Тест №1 5 класс Spotlight

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МБ ОУ Кочкуровская СШ

Modular Test 1

5 classSpotlight

Составила учитель

английского языка

Салина Е. В.

Date___________________________Name _________________class__ test___


Match the words.

pencil a Education

lunch b break

school c Technology

Physical d subjects

Information e case


Complete with a/ an

1.______ pen 2. ______ eraser 3. ______ruler

4.______ atlas 5. ______classroom 6.______textbook


Write the short form.

He is _____________________

She is not __________________

We are ____________________

I am_______________________

They are not ________________

You are____________________

It is _______________________


Read and fill in: am, is or are

  1. This _______ my little brother.

  2. Look at my jeans! They _______ blue.

  3. What _______ it! – It’s a pencil case.

  4. I _____ in year 3 at school?

  5. _____ you nine? – No, I’m ten.

  6. How old _____ your sister?


Read the short paragraph and correct the mistakes.

hi, my name’s emma and i’m ten years old. i go to merton secondary school. My favourite subjects are english, history, art music and geography. The english class is Room D on tuesday and thursday.



Choose the correct response.

  1. A: Good morning, Paul.

B: a Good morning, Ann.

b And you?

  1. A: How are you?

B: a I’m fine thanks.

b Thank you.

  1. A: Goodbye, Tony.

B: a How are you?

b Goodbye, Sally. See you later.

  1. A: See you later!

B: a See you.

b Fine, thanks.

Ключи к контрольной работе №1

Name ______________________class_______test________


Match the words.

pencil a Education

lunch b break

school c Technology

Physical d subjects

Information e case


Complete with a/ an

1.___a___ pen 2. ___an___ eraser 3. ___a___ruler

4.___an___ atlas 5. ___a___classroom 6.___a___textbook


Write the short form.

He is ___He’s

She is not __She isn’t

We are ___We’re

I am___I’m

They are not ___They aren’t

You are____You’re

It is _______It’s


Read and fill in: am, is or are

This ___is____ my little brother.

Look at my jeans! They ___are____ blue.

What ____is___ it! – It’s a pencil case.

I __am___ in year 3 at school?

___Are__ you nine? – No, I’m ten.

How old ___is__ your sister?


Read the short paragraph and correct the mistakes.

hi, my name’s emma and i’m ten years old. i go to merton secondary school. My favourite subjects are english, history, art music and geography. The english class is Room D on tuesday and thursday.

Hi, my name’s Emma and I’m ten years old. I go to Merton secondary school. My favourite subjects are English, history, art, music and geography. The English class is Room D on Tuesday and Thursday.


Choose the correct response.

  1. A: Good morning, Paul.

B: a Good morning, Ann.

b And you?

  1. A: How are you?

B: a I’m fine thanks.

b Thank you.

  1. A: Goodbye, Tony.

B: a How are you?

b Goodbye, Sally. See you later.

  1. A: See you later!

B: a See you.

b Fine, thanks.

Анализ контрольной работа по английскому языку № 1

по теме «Школьные дни»

к УМК Spotlight 5 класс

Цель проверочной работы: провести итоговый контроль материала по теме «Школьные дни»

В проверочную работу включено 6 заданий.

1 задание на знание лексических единиц по данной теме;

2 задание на употребление артиклей a\an с существительными ;

3 на написание сокращенной формы глагола to be с местоимениями;

4 на употребление глагола to be;

5 на написание ряда лексических единиц по темам с заглавной буквы;

6 на выбор правильного ответа на реплику говорящего;

В классе всего 11 учащихся – 100%

Работу выполняли 10 учащихся – 91%

На «5» - 1 учащихся – 10%

На «4» - 4 учащихся – 40%

На «3» - 5 учащихся – 50%

На «2» - 0 учащихся – 0%

Были допущены ошибки

В 1 задании – 3 учащимся – 30%

Во 2 задании – 1 учащимися - 10%

В 3 задании – 6 учащимися – 60%

В 4 задании – 9 учащихся – 90%

В 5 задании 8 учащихся – 80%

В 6 задании 5 учащихся – 50%