictures?
Picture 1 – a special radio that does not depend on electricity. It helps change lives in many underdeveloped countries. It is radio though entertainment is definitely not a priority: health messages are sent, lessons are held….
Picture 2 – Who do you see in the picture? What is his occupation? What country, do you think, he is from?
Picture 3 – a person talking about his job as a career adviser
Picture 4 - a practical workshop on cycling safely
Picture 5 – is connected with two of the biggest problems in the world: poverty and hunger
Spidegrams show different gadgets, their parts.
Newspaper headlines speak about different crimes.
A Caribbean festival – the origin of this festival lies deep in centuries and it meant freedom to people who once were taken from Africa to work in the Caribbean islands. Now it is not only a highly profitable event with dancing and musical competitions but an important celebration of cultural diversity and understanding in Europe.
So, tell me, please, what is Module 3 devoted to?
Look at the slide and tell which rights these pictures depict?
the right to non-discrimination
the right to life
the right to express their views
the right to information
the right to protection
the right to health and health care
the right to education and development
the right to leisure
the right to safety
the right to job
II Turn to page 70.
Look at the pictures. Compare and contrast these photographs.
Read the words in ex.1. Which of them can you see in the pictures?
I want you to predict what the text is about. Read the first sentences of each paragraph and guess.
P1 - I think the text is about someone who has been seen doing smth illegal or wrong.
P2 - I think it is about someone being arrested by the police for a crime they did not commit.
Exercise 3 (p. 70) Read the story. Choose the correct variant for each statement. Support your idea.
Now listen to the text so that we could discuss it.
The narrator of the text didn’t expect the day he described to be extraordinary but smth went wrong. Can you explain the situation?
Describe the narrator’s feelings at the interrogation room.
What questions evoked in his mind while listening to the detective?
Who identified me as a robber?
Could it be my friend?
Why did the narrator relax when the lawyer came?
What evidence was presented to the lawyer? What was her reaction?
Why was the detective worried?
Why wasn’t the lawyer impressed by those pictures? Were they really crucial evidence?
What were the arguments to release the narrator at once?
You see, they say that country has spent lots of money on CCTV surveillance [se’veilens]. By the way, what country is that? How do you know? Does it work? What is the trouble?
What do the words BIG BROTHER stand for? George Orwell “1984”, a leader of the state Ocenia and the party = Старший брат (Большой брат – менее точный перевод)
RELAXATION: observe the room. Somewhere the key to a secret room is hidden. Mind: you shouldn’t stand up just turn your heads.
III Let’s try to explain the words in bold.
What is the name for a place where a person or thing is? - whereabouts
Find the synonym for the words went away/ran off. – scuttled
If people look like each other they have similar parts/shape of the face i.e. features
A feeling of ill will or jealousy is … - grudge
The watching of someone or sth by the police, camera, etc - surveillance
A person who obeys the laws, never breaks the law is … law-abiding
A room where suspects are being questioned – an interrogation room
A formal accusation that a person has committed a crime – charge
A list of crimes committed throughout a person’s life- criminal record
A story or excuse to avoid blame - alibi
Information that proves or disproves sth - evidence
IV Exercise 7 (p. 71)
Imagine you are the narrator’s lawyer. Describe your client’s experience to the class.
My client was wrongly accused of a serious crime. He was in shock and treated very badly for something that he had nothing to do with. Unfortunately, he was left to suffer in an interrogation room for hours with no information as to why he was there. He was treated as though he were guilty, even though there was insufficient evidence to prove it. In the end, he was allowed to leave without charge. However, he was extremely traumatised by this experience.
// Exercise 8 (p. 71)
Write a letter of complaint to the local police authorities.
Dear Sirs,
I am writing to complain about the shocking treatment and allegations that were made against me.
On Tuesday of last week I was rudely taken from my home for questioning. I was left in an interrogation
room for hours before I was presented with any information. Fortunately, my lawyer arrived and
demanded to see the evidence. As expected, what the police claimed to be CCTV evidence against me would
be unacceptable in a court of law. There was no possible way anyone could look at those photos and identify me as the person in them. I was released without charge. At the very least, I deserve an apology in writing as I think it is appalling that innocent, law-abiding citizens can be dragged in for questioning and be treated like
criminals. I can be reached at the address given above and I await your reply.
Yours faithfully,
Joe Bond
V Let’s summarize what we have discussed today. What conclusions have you done?
Make up a dialogue between the narrator and his lawyer/
Write a letter to a friend, tell
-what happened
-your feelings
-who helped
-why it was possible
Ask 3 questions:
if it could happen in their country.