Урок по английскому языку на тему Welcome to Disneyland

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Шукебаева Майгуль ҚМЖ 5-сынып

Subject: English Grade: 5

Lesson theme

Welcome to Disneyland!

Aims and objectives:

  • to enrich students knowledge and vocabulary concerning the theme;

  • to develop their abilities in reading, listening and understanding;

  • to develop students’ communication skills with the help of pair and group works;

  • To develop and practice students’ understanding video.

Learning outcomes:

  • By the end of the lesson students will have:

  • practiced new vocabulary in the context

  • expressed their opinions when speaking on the topic

  • used strategies of critical thinking

Methods of teaching:

  • -Strategies of critical thinking, consolidation, demonstration, exercises, projects.

The equipment of the lesson:

  • -visual aids: grammar file cards, papers and crayons, pictures;

  • - technical means: computer, OHP (over head projector), video material


English book 6thgrade (Ayapova)

Stages of lesson




  1. Organization


(3 min).

 Greeting; -Good morning dear children I’m happy to see you. How are you? -I’m all right, thank you.-Let’s begin our lesson with good impression.

-We are fine, thank you. And how are you?

Writing a wish and make a plane, giving each other.

  1. Home assignment Check-up

(2 min)

Teacher checks each students home task individually. Exercise 6.

Checking exercise 6. Write. My friend’s plan. My friend wants to visit… He has never been… . He has once been… .

  1. To divide into 3 groups (1 min)

Mickey Mouse”, “Mr. Donald”, “Chip &Dali”.

Dividing into groups.

  1. Warm up

(10 minutes)

Write the title of the lesson “ Welcome to Disneyland!” Watching a video about Disneyland in California.


Watching a video about Disneyland. Students think about questions… Encourage the class to brainstorm together what it means theme park

5.New theme Presentation new words and phrases.

(5 minutes)

Presentation words on OHP

Students find translation and write words on vocabulary.

6.Pre- reading activity.

7. While reading activity. (6 min)

Give students text about Disneyland. 1-task. Reading the text using the jigsaw 2-task. Put the sentences in correct order. 3-task. Find 7 mistakes.

Reading the text.

Working on text. Doing the tasks.

Keeping time.

8. Time for the rest (3 min)

Dancing and singing.

9. Post -reading activity. (2 min)

Let’s play! “Hot chair”

One student will sit on the chair and speak about Disneyland using the text or video.

10. Independent work (5 min)

Exercise 3. How old is Disneyland? What kind of place is Disneyland?

Answer the questions in written form.

11. Conclusion (reflection)

(2 min)

Expressing their ideas on cards and gluing on the Basket of ideas.

12. Giving the marks. (5 min)

Give marks using the criterion.

  1. To keep time.

  2. To be active.

  3. To understanding of theme.

  4. Two stars and a wish”

13. Home assignment. (1 min)

Giving home assignment

To learn words and phrases, write an essay about theme park.