Фамилия, имя:____________________________________________
1. Составьте предложения.
1. run, can, Tim. - ____________________________.
2. run, can, Tim? - ____________________________.
3. cat, a, big, is - ____________________________.
4. rabbit, Ann, has got, a, black. - ____________________________.
2. Напишите местоимения he, she, it, we, they.
Tim__________ Tom and Sam __________
Kate ___________ Ann’s fox ________
A cat ___________ Ann and I ____________
A pen ___________ pens _______________
Подбери к вопросу правильный ответ.
Can Tim sing? a) yes, he can b) yes it can.
Is Nick’s cat grey? a) no he isn’t b) yes, it is.
Has Ann got a cock? a) yes, she is b) no, she hasn’t.
Вставьте is, am, are.
I _________ happy.
He _________ happy.
You ________ happy.
She _________ happy.
We __________ happy.
It __________ happy.
They __________ happy.