Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме "Travelling ”
Тип урока: комплексное применение знаний на практике с использованием ИКТ.
повторение и закрепление изученного материала по теме "Travelling", активизировать лексический материал по теме “Travelling” в продуктивной речи;
развивать навыки аудирования, говорения;
формировать интерес к культуре, истории и традициям страны изучаемого языка,
формировать умения работать в команде;
воспитывать у учащихся интерес к изучению иностранного языка;
воспитывать уважительное отношение друг к другу
обучающая: повышение уровня социокульурной компетенции
Оборудование: раздаточный материал в виде карточек, компьютер, проектор, презентация, доска.
Класс делится на 2 команды. Каждая из команд выбирает командира. Задача команд – как можно быстрее дать правильные ответы на вопросы. За правильный ответ присуждается 1 балл, в случае неправильного ответа команда получает 0 баллов.
Ход урока
Организационный момент
Teacher: Stand up! Hello, children! We are glad to see you! Take your seats.
Pupils: Hello, teachers. We are glad to see you too.
Цель урока:
Teacher: Today we’ll have an unusual lesson. We’ll make a trip to different countries.
We will visit different places of interest, , play interesting games and listen to the songs.
People travel a lot. Why do the travel?
Pupil 1: I think people travel to see different places, to meet people, to see something new.
3. Фонетическая и речевая зарядка
Teacher: Look at the blackboard. You can see the aphorism, let’s read it and discuss what it means:
A world is a book
and if you don’t travel
you read only one page.
Pupils: We think that it’s not interesting to live without travelling and you can’t learn a lot of exciting and important things if you always stay at home.
4. Основная часть
Teacher: When you travel you learn how people of different countries live, you study their customs and traditions and become cleverer, you open your mind and it’s also very interesting.
Teacher: So, let's start our game! Look at the black board. There is the field. Today we'll play the Sea Battle! Team 1 choose the ship!
Команды по очереди пытаются попасть в корабль. Команда, попавшая в корабль, отвечает на вопрос первой.
Ship 1. Quiz about London
Teacher: There are questions about London. Let's try to answer them.
1) Where does the Queen live? ( Buckingham Palace) слайд 1
2) This museum is the largest in London. what? (British museum) слайд 2
3) What is one of the famous London cinemas? ( Odeon) слайд 3
4) The British Museum isn't far from this square. What square is it?( Bloomsbury) слайд 4
5) What street is London's main shopping centre? (Oxford street) слайд 5
6) What is the largest park in London? (Hyde park) слайд 6
7) Who built St. Paul's Cathedral? ( Sir Christopher Wren) слайд 7
8) What square is in the centre of London? ( Trafalgar square) слайд 8
9) Many English kings and queens are buried there. ( Westminster Abbey) слайд 9
*10) London consists of 2 cities. What are they? ( the city of London, the city of Westminster) слайд 10
команда, ответившая на большее количество вопросов пытается найти следующий корабль.
Ship 2. Holidays.
1) This holiday is celebrated on the 5th of November. people celebrate it with bonfires and fireworks. Children ask for " a penny for the guy". What holiday is this? ( Guy Fawkes Day) слайд 11
2) This holiday is celebrated in many countries. People buy special cards and write there the words of love. Also you can see the line "roses are red, violets are blue" almost in every card. ( Valentine's Day) слайд 12
3) It is a long-awaited, special holiday. The houses are decorated with lights and toys. An old man comes on his sledge and brings presents for everybody. People celebrate it in December. ( Christmas) слайд 13
4) People decorate their houses with scary pumpkins with candles, skeletons, spiders, ghosts and many other scary things. Everyone wears costumes and masks. Children say " trick-or-treat". This holiday is also called All Saint's Eve. (Halloween) слайд 14
5) A lot of people celebrate it. This is a religious holiday. It's celebrated in the spring. the data is not fixed, but it is always On Sunday. There are the traditions of coloring hard-boiled eggs and giving baskets of candies. In the movies you can see the Bunny who gives candies. (Easter) слайд 14
Ship 3.Proverbs
Учитель раздает командам распечатки.
Teacher: This task is very difficult. You have words and you are to put them in the right order so that you can make proverbs.
Team 1.
East or West the home is best.
All roads leads to Rome.
Team 2.
Home is where your heart is.
There is no place like home.
Ship 4. Crossword
Учитель раздает командам распечатки с кроссвордами.
Teacher: You have crosswords. You should find the word in red line. But don't forget to find all the words.
Team 1 - Sightseeing
Team 2- Westminster
Ship 5. Music
Teacher: Now you will listen to the songs and guess the country.
1. France
4. Spain
5. Japan
Ship 6. Spelling
Команды получают листы со словом TRAVEL. Каждая буква- это первая буква другого слова. Побеждает команда, которая вспомнит больше слов.
t - ticket, through, tired, traffic, tourist, trip
r - return, railway
a - arrive, ahead
v - voyage
e - explain
l - luggage
Ship 7. Geographical names.
Teacher: Now you have the table, where you should find 6 geographical names.
Moscow, Scotland, Paris, Spain, Russia, Italy.
Ship 8. Sightseeings
Teacher: Now you'll look at the blackboard and tell the name of the places.
*Ship 9. Secret proverb.
Учитель раздает распечатки
Teacher: Now you have the secret proverb. You have the code. Decode it!
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
5. Заключительный этап урока.
Did you like our lesson?
Pupils: The lesson was very interesting and we would like to visit London with great pleasure.
We have worked hard today. Thank you for your active work at the lesson.
Your marks :
So, the lesson is over. You can be free. Good bye!