Сабақ жоспары. Buying clothes

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Бекітемін: ----------------------- Келісілді: --------------------- Қаралды: ---------- «Қостанай қаласы әкімдігінің Директордың ОТЖ Хаттама №

білім бөлімінің «Филология»

15 орта мектебі» ММ орынбасары ӘБ жетекшісі

директоры Сапанова Д.С. Бекбулатова А.Б. Алшимбаева С.А. « -----» -----------------------2015ж « -----» --------------------2015ж « -----» -------------------2015ж

Ашық сабақ

Тақырыбы: Buying clothes.

Мұғалімі: Конарбаева Г.С.

Сынып: 5

2015-2016 оқу жылы

Date: 21.01.2016

Class: 5-form

I. Theme: Buying clothes.

II. The aims of the lesson:1. Presentation of the dialogue and pronunciation of the

consonant “th”.

2. To develop the pupils` reading, writing, speaking and listening

skills and enlarge their vocabulary.

3. To teach them to work in groups.

III. Visual-aids:An interactive board, pictures.

IV The type of the lesson: mixed.

The Procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment.

Who is on duty today?

Who is absent?

What date is it today?

What day of the week is today?

What is the weather like today?

II. Phonetic drill.

Breakfast in the morning.

Dinner in the day.

Tea comes after dinner.

Then comes time to play.

Supper in the evening.

When the sky is red.

Then the day is over.

And we go to bed

III. Check-up the home task.

1) Exercise 12. [pic]

IV. New words.

coat [kәut]-пальто

[pic] [pic]

glove [gl/\v]-биялай,қолғап.


stocking [stokiη]-шұлық [pic]

boot [bu:t]-бәтіңке ,етік


short [jo:t]-шорт,шолақ шалбар


jumper [dз/\mpә]-джемпер [pic]

nightdress [naitdres]-түңгі көйлек [pic]

tie [tai]-галстук

V. New lesson.

1) Exercise 1. To put clothes into the correct column.

2) Exercise 2. To answer the questions.

3) Exercise 3 To read the letter and guess the missing clothes.

a) jumper b) trainers c) shirt

4) Exercise 4 Make the dialogue. Put the lines in the correct order.

-That`s 5.50. 7

-White 4

-What about this one? 5

-Yes, I am looking for a T-shirt. 2

-Here`s 6 pounds, please. 8

-Can I help you? 1

-Here`s 50 p change and your T-shirt. 9

-OK, thanks very much. Goodbye. 10

-What colour are you looking for? 3

-It`s nice. I`ll take it, please. How much is that? 6

Pronunciation Practice.

[ә][ ө]

this three

that third

they think

these thank

5) Exercise 7. Put the words in the correct column.

Thick, there, than, theatre, their, thing, those, thirsty, anything, thirty, the

[ð] [ ө]

Word building.

6) Exercise 8. Match nouns to make new words.

VI. Rebus

VI. Rebus

,,, , ,,, ,,, [pic] [pic] [pic]

[pic] [pic]

,, ,,, ,,,,,, ,,,, , ,,,, [pic] [pic]

VII. Find 10 words

VI. Home work.

1) Exercise 10.