Пояснительная записка к аттестационному материалу
промежуточной аттестации учащихся 6 классов
Промежуточная аттестация по иностранному языку в 6 классах СОПШДО №17 осуществляется в письменной форме по изучаемому английскому языку.
При подготовке аттестационного материала для промежуточной аттестации учащихся 6 классов СОПШДО №17 по английскому языку были использованы нормативные документы Министерства образования РК:
Закон «Об образовании»;
«Государственный общеобязательный стандарт начального, основного среднего, общего среднего образования РК», утвержденный постановлением Правительства Республики Казахстан от 23 августа 2012 года№1080;
«Инструктивно-методическое письмо об особенностях преподавания основ наук в организациях общего среднего образования Республики Казахстан в 2015-2016 учебном году» и типовой учебной программы по предмету «Иностранный язык», утвержденный приказом МОН РК от
3 апреля 2013 года № 115,
Также были использованы нормативные документы:
Преподавание английского языка в 6 классах в СОПШДО №17 ведется по учебнику Family and Friend 5 издательства Oxford University Press (Учебник английского языка для школ c углубленным изучением английского языка. 2010) в полном соответствии с примерной программой основного общего образования по иностранным языкам для общеобразовательных учреждений.
Промежуточная аттестация по иностранному языку в 6 классе ставит своей целью проверку уровня сфомированности языковой компетенции учащихся в трех из четырех целевых умений – аудировании, чтении и письменной речи.
Промежуточная аттестация проводится в форме тестирования. Тест содержит пять заданий.
Первое задание проверяет умения аудирования. Учащимся предлагается прослушать несложный аутентичный текст (из художественной литературы) и ответить на 4 вопроса по тексту.
Втрое задание проверяет умения ознакомительного чтения (чтения с пониманием основного содержания). Аттестуемому предлагается законченный в смысловом отношении несложный аутентичный текст (из художественной литературы). Задача аттестуемого – ответить на 3 вопроса по содержанию текста.
Третье и четвертое задания проверяют грамматические умения. Задание состоит из 5 заданий на проверку уровня качества анализа предложения по видовременным формам и грамматический тест:
Употребление глаголов в пяти временных формах (в настоящем, в прошедшем, будущем, настоящем длительном, настоящем завершенном времени);
Образование множественного числа существительного
Употребление прилагательных в трех степенях сравнения
Употребление артиклей в предложениях.
Пятое задание включает в себя лексический кроссворд.
Каждое задание оценивается определенным количеством баллов, а оценка за промежуточную аттестацию складывается из общего количества баллов за правильно выполненные задания. При оценивании работы рекомендуется руководствоваться приводимыми ниже критериями оценивания.
Экзаменационный материал оформлен в полном соответствии с рекомендациями школьного методического объединения учителей английского языка.
Экзаменационный материал разработан учителями английского языка Байбусиновой Г.И., Молдакимовой Г.А., Гореловой Н.Р. учителями высшей квалификационной категории.
Требования к уровню подготовки обучающихся:
В результате изучения английского языка в 6 классе ученик должен:
• основные значения изученных лексических единиц; основные способы словообразования;
• особенности структуры простых и сложных предложений; интонацию различных коммуникативных типов предложений;
• признаки изученных грамматических явлений;
• роль владения иностранными языками в современном мире, особенности образа жизни, быта, культуры стран изучаемого языка;
• понимать основное содержание несложных аутентичных текстов, выделять значимую информацию, определять тему и выделять главные факты;
• читать аутентичные тексты разных жанров с пониманием основного содержания;
• читать несложные аутентичные тексты разных жанров с полным и точным пониманием, оценивать полученную информацию, выражать свое мнение.
