Итоговая контрольная работа по теме Learning more about London (5 класс)

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1 вариант.

Вставь speak, tell или say.

  1. He will ________ me about his visit to London.

  2. French students __________ English very well.

Вставь глагол в нужной форме.

  1. Last summer my family ________ (go) abroad.

  2. How many boys ________ (be) in your class?

  3. Yesterday Mark and his friends ________ (visit) the museum.

  4. We __________ (have) a picnic next weekend.

  5. Look! The dog _____________ (swim)!

  6. I __________ (work) very hard at school every day!

  7. She _________ (not/need) any help now.

  8. What _____ you _______ (do) at the moment?

Выбери слово, подходящее по смыслу к выделенному.

  1. To study – to stand, to learn, to read, to bring

  2. To start – to stop, to go, to run, to begin.

Напишите Participle I и Participle II следующих глаголов.

  1. Give

  2. Think

  3. Play

  4. Discuss

Напишите формы неправильных глаголов с переводом.

  1. Seek

  2. Shut

  3. Sleep

  4. Cost

2 вариант.

Вставь speak, tell или say.

  1. He _______ me that he didn’t like the Science lesson.

  2. Can I ________ to Mary, please?

Вставь глагол в нужной форме.

  1. Next summer my family ________ (go) abroad.

  2. How many boys ________ (be) in your class?

  3. Yesterday we ________ (play) football.

  4. She usually __________ (stay) with her friends during her visit to the city.

  5. Listen! Who _______________ (play) the piano?

  6. I usually ___________ (watch) TV with my family.

  7. I ________(not/want) any problems at school.

  8. What _______ she _______ (write) at the moment?

Выбери слово, подходящее по смыслу к выделенному.

  1. Bright – clever, silly, slow, happy

  2. To start – to stop, to go, to run, to begin.

Напишите Participle I и Participle II следующих глаголов.

  1. Speak

  2. Teach

  3. Play

  4. Discuss

Напишите формы неправильных глаголов с переводом.

  1. Bring

  2. Split

  3. Hurt

  4. Write