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Департамент образования города Москвы

Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение





Устная тема “ENGINES


Преподаватель английского языка


Вьюшкова Е.А.


При обучении иностранному языку в колледже предусматривается и осуществляется профессионально-ориентированное обучение будущих специалистов. Его назначение – заложить основы практического владения иностранным языком в своей профессии. Все упражнения и задания построены на знакомом грамматическом материале для активного овладения лексическим минимумом профессиональной направленности. Итогом каждой темы является умение учащихся вести беседу на элементарном уровне и умение составить диалоги, краткий рассказ по данной теме. Использование данного материала на занятиях повышает мотивацию студентов к обучению, их образовательный потенциал, что, в свою очередь, способствует повышению качества профессиональной подготовки.


Упражнение 1. Прочтите и переведите интернациональные слова:

machine, motion, a fuel tank, carburetor, mix, cylinder, piston, compress, compression, control, basic, operating cycles.

Упражнение 2. Прочтите слова и постарайтесь их запомнить:

The great machines that make things which we use every day are run by powerful engines.

Engines are machines for changing heat into motion. They make something move or move themselves. You body is an engine. The food you eat gives heat. As you run and jump, you move and work. In this way you are like an engine.

An engine produces power by burning air and fuel. The fuel is stored in a fuel tank. The fuel tank is connected to a fuel pipe. The fuel pipe carries the fuel to a fuel pump. The fuel pump is connected to the carburetor. The fuel pump pumps the fuel into the carburetor. In the carburetor the fuel is mixed with air. The fuel and air are drawn into the engine cylinder by the piston. Then the fuel and air compressed by the piston and ignited by the spark plug. They burn and expand very quickly and push the piston down. Thus the power is produced. The burned fuel and air are expelled from the cylinder by the piston.

The flow of gasses into and out of the cylinder is controlled by two valves. There is an inlet valve allowing fresh fuel mixture into the cylinder and an exhaust valve which allow the burnt gases to escape.

There are two basic operating cycles:

а) the four-stroke cycle;

b) the two-stroke cycle.

The complete four-stroke cycle comprises:

  1. the intake stroke (the piston moves downwards);

  2. the compression stroke (the piston moves upwards);

  3. the power stroke (the piston moves downwards);

  4. the exhaust stroke (the piston moves upwards).

Упражнение 3. Найдите в 1-ом абзаце текста предложения с приведёнными отрывками и переведите их на русский язык:

1. … burn very quickly

2. … expand very quickly

3. … push the piston down

4. … carries the fuel to a fuel pump

5. …pumps the fuel into the carburetor

Упражнение 4.Расположите глагольные словосочетания, служащие для описания работы д.в.с. в порядке, соответствующем рабочим процессам д.в.с., о которых вы узнали из текста. Дайте их русские эквиваленты:

  1. to compress the mixture

  2. to store the fuel in the fuel bank

  3. to mix the fuel and air

  4. to ignite the mixture

  5. to pump the fuel into the carburetor

  6. to draw the mixture into the cylinders

  7. to carry fuel to the fuel pump

  8. to push the piston down

  9. to produce the power

Упражнение 5. Завершите предложения, подобрав соответствующие окончания в правом столбце:

1. Most automotive engines operate …

2. This cycle comprises…

3. The first stroke starts with the piston…

4. The fuel mixture in the cylinder is compressed and ignited…

5. The piston is pushed downwards…

6. The crankshaft rotates…

7. Thus power…

8. The burnt gases are expelled…

9. The flow of gasses into and out of the cylinder is controlled by two valves: …

  1. through 180 °

  2. the inlet valve and the exhaust valve…

  3. ... from the cylinder

  4. on the four-stroke cycle.

  5. is produced

  6. at t.d.c.

  7. by the burnt gases

  8. by the spark plug

  9. the induction (inlet, intake?)

stroke, the compression stroke and the exhaust stroke.

Упражнение 6. Пользуясь информацией текста “Engines” , cocтавьте схему пути следования топлива в топливной системе двигателя:

--------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

( the fuel tank ) →→( …………) →→ (………………) →→ (……………..)

Упражнение 7.Переведите предложения на английский язык:

1. Существует несколько типов двигателей. Это паровой, бензиновый, дизельный,

внутреннего сгорания, реактивный, ракетный.

2. Каждый из них имеет некоторые преимущества и недостатки над другими формами силовых установок.

3.Действия, которые происходят в цилиндре двигателя можно разделить на четыре ступени, которые называются тактами.

4. Четыре такта следующие: впуск, сжатие, рабочий ход, выпуск.


