Урок английского языка в 6 классе по теме Food

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Урок английского языка в 6 классе

Тема урока: "Еда в нашей жизни"

Цели урока:

Образовательная: обобщение знаний, полученных по теме «Еда»; совершенствование коммуникативной компетенции; информирование о здоровом питании как об одном из аспектов здорового образа жизни.

Воспитательная: формирование гуманных отношений (терпимость, тактичность, вежливость, доброжелательность, честность), дисциплинированность, ответственность, формирование принципов здорового образа жизни;

Развивающая: развитие памяти, внимания, воображения, языковой догадки; развитие способностей работать в группе, достигать согласия, приходить к единому мнению.

Оснащение урока:

карточки с текстом "Good Food for Good Life" ("Полезная еда для хорошей жизни") и заданиями к нему
магнитная доска


Тип урока: комбинированный
Форма урока: смотр знаний
Учебник: М.З. Биболетова, Н.В. Добрынина, Н.Н. Трубанёва "Enjoy English" для 5-6 классов

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

-Good morning! (Good morning, Marina Evgenievna)
-Glad to see you! (We’re glad to see you too!)
-How are you? (I’m fine! Thank you! How are you?)
-I’m all right, thanks. Nastya, and what about you? (OK. Thank you! And you Yelena Alexandrovna?)
-So am I, thanks. Please sit down. What date is it today? What day is it today?

Let’s watch a video together!

How do you think, what is our lesson’s topic today?

-Today we have last lesson on the topic "My favourite Food". You are to perform your skills. We are going to answer the questions, to read the text, to listen to the dialogue. You’ll act out dialogues.

Фонетическая зарядка (T—Cl)
I like honey on my bread,
I like salad, I like eggs.
I drink water all day long.
All these things make me strong.

1. I want you to look at the blackboard and listen to the rhyme.
2. What is the poem about? (
обучающиеся переводят стих)
3. Mind the sounds [t, d, l, n]. How shall we pronounce them? (
кончик языка отталкивается от альвеол)
4. Repeat after me: [d] – day, [w, t] – water, [l, k] – like, all, [h] – honey, [n] – long, strong, [r] – drink, bread, [ ] – these, [ ] – things
5. How shall we pronounce voiced consonants at the end of the words? (
звонко, не оглушая)
6. Repeat after me: salad, food, eggs.
7. Will you repeat the rhyme after me?
8. Will you repeat the rhyme with me?
9. Will you read the poem on your own?
(обучающиеся читают хором, затем индивидуально)

III. Речевая разминка (TP1,P2,P3…)
Will you answer my questions?

1. Do you like to eat a bar of chocolate for breakfast?
2. What bread do you prefer black or white one?
3. Do you like to eat sweets?
4. Do you have a cup of tea or coffee for lunch?
5. What is your favourite food?
6. What is your favourite drink?
7. Do you like porridge with butter?
8. What fruits do you love?

IV. Контроль знания лексики

Let’s play the game "What is it?" There is a list of topical words and their meanings. You
are to match them.

(Дети наклеивают картинки)

(обучающиеся меняются своими работами, проверяют их по ключам и оценивают в соответствии с критериями, сдают учителю)

V. Контроль умения читать

1. Do you eat fast food?
2. Why fast food isn’t good?

Please take the cards with the text "Good Food for Good Life". Read the text. After the text, there are three tasks. Look through them. Have you any questions?

Good Food for Good Life
We need good food for good life. Good food has a lot of vitamins, proteins (
белки) and minerals. They are in vegetables, fruits, bread, milk, meat, fish and porridge. These things help to make your bones and teeth strong. They make your body strong and healthy.
It is important to eat enough – not too much and not too little. Too much food makes you fat. Too little food makes you weak.


I. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?

1. We need bad food for good life.
2. We need little vitamins.
3. It’s important to eat much.
4. Minerals make your bones and teeth strong.
5. Vitamins, proteins, minerals make you healthy.

II. Find English equivalent in the text to the sentences:

I v:
В полезной еде много витаминов, белков, минералов.
II v: Эти вещества помогают сделать крепкими ваши кости и зубы.

VI. Контроль умения аудировать

Let’s listen to the dialogue!

(Прослушивание диалога по теме «Еда» и перевод этого диалога) VII. Контроль умения говорить

Could you act out dialogues "In the Cafe" or "Before dinner"? Who will start?

Примерные образцы диалогов:

"In the Café”

-Very good. Please wait a bit.
-Good afternoon!
-I’d like chicken salad and fish with vegetables.

-Good afternoon!
-Chocolate or vanilla?

-OK. Drinks?
-Chocolate, please.

-No, thank you. Can I have some ice-cream?

"Before dinner"

-Can I have…, please?
-Good afternoon! What would you like for dinner?
-All right. Would you like some fresh orange juice?

-Good afternoon, Mum! I’m hungry.
-Yes, please. I like it.

IX. Информация о домашнем задании

I want you to write recipes of different dishes and design them in interesting way. You may have a look at examples
учитель демонстрирует образцы рецептов).

X. Обратная связь

Let’s make a синквейн together!

1. Was it interesting at the lesson?
2. Did you learn something new?
3. What tasks were difficult or easy for you?
4. What do or don’t you like at the lesson?

XI. Итог урока

The lesson is over. You were active and work very well. I announce your marks after checking your papers. See you soon.