Олимпиада по английскому языку(аудирование, чтение) 7-8 класс школьный этап

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Комплект заданий для учащихся 7-8 классов


Time: 10 minutes


Part 1.  Are the statements below true (T) or false (F)?

1.  Emma took her exams yesterday.

2.  Emma’s mother lives in Oxford.

3.  Her parents do not live together.

4.  Emma has got a brother and a sister.

5.  Her brother is twelve years younger than Emma.

6.  Emma’s brother likes to play football.

7.  He doesn’t go to school yet.

8.  Emma’s father lives in Edinburgh.

9.  They often spend holidays together with their father.

10.  Emma is fond of pop music.

Transfer your answers to the answer sheet!


Time: 30 minutes

Part 1.Read the text and choose the best possible answer to the questions given below

In the 1400s, merchants and traders from Europe travelled long distances to the east by land and by sea. They exchanged, bought, and sold things to people in Asia. Merchants from Italy, Spain, and Portugal travelled to Asia to buy such things as jewels, gold, tea, and silk. They also bought salt and spices that were necessary to preserve food. The trade route back and forth to Asia by land was very long and difficult. On the sea, ships had to travel all the way around Africa. It was a long and dangerous trip. An Italian sea captain and mapmaker named Christopher Columbus believed that there was an easier way to travel to Asia from Europe. In the 1400s, many people believed that the world was flat! They believed that ships would fall off the earth if they travelled too far west. Columbus believed that he could travel west across the Atlantic Ocean and arrive in Asia. He believed the world was round. Many people laughed at Columbus, but the queen of Spain believed Columbus was correct. She gave him money, ships, and men. He went to look for a faster trade route to Asia. In 1492, Columbus travelled across the Atlantic Ocean with three ships. After about 30 days, he reached a land. He thought he had arrived in India. In fact, he had really found Islands of North America. Columbus showed the world's people that the Earth was not flat! He opened up a «New World» for exploration, for trade, and for settlement.

When Columbus reached the islands of North America, he thought he was in India. He called the people on island Indians. Of course, they were not Indians. They were Native Americans whose ancestors had migrated from Asia thousands of years ago. Millions of Native Americans lived in the Americas. They lived in many beautiful cities in over 2,000 separate and advanced societies. Many of these societies were attacked and totally destroyed by the Spanish and Portuguese who came after Columbus in the 1500s. These explorers came to find gold and other riches. They came to take new land for their countries. They killed the Native Americans, stole their women, their gold, their land, and their possessions. These explorers became rich and powerful. Spain and Portugal controlled all of the people and land in what are now the southern and western parts of the United States and all of Mexico, Central America, and South America. France and England also controlled land in North America.

1. Merchants and traders from Europe travelled long distances:

a) to the west by sea and by land;

b) to the west by air and by see;

c) to the east by sea and by land;

d) to the east by land and by air.

2. The trade route to Asia by land was:

a) very time-consuming and hard;

b) very short but intricate;

c) very expensive but easy;

d) very extensive and wide.

3. In the 1400s, many people believed that:

a) the earth was flat;

b) the globe was unexciting;

c) the planet was smooth;

d) the world was routine.

4. It can be clear from the passage that Columbus believed that:

a) the moon was round;

b) the earth was rotating;

c) the humanity was ill;

d) the planet was round.

5. Among the people who didn't laugh at Columbus was:

a) the queen of Britain;

b) the principal of Spain;

c) the sovereign of Spain;

d) the king of France.

6. The passage implies that Columbus travelled across:

a) the Atlantic Ocean with three vessels;

b) the Athlantic Ocean with three ships;

c) the Pacific Ocean with three boats;

d) the Atlantic Ocean with three dispatches.

7. Columbus thought he was:

a) in America;

b) in Asia;

c) in China;

d) in India.

8. The word «ancestors» in line 33 may best stand for:

a) успешные люди;

b) потомки;

c) предшественники;

d) наследники.

9. The explorers killed the Native Americans:

a) stole their woman, their gold, their land, and their wealth;

b) stole their women, their gold, their territory, and their things;

c) stole their men, their gold bars, their land, and their possessions;

d) stole their women, their gold, their terrain, and their gods.

10. Spain and Portugal controlled what are now:

a) the United States, Mexico, Brazil, Cuba and South America;

b) the United States, South America, Mexico, and Central America;

c) the United States, Panama, Central America, and South America;

d) the United States, Central Africa, Mexico, and South America.

Part 2.Read the text and number paragraphs A-E in the correct order.

The teenager who changed world history

A. Franz Ferdinand was the direct cause of the First World War, which started the same year, and which resulted in the deaths of nine million soldiers. The war ended in 1918 with the Treaty of Versailles, which was very unfavourable to Germany. This, in turn, resulted in Germany going to war again in 1939, a war in which approximately 60,000,000 people around the world lost their lives.

B. For example, do you know who Gavrilo Princip was? Probably not. He was a Serb, born in Bosnia in 1894 and was one of nine children, six of whom died when they were very young. Gavrilo's health was also very bad and he suffered from tuberculosis. He studied in Belgrade where he spent most of his time with nationalists who wanted a union between Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia. He died when he was just 24 years old.

C. The Second World War ended with the Treaty of Yalta in 1945 which led to the division of Eastern Europe, which eventually led to the conflict in Yugoslavia in the 1990s. Possibly no other person has had so much impact on world history over the last century than the sickly teenager, Gavrilo Princip.

D. History tells us about famous leaders, Kings and Queens, but what about the great changes which have been caused by one small act carried out by a relatively unknown person?

E. So why is he so important? Well, Gavrilo Princip is the boy who, at the age of 19, assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914. Franz Ferdinand was going to be the next Austro-Hungarian emperor and the nationalists wanted their country to be independent from the empire. After shooting and killing the Archduke in his car, Gavrilo was captured by the police and sentenced to 20 years imprisonment. But he died in prison of tuberculosis in 1918.

Transfer your answers to the answer sheet!


Listening( 10 points)

Part 1.

Reading (15рoints)

Part 1.

Part 2.

Participant’s ID number



Part 1 Part 2




- Hello, Emma! Thank you agreeing to do this interview. Especially, as I believe, you are studying for your exams at the moment.

- Yes, I am. But I’m happy to do the interview.

- Now, the questions. First of all, where do you come from?

- Oxford in England.

- And where do you live?

- At home with my mother. You see, my parents are divorced.

- Oh, I’m sorry about that. Have you got any brothers or sisters?

- Yes, I have. I’ve got a brother.

- Is he older than you?

- No, he’s younger. He’s 12.

- And what’s he doing at the moment?

- Well, he is either playing football or watching TV. That’s what he always does after school.

- And where does your father live?

- He lives in Scotland near Edinburgh.

- How often do you see him?

- Well, we see him quite often. We spend every school holiday with him.

- Now, a final question, Emma. What do you do in your free time?

- I listen to music. Especially pop music.

- That’s great, Emma. I’ve got all the information I need. Thank you very much!