Использовать приобретенные знания и умения в практической деятельности и повседневной жизни:
• для социальной адаптации, достижения взаимопонимания в процессе устного и письменного общения с носителями иностранного языка;
• для осознания места и роли родного и изучаемого иностранного языка в полиязычном мире;
• для приобщения к ценностям мировой культуры
Критерии оценивания ответов учащихся 6 классов
«5» - 100% - 90% правильно выполненных заданий
«4» - 89% - 75% правильно выполненных заданий
«3» - 74% - 50% правильно выполненных заданий
«2» - менее 50% правильно выполненных заданий
Practice Exam Paper for the 6th form
Listen to the text King Midas .
except – кроме treasury – сокровищница
to console – утешать sneaked up to – подкралась
Choose the correct variant to answer the question. Выбери правильный вариант ответа на вопрос.
1. Who loved gold more than anything else in the world?
a) Midas b) Midas’s daughter c) the stranger
2. What did Midas do every day?
a) He counted the gold he’d already had.
b) He played hide-and-seek with his daughter.
c) He turned things into gold every day.
3. What did Midas want to get to become happy?
a) more gold b) more time with his daughter c) some days off
4. What could console Midas after his daughter had turned into a golden statue?
a) more gold b) the stranger c) Midas’s wife d) nothing
II. Read the text.
We eat a lot of different kinds of food today. Before the 16th century, people in Europe didn't have a lot of the things that we can eat and drink every day. At the end of the 15th century, people from Europe started to travel to other parts of the world. They went to America, Africa and Asia. They brought back a lot of new kinds of food.
Chocolate came from Mexico. The Aztecs there drank chocolate with pepper! The Spanish brought chocolate to Europe and they were first to put sugar in it. Until the 1870s, chocolate was only a drink. The Swiss made the first bar of chocolate in 1876.
Tomatoes, peppers and avocados all came from Mexico, too. The Spanish took seeds back to Spain and started to grow the plants there. Soon they spread to other countries in Europe and then to other parts of the world. The words tomato, chocolate and avocado all come from the old Aztec language.
Potatoes came from South America. Potatoes like cold, wet weather. They grew in the mountains of Peru. Coffee came from Africa. The Turks took it to Turkey and then to Europe. Tea came from China in the 17th century. At first it was very expensive and only rich people drank it, but in the 19th century the British started to grow tea in India. They produced a lot, so it was cheap and everybody could drink it.
Give the title to the text.
What is the text about?
Where are chocolates come from?
Write this sentence in different verbal forms according to the table.
Fin collects a team for DSD club.
Auxiliary Verb
Affirmative +
Negative -
Interrogative ?
IV. Choose the right answer.
1. We haven’t got … time.
A) many B) little C) much
2. The dog with the long tail is … than the other dog.
A) funniest B) funnier C) funny
3. Sheila usually goes to work by bus but today she … there.
A) walks B) walk C) is walking
4. My bag is old. I … to buy a new bag next week.
A) am go B) going C) am going
5. Do you like …?
A) swim B) to swimming C) swimming
6. Where … last Monday? I went out with Kate.
A) did you went B) do you go C) did you go
7. … I take your pen? Certainly.
A) Do B) Can C) Does
8. I’ll … dinner while you’re at the hospital.
A) makes B) make C) do
9. Why aren’t there … cups in the kitchen?
A) a B) some C) any
10. … the evening, I watch TV.
A) At B) In C) On
V. Crossword: environment
Начало формы
Practice Exam Paper for the 6th form
Listen to the text King Midas .
except – кроме treasury – сокровищница
to console – утешать sneaked up to – подкралась
Choose the correct variant to answer the question. Выбери правильный вариант ответа на вопрос.
1. Who loved gold more than anything else in the world?
a) Midas b) Midas’s daughter c) the stranger
2. What did Midas do every day?
a) He counted the gold he’d already had.
b) He played hide-and-seek with his daughter.
c) He turned things into gold every day.
3. What did Midas want to get to become happy?
a) more gold b) more time with his daughter c) some days off
4. What could console Midas after his daughter had turned into a golden statue?
a) more gold b) the stranger c) Midas’s wife d) nothing
II. Read the text.
We eat a lot of different kinds of food today. Before the 16th century, people in Europe didn't have a lot of the things that we can eat and drink every day. At the end of the 15th century, people from Europe started to travel to other parts of the world. They went to America, Africa and Asia. They brought back a lot of new kinds of food.