Упражнение 1. Прочтите слова и постарайтесь их запомнить:

A STEAM ENGINE was the first high-speed engine ever invented. The principle of the steam engine is simple. When water is boiled, it changes into steam. If steam is kept inside a boiler, it pushes against the sides. The more the steam is heated, the more pressure it has. (If the steam pressure becomes too high, the boiler may explode). It is the pressure of steam that we put to work.

A steam engine has two important parts. One is a boiler where a fire turns water into steam. The steam goes through a pipe to the other important part -- the steam chest with a cylinder and a piston in it.

Steam enters one end of the cylinder and pushes the piston back. Then it enters the other end, pushing the piston forward again.

How is it done? The thing is that there are valves, or openings, in the steam chest. These valves let steam in first at one end, then at the other. As the piston moves in the cylinder, it opens and closes the valves automatically, so that fresh steam enters just when the piston has reached the end of its stroke.

After the steam has pushed the piston, it is cooler and has less energy. As the piston is pushed again by fresh steam, the used steam goes out through another valve.

A rod from the piston is connected to a wheel. When the piston goes forward, the wheel makes half a turn. As the piston goes back, the wheel makes the other half a turn.

There was a time when steam engines were widely used. We even had steam cars. But now steam engines are mostly used in locomotives, and fewer steam locomotives are made each year. Some day steam engines will be only in museums.

Упражнение 2. На основе словообразовательных элементов определите, к каким частям речи относятся следующие слова; переведите их на русский язык:

principle, pressure, cylinder, piston, automatically, energy, locomotive, museum.

Упражнение 3.Напишите русские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

1. a steam engine -

2. high-speed engine -

3. water is boiled -

4. the more the steam is heated -

5. a fire turns water into steam -

6. to let in -

7. the end of the stroke -

8. the used steam -

9. to make half a turn -

10. widely used -

Упражнение 4. Заполните пропуски словами из текста:

a boiler is heated a pipe a cylinder valves cooler a rod

1. If steam is kept inside …, it pushes against the sides.

2…. from the piston is connected to a wheel.

3. The more the steam …, the more pressure is has.

4. There are … or openings, in the steam chest.

5. After the steam has pushed the piston, it is … and has less energy.

6. The steam goes through … to the other important part – the steam chest with … and a piston in it.

Упражнение 5.Напишите по-английски следующие вопросы:

1. Когда вода превращается в пар?

2. Какие две важные части имеет паровой двигатель?

3.Что находится в паровой коробке?

4.Как поступает в цилиндр свежий пар?

5. Как выходит использованный пар?

6.С чем соединён рычаг поршня?

7. Как вращается колесо?

Упражнение 6. Подготовьте сообщение по теме: “Работа парового двигателя”.


Упражнение 1. Переведите слова на русский язык, при этом догадайтесь о значении интернациональных слов. Подчёркнутые слова – “ ложные друзья переводчика”. Проверьте их значение по словарю. Проверьте по контексту правильность выбранных вами значений.

form, gas, gasoline, petrol, mix, mixture, carburetor, cylinder, piston, revolve, million, compress, start, propeller, airplane.

Упражнение 2. Прочтите слова и постарайтесь их запомнить:

1. crankshaft

2. to expand

3. to explode

4. explosion

5.gasoline engine

6. vapour

7. to mix, mixture

8. oil

9. petrol

10 spark

11. spark plug

1. коленчатый вал

2. расширяться

3. взрывать(ся)

4. взрыв

5. бензиновый двигатель

6. пары

7. смешивать, смесь.

8. нефть

9. бензин, бензиновый

10. искра

11. запальная свечa

A GASOLINE ENGINE. When wood, coal, oil or petrol burns, gases are formed. In gasoline engines these gases push the pistons. The fuel in gasoline engine is petrol. Petrol vapour and air are mixed in the carburetor before they go into the cylinder. In the cylinder this mixture of gases is exploded by a spark. When things are heated, they become bigger. That is what happens to the gases in the cylinder during the explosion. The heat is so great that the gases expand very quickly. So they push the piston that revolves the crankshaft to which it is connected. The explosions come fast – one after the other. So millions and millions of explosions take place every day in the millions of gasoline engines that run cars and planes and boats.

In most gasoline engines the piston (as it move up and down in the cylinder) pushes, or gives power, in only one stroke out of four.

In the first stroke the piston moves down the cylinder, sucking in a mixture of gases through an opening, or valve.

The valve shuts and in the next stroke the piston moves up, compressing the gases. At this moment a spark runs across the spark plug, exploding the mixture.

