Конспект урока по английскому языку для учащихся 9 класса на тему The Passive Voice

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Lesson plan 14 .

Date: 17.11.10

Form: 9

Time: 14 - 14

Topic: The passive voice

Main practice: грамматический

Lesson type: развитие грамматического навыка

Aims: 1.развитие грамматического навыка;

2.развивать память, внимание, логику, догадку;

3.разивать интерес к изучаемому языку.

Teacher’s objective: 1.повторить The passive voice во всех временах;

2.тренировать учащихся в употреблении The passive voice.

Student’s objective: 1.to revise the rules;

2.to do different exercises with it

Product: By the end at the lesson students should be able to use these rules with different exercises

Materials: cards, pictures.

Literature: Klementieva T., Shanon J. “Happy English 2”


I Introduction (1 min)

Aim:1.Приветствие учащихся;

2.Организайия учащихся на дальнейшую работу.

Good afternoon children! I’m glad to see you! Sit down please! My name is Ludmila Yurjevna.The topic of our lesson is “the passive voice”. Who can translate? Thank you! Nastya read the objectives please. Thank you. Who can translate it? Ira you please, thank you.

II Warming up ( )

a) speech drill

Aim:активизация изученного материала.

Activity1 Now answer my questions.

What day is it today?

Who wants to write down the date on the board?

Who is absent today?

What is the weather today?

Is it sunny or cloudy?

Ok, thank you!

b)phonetic drill

Aim: отработка фонетических навыков.

Activity 2. Look at the board here you can see the words, your task is to dived it into 2 groups: regular and irregular and then give them the 3rd forms. Is the task clear? Ok masha come out to the board please.










Activity 3 Now listen to me carefully and then repeat after me. Masha will you read? Thank you and etc.

III Practice

Aim: Закрепление материала

Activity4. Look at the board here you can see the table with rules. Who can tell us the rules. Dina you please. Thank you.

Activity5. Now translate my questions into English please.

1.Меня обычно спрашивают.

2.Его сейчас спрашивают.

3.Его уже спросили.

4. Его спрашивали, когда я пришел.

5.Он был спрошен к тому моменту когда я пришел.

6. Его завтра спросят.

7.Завтра он будет спрошен к тому моменту, когда я приду.

Thank you very good.

Activity6 The next task for you is to change the sentences according these rules.(на доске наглядность The letter is typed.)

F.ex. The letter is typed – Present Simple

The letter was typed-Past Simple

The letter being typed- Present Progressive

And etc. Thank you very good.

Activity7 Now I will give you cards with task, look at the board we do the same sentence now.You must to translate it.

Thank you very good!

Activity8. Now I’ll give you cards, and you translate the sentences.

Activity9. Open your books at page 202 ex.15. Read the text and put the verbs into the right forms. Is the task clear? Ok, you have 5 minutes. I’m afraid your time is up, check up please, Ira the 1st sentence please.

V Setting home task(1min)

Aim:Разъяснение домашнего задания

Open your record books, your home task is p.203,ex.16 you must choose the right verb forms.

VI Summarizing(1min)

Aim:Подведение итогов урока, выставление отметок.

What we have done today at our lesson? Dina, Masha and Ira your marks is 5, because you work very hard and Nastya you mark is 4, because you have some mistakes.

V Lesson ending(1min)

Stand up please! The lesson is over! You are free! Good bye!

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