Fill in the right word or word combination from your topical vocabulary:
eliminate, security, entitled, seeks, treaties signed, easing tensions, , aspire, territorial integrity, implemented, human rights, troubled areas, violated, sovereignty, negotiation, complaining, fair trial, settle.
Ideally, all governments should ... to equality for all citizens, but there is no country in the world where all citizens are treated the same.
The President has stated that there can be no ... and no compromise with the terrorists responsible for the attack on the Embassy.
There is an African proverb which states that silence gives rise to peace, and with peace comes ...
There is a Turkish proverb which states that he who ... a faultless friend remains friendless.
The only way to defeat terrorism as a threat to our way of life is to stop it, ... it and destroy it where it grows.
In some areas occupying troops could be withdrawn and ... which will bring peace to ....
If a peace treaty does not ... the conflict, there is a possibility of an international war.
In April of 1996, China, Russia and three former Soviet Republics signed a treaty aimed at ... along their borders.
In 313, Christians were recognized by Emperor Constantine as a group ... to the same rights as other religious groups in the Empire.
All countries need laws to protect their sovereignty, ..., unity and national security.
Everyone has a right to a ... .
... are the universal rights which every human being should be entitled.
Politicians make all sorts of promises during an election campaign, but very few of them are ever ....
At the beginning of World War II, when Germany ... Switzerland's ... by sending war planes into Swiss airspace, the planes were immediately shot down.
Nothing contents her , she is always ... .