The gases from the explosion are heated greatly, and they push the piston down. This is the third or power stroke, the stroke that really works, revolving the crankshaft.

In the last, fourth, stroke before the cycle starts again, the piston moves up, pushing the used gases out through another valve.

The revolving crankshaft sends each piston up and down till the next power stroke.

When an engine has more than one cylinder, the power strokes come one after another – so the engine can turn wheels or propellers smoothly and steadily.

Cars usually have 4 to 8 cylinders. Large airplane engines may have 20, 24 or even 28 cylinders.

Упражнение 3.Переведите следующие словосочетания, запишите предложения с этими словосочетаниями и переведите их на русский язык:

gasoline engine, push the piston, petrol vapour, mixture of gases,

the gases expand, revolve the crankshaft, in the first stroke, sucking in a

mixture of gases, power stroke, the power strokes come one after another,

turn wheels or propellers.

Упражнение 4.Найдите английские эквиваленты для следующих русских слов и словосочетаний:

бензин, бензиновый , бензиновый двигатель, пары бензина, нефть, смесь газов, нагревать, расширять, поршень, толкать поршень, ход поршня, рабочий ход поршня, запальная свеча, коленчатый вал, цилиндр.

Упражнение 5.Дайте ответ на вопрос, используя следующие словосочетания:

What happens inside a gasoline engine?”

Inside a gasoline engine:

-- gas and air come in

-- mixture is compressed

-- explosion makes power

-- used gases pushed out

Упражнение 6. Завершите предложения, подобрав соответствующие окончания в правом столбце:

1. When things are heated…

2. Petrol vapour and air are mixed in the carburetor…

3. When wood, coal, oil or petrol burns…

4. The fuel in gasoline engine is …

5. In the cylinder the mixture of gases is exploded…

6. The gases push the piston that …

7. The gases from the explosion are heated greatly, and …

8. When an engine has more than one cylinder, the power strokes come one after another – so …

1. before they go into the cylinder.

2. petrol.

3. they become bigger.

4. revolves the crankshaft to which

it is connected

5. gases are formed.

6. by a spark

7. they push the piston down.

8. the engine can turn wheels or

propellers smoothly and steadily.

Упражнение 7.Сделайте краткий пересказ текста.


Упражнение 1.Переведите на русский язык интернационализмы. Найдите так называемых “ложных друзей переводчика”:

cylinder, compress, piston, moment, compressed air, diesel, gas, temperature, gallon, generators, electricity, electrical, motor.

Упражнение 2. Прочтите слова и постарайтесь их запомнить:

1. blower

2. compressed air

3. diesel engine

4. generator

5.to inject

6. pump

*-- for each gallon of fuel burned

**-- screw


2. сжатый воздух

3. двигатель дизеля

4. генератор

5. впускать, впрыскивать

6. насос

*-- на каждый галлон сжигаемого горючего (1 галлон= 4,54 литра, амер.=3,78 литра)

** -- (гребной) винт

A DIESEL ENGINE (named after its inventor) is like a gasoline engine but simpler.

Diesel engines are usually larger and can do more work. The fuel used in a diesel engine is oil.

In a diesel engine, only air is blown into the cylinder. It is compressed by the piston till it becomes very hot. At that moment oil is injected into the compressed air. The air is so hot that the oil explodes immediately. It does not need spark plugs. The explosions push the pistons and turn the crankshaft as in gasoline engines.

Diesel engines can be four-stroke ones and two-stroke ones. In two-stroke engines every second stroke (and not every fourth as in four-stroke engines) is a power stroke. This is a real advantage as the two-stroke engine gives more power.

In a two-stroke diesel, as the piston moves down, a powerful blower blows air through valves into the cylinder. As it comes in, the air pushes out the used gases from the previous explosion. The valves shut and the piston moves up, compressing the air and raising its temperature to about 1000°F (537,8°C).

At that moment oil is injected by a powerful pump. The oil explodes and the hot gases push the piston down. As it comes up again, air is blown in and the used gases are pushed out once more.

Diesel engines use a cheaper kind of fuel and give more power for each gallon of fuel burned* than gasoline engines.

Besides, they last much longer.

In trains and ships diesel engines run large generators which make electricity. The electricity runs motors which are connected to the wheels of the train or to the ship’s screws.**

Упражнение 3.Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Is a diesel engine named after its inventor? What do you know about him?

2. What fuel is used in a diesel engine?

3. What is blown into the cylinder in a diesel engine?

4. What is injected into the compressed air?

5. Does it need spark plugs, why?

6. How does the crankshaft turn?

7. What kind of diesel engine can be?

8. What is the advantage of a diesel engine before the gasoline engine?

Упражнение 4. Дайте ответ на вопрос, используя следующие словосочетания:

What happens inside a diesel engine?”

