Театральная постановка для учащихся 5-6 классов
Учитель английского языка Остапенок Татьяна Викторовна
THUMBELINA (Дюймовочка)
Действие 1:
Звучит музыка
Выходит сказочник:
Hello, my dear friends! I am a famous Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen.
I wrote a lot of fairy tales – funny and sad, uneasy and instructive, and sometimes tragical. They make children (and adults, of course) think and feel! We are pleased to present your attention the tale «Thumbelina». And our actors hope you will like it!
Звучит музыка.
Входит женщина.
Сказочник: Once upon a time there lived a lonely woman. She lived absolutely alone – without a husband and children. The poor woman dreamed about a child very much! And nobody could help her. But once...
Выходит колдунья:
You are very kind and hardworking woman. I know your problem and I want to help you.
Женщина: Oh, thank you!
Колдунья(witch): Take this seed, plant it in the flowerpot and you will see!
Женщина: Oh, thank you! Thank you very much!
Действие 2:
Декорация комнаты
The kind woman planted the seed and a beautiul flower grew like a tulip!
Look! What a wonderful flower! Isn’t it?
Выходит Дюймовочка.
Женщина: Oh, hello! Who are you, baby?
Звучит песня «Hello»
Женщина: Hello, my dear! I’ll be your mother. And you’ll be my tiny girl! I’ll call you .....Thumbelina!
Дюймовочка: Thumbelina! I’m Thumbelina! Oh, my dear mother, I’m very tired. I want to have a rest in my flowerbed. Good night!
Женщина: Good night, my baby!
Действие 3:
Good night, everybody! Do you know who i am? Сердито: Who said a big and ugly toad? Just look at me! I’m a nice, lovely, YOUNG frog!... (видит девочку). What’s this? What a pretty girl! She would be a perfect bride for my lovely son! Жаба цветам в горшках (которые зашумели):
Keep silence! Don’t cry or you will wake her up! Hush!
Тащит кроватку за собой в болото.
Появляется Жаба-сын: I have eaten and now I can sleep.Mom, what have you brought? Have you caught many tasty flies for your lovely son? Co-ax, co-ax, brek-ek-eke-kex.
STOP eating all the time! It’s time to marrige! (С умилением) Just look! What a graceful little girl!
Жаба-сын: Co-ax, co-ax, bre-ke-kex. Mom, Will she catch me tasty flies and bugs?
Жаба: No, son
Жаба-сын: (громко) Then I’m not ready for marriage.
Жаба: Don’t speak so loud or you will wake her up. She might get away from us so she is as light as a puff of swan’s!
Жаба-сын: She is so small and light that we can save a lot of food!
Жаба: My clever boy!
Жаба-сын: Mom, I don’t want to marry, I’d prefer to eat and then to sleep(зевает)
Жаба: Stop talking! Mama knows better what you need!
Жаба-сын: ОК, Mummy
Просыпается Дюймовочка
Жаба: Meet my son. He is to be your husband and you will share a deligtful home in the mud!
Дюймовочка плачет « Oh, no! I don’t want to live in the slimy toad’s house and I don’t want to have the toad’s horrible son for my husband!
Oh, please, someone help me!
Цветы шумят.
Подлетает майский жук, одетый, как рэппер (May Bug):
Жук: Oh, what a darling little girl! She is as frail and fine as the petal of a rose! Don’t cry! Do you want to eat? It’s honey. Taste yourself, dear!
Дюймовочка пьет мед.
Звучит музыка (песня Тимати)
Дюймовочка танцует с жуком.
Дюймовочка: Im a happy little girl again!...
Подходят две майские жучихи (очень модно одетые девочки) (ХА ХА ХА :)
С удивлением и презрением к Дюймовочке: Hey, you! Who are you? Why, she has only two legs! What a miserable sight!
She hasn’t any feelers! Вскрикивают и ужасаются
She is pinched in at the waist - how shameful!
She looks like a human being – how ugly she is!
Жук отходит от Дюймовочки и извиняется:
Жук: Sorry, my dear, I have to fly away! Sorry!
Дюймовочка снова плачет: I am so ugly that even the May-bugs wouldn’t have anything with me! (Горько плачет)
Сказочник: Poor Thumbelina! She was as pretty as ever! She was the loveliest little girl you can imagine! But she couldn’t understand it!
Дюймовочка начинает петь и на ее прелестный голос выходит крот (A mole)
Крот:..... . I’m rich. I’m very rich. If you want to have a lot of wealth and live without need, you will marry me. You will get everything you wish! You will be happy with me! But you’ll have to take care of me, I am old.
Дюймовочка: To live in the darkness absolutely without any sunshine and warm! Without love! Oh, it’s terrible!
Дюймовочка убегает.
Она бредет одна среди цветов.
Подбегает один цветок “ How beautiful you are!”(дарит ей цветок)
Подбегает другой цветок “How pretty you are!” (дарит ей цветок)
Принц цветов «You are like a fragial petal of a beautiful red tulip!(Дарит ей тюльпан)
Дюймовочка( в сторону): How nice he is ! (Смущается)
Принц цветов: What is your name, lovely creature?
Дюймовочка: My name is Thumbelina.
Принц цветов: Thumbelina? You shall no longer be called Thumbelina! That name is too bad for anyone as pretty as you are! We shall call you Maya!
Берутся за руки.
Дюймовочка: I’m so happy you have given me wings and I can fly together with you!
Заключительная песня «Сказочная страна»
Учащиеся 6 А класса представляют сказку THUMBELINA (Дюймовочка)
Дюймовочка-Пиманкина Лада
Ведущая-Шатохина Алена
Мама Дюймовочки-Лунчева Наталья
К [pic] олдунья-Середа Настя
Жаба-Ляшко Ксения
Сын Жабы-Кленков Иван
Жук-Жорин Денис
Крот-Морозов Саша
Жучихи-Ковкова Алена и Ляшко Ксения
Принц – Ковылов Дима