Тесты по фонетике английского языка (звуки, транскрипция, интонация, акценты)

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Краткое описание: В архиве представлены два варианта теста по фонетике английского языка для проверки умения распознавать английские акценты на слух, давать характеристику звуков, акцентов, умение транскрибировать слова и интонировать диалоги в соответствии с ситуацией общения. Wav - файл�...

English Phonetics. Test 1.

1. Listen to the audios and match them with the given accents

2. Describe the peculiarities of the Scottish English accent:___________________________________________________

3. Transcribe the given words: warm __________, now __________, honour __________, quality __________, jerk __________, battle __________, nature __________, knee __________, block __________, blinding __________, they __________, brought __________, ginger __________, wrongful __________, chuck________.

4. Describe the vowel sound in the word “odd”: ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Describe the consonant sound in the word “their”: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

5. Show the nuclear tones in the text and be ready to read it

- Daddy, can you help me? I don't understand Math at all.

- Ok. What is the home task?

- Exercises eight, ten, thirteen and twenty two.

- Ten? Haven't we done it already?

- Probably. In any case, it's always good to have some more practice.

- Right, let's start then.

- Ahchoo!

- Bless you.

- Thanks!

English Phonetics. Test 2.

1. Listen to the audios and match them with the given accents

2. Describe the peculiarities of the Russian English accent:_____________________________________________________

3. Transcribe the given words: wrongful __________, block __________, they __________, brought __________, honour __________, now __________, quality __________, battle __________, nature __________, knee __________,warm __________, jerk __________, blinding __________, ginger __________, chuck________.

4.Describe the vowel sound in the word “lock” : ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Describe the consonant sound in the word “oath” : _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

5. Show the nuclear tones in the text and be ready to read it

- Daddy, can you help me with Math?

- Ok. What is the home task?

- Exercises eight, ten, thirteen and twenty two.

- Ten? Haven't we done it already?

- Probably. In any case, it's always good to have some more practice.

- Ok. By the way, here is your corrected Russian translation.

- Thank you, you are very helpful.