Inside a diesel engine:

-- air blown in pushes out used gases

-- air is compressed and heated

-- fuel is injected and burned

Упражнение 5.Вам необходимо сделать сообщение на тему “Работа двигателя дизеля”. Какую информацию из текста Вы включите в своё сообщение?

Упражнение 6. Сделайте краткий пересказ текста, используя ответы на вопросы упражнения 2.

Упражнение 7. Соотнести названия составных частей двигателя с обозначениями на рисунке и с пропусками в тексте:

The operation of the diesel engine

Schematic diagram of a single-cylinder diesel engine


rocker arm


cylinder head

fuel injector

connecting rod

exhaust valve

valve lifter(tappet) and




fuel injection pump

air cleaner

intake valve

timing gear


  1. 7 is placed inside … 6.

  2. 7 is attached to … 12 through the intermediary of … 9.

  3. If … 7 is moved up and down in … 6, this up-and-down, or reciprocating, motion of … 7 is changed into the rotary motion of … 12 by … 9 and the crankpin of the shaft.

  4. 8 links … 7 with … 9.

  5. 10 fastened to the rear end of the crankshaft serves to make the shaft revolve uniformly when the engine is running.

6. …6 is tightly closed at the top by … 1 housing two valves.

7. … 5 admits air into the cylinder and … 4 lets the burnt gases out.

8. The valves are held closed by valve springs and are made to open by means of … 2 which are actuated by … 14 through intermediate components ( 16).

9. The … 14 and the … 15 shaft are driven by the … 12 through … 13.

10. The fuel supplied y … 15 is injected into the … 6 through … 3.


Упражнение 1. Догадайтесь о значении следующих интернациональных слов:

stationary, oval, eccentric, elliptical, vibration, economically, diesel.

Упражнение 2. Прочтите слова и постарайтесь их запомнить:


THE WANKEL ENGINE is a form of heat engine which has a rotary piston. In other words, instead of going up and down, the Wankel piston rotates in the cylinder. Both cylinder and piston are quite different in shape from those of conventional engines. The Wankel piston is triangular with curved sides and the cylinder is roughly oval in shape. The piston has an inner bore which is linked through an eccentric gear to the output shaft. The other end of the bore is toothed and engaged with a stationary gear fixed to the cylinder end. This arrangement ensures that the piston follows an elliptical path round the cylinder so that the apexes of the piston which carry gastight seals, are always in contact with the inside surface of the cylinder.

The piston thus forms three crescent-shaped spaces between itselt and the cylinder wall, which vary in size as the piston rotates. Fuel enters the cylinder through the inlet port when one of these spaces is increasing in size. The fuel trapped in this section is then compressed by the turning piston and ignited by the sparking plug. The expanding gases subject the piston to a twisting moment which makes the piston revolve further until the exhaust gases escape through the exhaust port. A fresh charge is then induced into the cylinder. Meanwhile the same progress is being repeated in the other two spaces between the piston and the cylinder.

The Wankel engine has many advantages over the reciprocating piston engine. Fewer moving parts are necessary because it produces a rotary movement without using a connecting rod and a crankshaft. Because of this rotary movement it has no vibration. In addition it has no valves, it is smaller and lighter than conventional engines of the same power and it runs economically on diesel and several other fuels.

Упражнение 3. Найдите в 1-ом абзаце текста фразу, объясняющую, почему данный тип двигателя называют «роторным».

Упражнение 4. Прочитайте еще раз 1-ый абзац текста и найдите в нем следующие сведения:

1. форма поршня роторного двигателя;

2. форма цилиндра;

3. траектория движения поршня в цилиндре;

4. расположение (установка) поршня в цилиндре.

Упражнение 5. Найдите абзац (абзацы), в котором (которых) проводится сравнение между двигателем Ванкеля и традиционным двигателем.

Упражнение 6. Расположите следующие предложения, служащие для описания работы роторного двигателя, в порядке, соответствующем рабочим процессам данного двигателя.

1. The expanding gases make the piston revolve further.

2. The fuel is ignited by the spark plug.

3. Fuel enters the cylinder through the inlet port.

4.The exhaust gases are expelled through the exhaust port.

5. The fuel is compressed by the rotating piston.

Упражнение 7. Расскажите о роторном двигателе Ванкеля по следующему плану:

1. the design features.

2. the principle of operation.

3. advantages (and disadvantages).