Chocolate came from Mexico. The Aztecs there drank chocolate with pepper! The Spanish brought chocolate to Europe and they were first to put sugar in it. Until the 1870s, chocolate was only a drink. The Swiss made the first bar of chocolate in 1876.
Tomatoes, peppers and avocados all came from Mexico, too. The Spanish took seeds back to Spain and started to grow the plants there. Soon they spread to other countries in Europe and then to other parts of the world. The words tomato, chocolate and avocado all come from the old Aztec language.
Potatoes came from South America. Potatoes like cold, wet weather. They grew in the mountains of Peru. Coffee came from Africa. The Turks took it to Turkey and then to Europe. Tea came from China in the 17th century. At first it was very expensive and only rich people drank it, but in the 19th century the British started to grow tea in India. They produced a lot, so it was cheap and everybody could drink it.
1. Give the title to the text.
What is the text about?
Where are chocolates come from?
III.Write this sentence in different verbal forms according to the table.
Libby writes an article for newspaper.
Axillary Verb
Affirmative +
Negative -
Interrogative ?
IV. Choose the right answer.
1. We haven’t got … time.
A) many B) little C) much
2. The dog with the long tail is … than the other dog.
A) funniest B) funnier C) funny
3. Sheila usually goes to work by bus but today she … there.
A) walks B) walk C) is walking
4. My bag is old. I … to buy a new bag next week.
A) am go B) going C) am going
5. Do you like …?
A) swim B) to swimming C) swimming
6. Where … last Monday? I went out with Kate.
A) did you went B) do you go C) did you go
7. … I take your pen? Certainly.
A) Do B) Can C) Does
8. I’ll … dinner while you’re at the hospital.
A) makes B) make C) do
9. Why aren’t there … cups in the kitchen?
A) a B) some C) any
10. … the evening, I watch TV.
A) At B) In C) On
V. Crossword: echo home
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Practice Exam Paper for the 6th form
Listen to the text King Midas .
except – кроме treasury – сокровищница
to console – утешать sneaked up to – подкралась
Choose the correct variant to answer the question. Выбери правильный вариант ответа на вопрос.
1. Who loved gold more than anything else in the world?
a) Midas b) Midas’s daughter c) the stranger
2. What did Midas do every day?
a) He counted the gold he’d already had.
b) He played hide-and-seek with his daughter.
c) He turned things into gold every day.
3. What did Midas want to get to become happy?
a) more gold b) more time with his daughter c) some days off
4. What could console Midas after his daughter had turned into a golden statue?
a) more gold b) the stranger c) Midas’s wife d) nothing
II. Read the text.
We eat a lot of different kinds of food today. Before the 16th century, people in Europe didn't have a lot of the things that we can eat and drink every day. At the end of the 15th century, people from Europe started to travel to other parts of the world. They went to America, Africa and Asia. They brought back a lot of new kinds of food.
Chocolate came from Mexico. The Aztecs there drank chocolate with pepper! The Spanish brought chocolate to Europe and they were first to put sugar in it. Until the 1870s, chocolate was only a drink. The Swiss made the first bar of chocolate in 1876.
Tomatoes, peppers and avocados all came from Mexico, too. The Spanish took seeds back to Spain and started to grow the plants there. Soon they spread to other countries in Europe and then to other parts of the world. The words tomato, chocolate and avocado all come from the old Aztec language.
Potatoes came from South America. Potatoes like cold, wet weather. They grew in the mountains of Peru. Coffee came from Africa. The Turks took it to Turkey and then to Europe. Tea came from China in the 17th century. At first it was very expensive and only rich people drank it, but in the 19th century the British started to grow tea in India. They produced a lot, so it was cheap and everybody could drink it.
