Викторина «Legends of Valentine’s Day» для обучающихся 5-9 классов общеобразовательных учреждений

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Викторина «Legends of Valentines Day» для обучающихся 5-9 классов общеобразовательных учреждений.

Автор-составитель: Морозова Марина Александровна, учитель английского языка МАОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 29» г. Березники Пермского края

Адрес электронной почты: dyldinamarina@mail.ru

1. One legend says that he was the first man who sent “valentines” to his girlfriend:

1) Cupid

2) Casanova

3) Valentine+

4) Romeo

2. What was the signature of that letter?

1) I love you

2) From your Valentine+

3) Forever yours

4) See you soon

3. When and where he lived, who was he?

1) He was a scientist in 270 in Greece

2) He was a soldier, who served during the 19th century in France

3) He was a magistrate, served during the 15th century in Russia

4) He was a priest, who served during the third century in Rome+

4. Why he was executed?

1) He got married himself despite the law forbidding marriage

2) He disobeyed the order of Emperor and secretly married young couples+

3) Emperor’s daughter was in love with him

4) He was in love with Emperor’s wife

5. What was the name of that Emperor?

1) Caesar

2) Konstantin

3) Claudius II+

4) Napoleon

6. Why Emperor forbade men to marry?

1) He hated women

2) He decided that single men made better soldiers than those married+

3) He was not married

4) He didn’t like children

7. According to another legend the origin of the celebration can be traced back to a Roman festival, which name was:

1) Easter

2) Maslenitsa

3) Christmas

4) Lupercalia+

8. Valentine’s Day was first celebrated in

1) 270+

2) 1270

3) 720

4) 702

9. In 1969 the Roman Catholic Church stopped celebrates of Valentine’s Day. Instead, they revere the memory of:

1) Saints Peter and Fevronia

2) Saints Cyril and Methodius+

3) Saint Tryphon

4) Saint Paul

10. Modern symbols of Valentine’s Day are:

1) Flowers, toys and sweets

2) Turkey

3) Red heart, doves and the figure of the winger Cupid+

4) Red eggs