Контрольная работа 9 класс Кузовлев.1 четверть

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Контрольная работа № 1. Разделы «Книги» и «Музыка». 9 класс

1.Translate from Russian into English.


2.описывать, изображать





7.театр оперы и балета

8.записывать на пленку


2.Перепишите рассказ в Past Simple Tenсe.

Every summer I go to the country with my sister. We visit our grandparents who are happy to see us. Our grandfather is a postman and we help him to deliver letters and newspapers. We are fond of working in the garden. My sister and I swim in the river which is near our house. We play badminton and volleyball. In the evenings we go for a walk. On Saturdays when our parents come, all of us barbecue in the forest. I enjoy my summer holidays.

  1. Translate from English into Russian.

London is famous for its opera houses and concert halls where famous musicians conduct the best symphony orchestras. In London Henry Purcell, a great British composer, lived. His opera Dido and Aeneas is considered the first British opera. Andrew Lloyd Weber’s rock operas or musicals are staged all over the world; they are always played to full houses. The first nights of his famous rock operas often take place in London theatres where every seat is usually taken.


1.Choose the sentence with Future Simple:

а. You are a Russian pupil

б. I think we’ll enjoy the concert tonight

в. Very few young people know about Gershwin today

г. He created the most romantic music I’ve ever heard.

2 Translate into English: На следующей неделе я собираюсь на концерт нашей школьной рок-группы

а. Next week I went to the concert of our school rock group

б. Next week I was going to the concert of our school rock group

в. Next week I am going to the concert of our school rock group

г. Last week I am going to the concert of our school rock group