Тема: Clothes make men.
Организационный момент
Hello , children, I m glad to see you
What date is it today?
What day of the week is it today?
What is the weather like to day?
What season is it?
Do you like spring?
Who likes spring and why?
What can you do in spring?
What can we wear in spring?
There are three little pictures on your desks.
There are the pictures of your mood.
-How do you feel today?
-Are you happy?
-Are you sad?
-If you are happy, rise the sun.
-If not very happy and merry, show me the sun with a little cloud.
-If you are not happy at all, show the pictures with a blue cloud.
-Look at these pictures (на доске!)
-What do you see here?
-Who are they (Картинки Jill and Jim)
-What do they have on?
-Guess please and say .
-What are we going to speak about?
-Lets remember the proverbs about clothes. Read them.
-Did you guess? What is the topic of our lesson? May be is it a proverb.
-Can you remember any other proverb about the clothes? What is the topic of our lesson?
Фонетическая зарядка
(Включаем проектор)
-Now let us train some English sounds and words. Repeat after me please.
Let’s start! First of all! Phonetic in focus.
Repeat altogether, please.
-thes - [ ðz] – clothes
-igh - [‘ai] – high, light, bright, right, tights
-ir - [‘ə:] – shirt, skirt, girl, bird, first
-ea- - [‘i:] jeans, season, read, speak
ea- - [‘e] head, sweater, weather
-ought - [‘o:t ] bought, thought, brought
Проверка домашнего задания
Дети рассказывают стихотворение
Kittens’ clothes
-Lets start with a poem you have leant by heart.
-Recite the poem, please.
Jeans and trousers
Sweaters and shirts
Socks and tights
And jackets and skirts
T-shits, shoes
Hight boots and mittens
There are the clothes of the kittens.
-The pictures are mixed. You have recited the poem. Look at the screen.
Учащиеся должны расставить слова и картинки в правильном порядке согласно стихотворению.
Учащиеся вспоминают стихотворение про животных, которое они учили в младших классах и на его основе составляют свои собственные стихотворения.
По образцу стиха из младших классов я предлагаю вам, ребята попробовать свои силы в стихосложении. Не одному же Тайни это под силу? Думаю, у вас это тоже получится. Try to do it! Make up a poem. Use the model.
A cat went to town to buy a hat. A dog ran to town to buy a sock. What? A hat for a cat? A cat in a hat? What? A sock for a dog? A dog in a sock? Who ever saw a cat in a hat? Who ever met a dog in a sock?
[pic] ran to town to buy [pic]
[pic] came to town to buy [pic]
got …. for a mouse
[pic] hurried to town to get [pic] saw
[pic] flew to town to buy [pic]
brought … for a bird
[pic] flew to town to buy [pic] doves saw gloves
[pic] came to town to buy [pic]
[pic] moved to town to buy [pic]
Упражнение на знание лексики
Необходимо поставить буквы в словах в правильном порядке:
1)raincoat 6)shorts
2)shirt 7)sweater
3)shoes 8)dress
4)boots 9)blouse
5)trainers 10)cap
Развитие диалогической речи
Do you like to go shopping?
Do you like shopping for clothes?
Imagine, please, that you are in the clothes shop.
Учащиеся рассказывают и инсценируют диалоги:
-Hello, Madam.
-Can I help you?
-I would like to try on a T-shirts and jeans.
-What color?
-Blue, please.
-Any problem, Madam?
-I would like a smaller size. Does it suit me?
-It looks good.
-How much are the jeans and the T-shirts.
-25 pounds. What is it?
-Here you are.
-Thank you.
Let’s have a rest now.
* * *
[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]
-Was this information interesting for you?
-Was it new for you?
-Would you like to be famous?
-Would you like to be disigners yourselves?
Let’s try.
Групповая работа.
Дети рассаживаются по группам по 6 человек. Каждой группе раздаем модель и одежду из картона. Учащимся предлагается подобрать одежду для отдыха, вечеринки, для занятий спортом.
-What collection in the best?
Учащиеся выбирают лучшую модель и объясняют свой выбор.
Подведение итогов урока.
You were very active today, show me, please, the cards of your mood.
Выставление оценок.
Домашнее задание.
Учащимся предлагается выбрать самим себе домашнее задание. Оно находится в двух конвертах – в одном конверте для сильных, а в другом для слабоуспевающих.