Конспект интегрированного урока в 10 классе (математика, английский язык) на тему Я, моя семья. Жизнь общества.Покупки.

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Тема. Я, моя семья. Жизнь общества.Покупки.

Підтема: Покупка одежды и обуви.

Мета: познакомить с британской и американской таблицами размеров; научить общаться при покупке одежды и обуви; чтобы поощрять овладение коммуникативной компетенции учащихся на уровне использования, повторить изученную лексику; практиковать студентов в способности общаться на английском языке, покупая одежду и обувь и умение воспринимать услышанное ,развивать логическое мышление, память, фонематический слух; воспитывать культуру общения.

ознайомити з британською та американською таблицями розмірів; вчити спілкуватися під час покупки одягу та взуття; сприяти оволодінню учнями комунікативною компетенцією на рівні вживання, повторити вивчену лексику; практикувати учнів у вмінні спілкуватися англійською мовою при покупці одягу та взуття та умінні аудіювання тексту, розвивати логічне мислення, пам'ять, фонематичний слух; виховувати культуру мовлення.

Ход урока.

І Начало урока


2.Отчет дежурного.

3.Сообщение темя и цели урока

The topic of today’s lesson is buying clothes and footwear. You’ll learn to behave when doing shopping, to understand and reply appropriately. Besides, you’ll practice getting out of difficult situations in English and get acquanted with Europian, British and American sizes of clothes and footwear.

By the end of the lesson you should be able to talk with a shop-assistant when buying clothes or shoes.

4. Введение в иноязычную атмосферу

  1. