Рабочая программа на тему William Shakespeare

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Открытый урок английского языка по теме

"William Shakespeare"

  • Ахметова Диляра Базаровна, учитель английского языка

Цель урока: 

  • Расширение кругозора учащихся за счёт знакомства с классикой английской литературы Уильямом Шекспиром.

Задачи урока:


  1. Провести практику в речевой деятельности: монологической, диалогической речи, аудировании.

  2. Ознакомить учащихся с лексикой по теме: "Биография Шекспира".

  3. Уметь логически строить высказывание.

  4. Провести практику в работе по группам.


  • Воспитывать уважение к истории Великобритании.


  1. Развивать мышление, творческую фантазию, инициативу в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности.

  2. Развивать любовь к чтению.

Оснащение урока: портрет В. Шекспира, презентация, интерактивная доска, проектор, раздаточные материалы, клей, бумага Ватман, маркеры, рисунки, касательно В. Шекспира.

Ход урока

I. Introduction.

Т. Good.morning pupils, good morning dear guests!

Pupils: Good morning!

Т. I am glad to see you.

Pupils: We are glad to see you too.

T. Sit down, please.

T. Today we have unusual lesson. We have guests. Let’s have a rest.

Показ физ.зарядки.

II. Checking hometask

OK, let’s have a revision.

Показ слайда.

The houses of Parliament

London Tower

Buckingham Palace

Tower Bridge

Big Ben

T. Thank you. dear pupils.

III. New theme

Let’s begin our new theme. Today we are going to speak about the greatest playwright in the world.

Who is this?

Yes, he is William Shakespeare.

Look at the black board, there is a text about biography of W. Shakespeare.

William Shakespeare (1564-1616)

William was born on the 23 of April in 1564 at Stratford–on -Avon in Great Britain. His father, John Shakespeare, was a shopkeeper and his mother, Mary Arden, was a daughter of rich farmer. There were 8 children in their family. When he was 18, he married Ann Hathway, a woman 8 years older than himself. They had 3 children: the first was Sussans, and then were twins Hamnet and Judith. At the age of 22 he left Stratford to London. He went there alone. He became an actor and soon began to write plays. Many of his plays were acted in Globe theatre. He wrote 38 plays. 11 tragedies, 17 comedies, 10 historical plays. And also he wrote 154 sonnets.

IV. Individual work

Pupils, let’s read this text. each pupil read for one sentences and translate them.

Thank you, pupils! And know we have individual work. Ask questions and answer them.

Aidana: When was Shakespeare born?

Nazgul: W. Shakespeare was born on the 23d of April 1564

Nazgul. Where was he born?

Nurzat: He has born in Stratford on Avon in Great Britain.

Nurzat. What was his father?

Murek: His father John Shakespeare was a glovemaker, his mother Mary Arden was a farmer`s daughter

Murek. What do we know about his education?

Ainura: Shakespeare learned grammar, logic and Latin at the grammar school and had enough education to develop his literary skill.

Ainura. When was he married?

Amine: We know that when Shakespeare was 18, he married Anne Hathaway, a woman eight years older than himself.

Amine. How many children did W. Shakespeare have?

Madat: He had three children. When he was 18 Susanna his first child was born and then twins: Hamnet and Judith followed in two years.

Madat. When did Shakespeare go to work to London?

Meken: At the age of 22 Shakespeare left Stratford for London. He went there alone. We don t know exactly why he did it. Some people say that the reason was his love of poetry and theatre.

Meken. Did he act on the stage in London?

Abylai: He did and soon became an important member of the new Globe Theatre.

Abylai. What Shakespeare plays do you know?

Abai: Shakespeare wrote 38 plays.

V. Group work

And now we must divided into two groups.

Yes, Thank you. We have 2 group

And now I’ll give you tests.

William Shakespeare Biography

1. In what year was Shakespeare born?

A. 1564

B. 1616

C. 1558

D. 1592

2. Where was Shakespeare born in?

A. London

B. Stratford-upon-Avon

C. Snitterfield

D. Oxford

3. The names of Shakespeare's father and mother were:

A. Abraham and Sara

B. William and Anne

C. John and Mary

4. Who did Shakespeare marry?

A. Judith Sadler

B. Susanna Hall

C. Anne Hathaway

D. Mary Queen of Scots

5. How old was Shakespeare when he got married?

A. 17

B. 18

C. 19

D. 20

6. Shakespeare was the father of how many children?

A. 3

B. 2

C. 10

D. 1

7. Shakespeare left his home town of Stratford because:

A. He was caught poaching on the lands of Sir Thomas Lucy and fled to avoid prosecution.

B. He was apprenticed to his father who was a butcher. He hated the work and ran away to London.

C. He took a job as a school teacher in the country, and left to pursue this career.

D. It is not known for sure how or why he left.

8. Which five plays are known as his "great tragedies"?

A. Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, King Lear, Antony and Cleopatra

B. The Merchant of Venice, Henry IV Part 1, Henry IV Part 2, Henry V, Twelfth Night

C. King John, Henry VI Part 1, Richard II, Richard III, Henry VIII

D. Measure for Measure, Troilus and Cressida, Coriolanus, Timon of Athens, Cymbeline.

9. In what year did Shakespeare die?

A. 1599

B. 1616

C. 1623

D. 1642

10. How much did Shakespeare write?

A. 154 play, 38 sonnets

B. 54 plays, 5 sonnets

C. 4 plays, 38 sonnets

D. 38 plays, 154 sonnets

We check your answers on projector.

Thank you, groups. And now let’s read and match with Russian equivalent Shakespeare’s quotes.

To be or not to be: that is the question.

Из ничего не выйдет ничего.

A man can die but once.

Моей любви не выразить словами.

Nothing will come of nothing.

Быть или не быть: вот в чём вопрос.

My love is richer than my tongue.

Двум смертям не бывать, а одной не миновать.

OK, let’s do posters. I’ll give you pictures you must do posters. I’ll give you 3 min.

Your time is up. Protect your posters.

VI. Hometask

T.: Your home task is to learn by heart sonnets.

Показ саундтрэка из кинофильма Ромео и Джульетта.

Thank you, good job. The lesson is over.

Список литературы:

  1. Shakespeare W. Romeo and Juliet, M, 1969

  2. T.D. Volosova, M.J. Hecker, V.V. Rogoff English Literatyre 8th from English language schools. M, "Prosveshcheniye" 1974

  3. Шекспир В. Сонеты, в переводе С.Я.Маршака

4. www.rus-shake.ru (база данных «Русский Шекспир», 2007-2008);

5. www.kulichki.com/vv/ovys/teatr/ (можно посмотреть видеофрагмент спектакля «Гамлет» с участием В.Высоцкого);