Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку

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Киргизбекова Жанна Есемгельдиевна [pic]

учитель английского языка, III базовый уровень

КГУ «Опорная школа на базе (РЦ)

«Комплекс школа – детский сад» поселка Шашубай




8. The last contest “English or American?”

I’ll give the crossword. You should find all suitable variants of American English words using equivalents of British English words. You may earn 8 points in this task. You will have 5 minutes to do this task.

9. Reflection

So, it’s time to make the conclusion. Our jury will say the results of our competition “Do you know English?”

And now I ask you to share your opinions with us about the competition. I’ll give your two colorful stars: golden and black. If you like the competition you’ll choose golden star and say, please, what exactly do you like, and if you dislike our competition you should choose black star and also say why.

[pic] [pic]

10. Recommendation

More English competitions and more communicate in English!!!