Our ABC party
This year we began a wonderful voyage to the country of the English language . To open the door of the country and to get there, you should be a real voyager . You should find the key to it . Well children ,how do you think we can get there? Without what we cannot learn , read and write English?
Teacher: Good afternoon dear boys and girls, teachers and guests! I am very glad to meet you at our ABC party. Our participants would like to greet you with their “ Hello – song “
Hello, hello, how are you today?
Hello, hello, how are you today?
Let’s sing our ABC-s—
Let’s sing our 1,2,3,-s—
Hello, hello, how are you today?
I’m happy! I’m great! I ’m happy to see you !
Hello !
Выходит ученик в костюме английского алфавита.
ABC: Good afternoon. How are you? Do you know the ABC?
Teacher: Yes, our pupils know the ABC very well.
ABC: Я узнал про ваш праздник и пришел посмотреть, хорошо ли вы знаете мои буквы. Среди вас есть ребята, которые не знают мои буквы?
Дети: Нет!
Входит ученик в костюме Незнайки.
Незнайка: Есть. Я не знаю английские буквы. Но очень хочу узнать. Можно остаться на вашем празднике? Вы меня научите?
В класс входят два ученика
2Ученика: Ну, зачем тебе этот английский? Он такой непонятный. (листает учебник) Полная бессмыслица! Пойдем с нами.
ABC: Постойте, постойте. Я думаю, английский язык нужен в жизни современного образованного человека. Оставайтесь на нашем празднике. У нас будет весело.
Teacher: So, let’s begin our voyage to the country of ABC
A: A is for apples and apple-trees,
You can see apple on apple-trees.
B: B is for books and for bookcase.
I have many books in my bookcase.
C: C is for cat. My cat is grey,
And with me it likes to play.
D: D is for dog and for doggy.
I have a dog, not a doggy.
E: E is for eight and for eleven.
How much is eight and eleven?
F: Flowers here, flowers there,
Flowers growing everywhere.
G: Look at me! I am the letter G.
G is for girl and also for a garden.
H: How many hands has a boy, say?
How many hands for work and play?
How many hands has a girl, say?
How many hands for work and play?
I: Ice-cream starts with the letter I,
But I think, I is for I.
I am a boy and I am ten.
I like to play with my brother Ben.
J: J is for jam. This is an apple jam.
Jimmy likes it and so does Sam.
K: K is for Kite. Kate has a Kite.
It is little and it is white.
L: I see a big yellow lion, a big yellow lion!
What a big yellow lion!
L is for lions!
M: I am the letter M.
M is for mouse.
N: One, two, three, four, five,
I caught a fish alive.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
I let it go again.
O: Give me an orange, orange, orange.
I don’t like to eat porridge, porridge.
P: Puppy, puppy, come to me.
Let us play under the tree.
Q: Lilies are white,
Rosemary’s green.
When you are King,
I will be Queen.
R: R is for rose,
That grows sweet and red.
“I take care at my roses,”-
Says little Ted.
S: S is for school
Where we go every day.
We learn to read, we learn to write
And after school we play.
T: T is for tail
And also for train.
U: In the streets the buses run,
Two by two, or one by one.
V: V is for van,
Which carries milk and rolls.
W: W is for window,
For wardrobe and walls.
X: X is for xylophone.
Y: Y is for yard.
Z: Z is for zebra,
To ride it is hard.
Teacher : And now the children will sing their ABC song .
ABC: Well done. Thank you.Теперь вам все по плечу
Teacher: We would like to bring to your attention a fairy –tale “ Chicken –Licken “ and sing a song .” Clap your hands “
Teacher : Our pupils have also learnt a few poems . (Расказывают стишки на английском )
Teacher : Dear friends ,we cannot only sing songs , recite poems but we can also dance .
Teacher : And finally, we would like to show you a fairy -tale “ Teremok “
Ведущая 1
Ведущая 2
На сцене стоит декорация «Теремка» из фанеры, елочка, веточки деревьев и макет солнца, звучит мелодия «В гостях у сказки». За фасадом домика спряталась лягушка (The Frog).
Ведущая 1: Here is the house in the wood.
A Mouse is running through the wood.
It stops at the door,
It knocks at the door.
Mouse: Knock, knock, knock. Who lives here?
Frog: I do!
Mouse:Who are you?
Frog:I’m a frog. Sorry, and who are you?
Mouse:I’m a mouse. Hello, Frog!
Frog:Hello, Mouse!
Mouse:May I come in?
Frog: Do, please. Come in.
Mouse: Thank you! (входят в дом)
Ведущая 1: Here is the house in the wood.
A Hare is running through the wood.
It stops at the door,
It knocks at the door.
Hare: Knock, knock, knock. Who lives here?
Frog, Mouse:We do.
Hare:Who are you?
Frog:I’m a frog.
Mouse: I'ma mouse. Sorry, and who are you?
Hare:I’m a hare. Hello, Frog! Hello, Mouse! May I come in?
Frog, Mouse:Do, please. Come in.
Hare:Thank you! (входят в дом)
Ведущая 1: Here is the house in the wood.
A Fox is running through the wood.
It stops at the door,
It knocks at the door.
Fox: Knock, knock, knock. Who lives here?
Frog, Mouse, Hare:We do.
Fox:Who are you?
Frog:I’m a frog.
Mouse:I'ma mouse.
Hare:I’m a hare. Sorry, and who are you?
Fox:I’m a fox. Hello, Frog! Hello, Mouse! Hello, Hare! May I live with you?
All:Do , please. Come in.
Fox:Thankyou! (входят в дом)
Ведущая 1: Here is the house in the wood.
A Wolf is running through the wood.
It stops at the door,
It knocks at the door.
Wolf: Knock, knock, knock. Who lives here?
Frog, Mouse, Hare,Fox:We do.
Wolf: Who are you?
Frog::I’m a frog
Mouse:I'ma mouse.
Hare:I’m a hare.
Fox:I’m a fox.
Wolf:I’m a wolf. Hello, Frog! Hello, Mouse! Hello, Hare! Hello, Fox! May I live with you?
All:Do, please. Come in.
Wolf:Thankyou. (входят в дом)
Ведущая 1: Here is the house in the wood.
A Bear is running through the wood.
It stops at the door,
It knocks at the door.
Bear: Knock, knock, knock. Who lives here? Who are you?
Frog:I’m a frog.
Mouse:I’m a mouse.
Hare:I’m a hare.
Fox: I’m a fox.
Wolf: I’m a wolf. And who are you?
Bear: I’m a bear. May I live with you?
All: No, you are too big! Run away! Run away! (медведьубегает)
Ведущая 2: Here is a house in the wood. A frog, a mouse, a hare, a fox, a wolf live here! Theyarehappy!!!
Играет мелодия «The more we are together», все встают в круг и водят хоровод под песню. Дети поют:
The more we are together, together, together,
The more we are together, the happier we are!
For your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends.
The more we are together, the happier we are!
Актеры и ведущие в поклоне удаляются со сцены.
( Завершается праздник песней « The More We are Together “ )
Teacher :Our”ABC –party “is over . We hope you ‘ve enjoyed the party .