1.Give the title to the text.
2.What is the text about?
3.Where are chocolates come from?
III.Write this sentence in different verbal forms according to the table.
Romans built beautiful houses.
Axillary Verb
Affirmative +
Negative -
Interrogative ?
IV. Choose the right answer.
1. We haven’t got … time.
A) many B) little C) much
2. The dog with the long tail is … than the other dog.
A) funniest B) funnier C) funny
3. Sheila usually goes to work by bus but today she … there.
A) walks B) walk C) is walking
4. My bag is old. I … to buy a new bag next week.
A) am go B) going C) am going
5. Do you like …?
A) swim B) to swimming C) swimming
6. Where … last Monday? I went out with Kate.
A) did you went B) do you go C) did you go
7. … I take your pen? Certainly.
A) Do B) Can C) Does
8. I’ll … dinner while you’re at the hospital.
A) makes B) make C) do
9. Why aren’t there … cups in the kitchen?
A) a B) some C) any
10. … the evening, I watch TV.
A) At B) In C) On
V. Crossword: wildlife
Начало формы
Practice Exam Paper for the 6th form
I.Listen to the text King Midas .
except – кроме treasury – сокровищница
to console – утешать sneaked up to – подкралась
Choose the correct variant to answer the question. Выбери правильный вариант ответа на вопрос.
1. Who loved gold more than anything else in the world?
a) Midas b) Midas’s daughter c) the stranger
2. What did Midas do every day?
a) He counted the gold he’d already had.
b) He played hide-and-seek with his daughter.
c) He turned things into gold every day.
3. What did Midas want to get to become happy?
a) more gold b) more time with his daughter c) some days off
4. What could console Midas after his daughter had turned into a golden statue?
a) more gold b) the stranger c) Midas’s wife d) nothing
II. Read the text.
We eat a lot of different kinds of food today. Before the 16th century, people in Europe didn't have a lot of the things that we can eat and drink every day. At the end of the 15th century, people from Europe started to travel to other parts of the world. They went to America, Africa and Asia. They brought back a lot of new kinds of food.
Chocolate came from Mexico. The Aztecs there drank chocolate with pepper! The Spanish brought chocolate to Europe and they were first to put sugar in it. Until the 1870s, chocolate was only a drink. The Swiss made the first bar of chocolate in 1876.
Tomatoes, peppers and avocados all came from Mexico, too. The Spanish took seeds back to Spain and started to grow the plants there. Soon they spread to other countries in Europe and then to other parts of the world. The words tomato, chocolate and avocado all come from the old Aztec language.
Potatoes came from South America. Potatoes like cold, wet weather. They grew in the mountains of Peru. Coffee came from Africa. The Turks took it to Turkey and then to Europe. Tea came from China in the 17th century. At first it was very expensive and only rich people drank it, but in the 19th century the British started to grow tea in India. They produced a lot, so it was cheap and everybody could drink it.
1.Give the title to the text.
2.What is the text about?
3.Where are chocolates come from?
III.Write this sentence in different verbal forms according to the table.
Professor invents different machines.
Axillary Verb
Affirmative +
Negative -
Interrogative ?
IV. Choose the right answer.
1. We haven’t got … time.
A) many B) little C) much
2. The dog with the long tail is … than the other dog.
A) funniest B) funnier C) funny
3. Sheila usually goes to work by bus but today she … there.
A) walks B) walk C) is walking
4. My bag is old. I … to buy a new bag next week.
A) am go B) going C) am going
5. Do you like …?
A) swim B) to swimming C) swimming
6. Where … last Monday? I went out with Kate.
A) did you went B) do you go C) did you go
7. … I take your pen? Certainly.
A) Do B) Can C) Does
8. I’ll … dinner while you’re at the hospital.
A) makes B) make C) do
9. Why aren’t there … cups in the kitchen?
A) a B) some C) any
10. … the evening, I watch TV.
A) At B) In C) On
V. Crossword: Health
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