Lesson: 4
Form: 3 а,ә,б
The theme:My sweet granny
The aims: a Жаңа тақырыппен таныстыру, білім деңгейін жетілдіру
b Тыңдау, сөйлеу,есте сақтау, көру қабілеттерін дамыту
c Шыдамдылыққа, адамгершілікке баулу
Visual aids : Pictures
The procedure of the lesson:
I.Warming up.
- Good morning, children!
- Good morning, teacher!
- I am glad to see you!
- What date is it today?
- What day of the week is it today?
- Who is on duty today?
- Who is absent?
II. Checking up home task.
III. Presentation of the new lesson.
Our theme in our lesson is My sweet granny
Let’s begin our lesson.
New words:
Early-[ә:lɪ]- рано, ерте
Get up-[get] [ʌp]-вставать, ұйқыдан тұру
Make-[meɪk]- делать, жасау
Breakfast-[brekfәst]- завтрак, таңертеңгі ас
Market-[ma:kɪt]-рынок, базар
Buy-[baɪ]-покупать, сатып алу
Clean-[kli:n]- чистый, таза
Take-[teɪk]- брать, алу
Knits socks-[nɪt] [sɔk]- носки вязаний, шұлық тоқу
Fairy- tales-[fɛәrɪ] [teɪl]- сказка, ертегі
III. Practice.
Ex 1.
P.1- This is my granny. She is busy from Monday to Sunday
P .2-She always gets up early. She gets up at 6 o’clock.
P .3-She makes breakfast for me every morning.
P.4- She goes to the market and buys food.
IV. Grammar.
Present Tense of “ to be”- I person singular “am”. Pronoun “ I, I am”
The first person singular of treh present tense of the verb it.
I am a teacher. Мен мұғаліммен.
V. Rounding up .
Hometask.Make own topic
VI. Conclusion.Your marks are… .
The lesson is over! Good-bye children!