Контрольная работа по английскому языку на тему Простое настоящее время

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Grammar Test “Present Simple”

  1. Выполните задание:

a) добавьте окончание –s/-es

live, study, watch, read, fly, drink, make, wash, want, play, eat, help

б) запишите слова в три столбика [s], [z], [iz]

  1. Выберите правильное слово для каждого предложения.

1. I ... tea with milk.

a) drink; b) to drink; c) drinks

2. My teacher ... English well.

a) speaks; b) to speak; c) drinks

  1. His friend ... in the forest.

a) live; b) lives; c) to live

  1. The farmer ... coffee in the morning.

a) has; b) have; c) to have

  1. ... you like English?

a) do; b) does; c) are

  1. My friends ... German well.

  1. speak; b) speaks; c) to speak

  1. He ... not work at the factory.

a) do; b) does ; c) is

3. Поставьте глаголы в Present Indefinite.

  1. The pupils (to like) to learn English.

  2. Kate (to be) a good pupil.

  3. They often (to read) a lot of books?

  4. Olga (to speak) English at her lessons?

  5. The boy (not to carry) books in bags.

  6. We usually (to get up) at 7 o'clock.

4. Сделайте предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.

  1. We live in Moscow.

  2. She likes to go to the cinema.

  3. They study at the Institute.

  4. My mother works at school.

  5. He goes to the theatre.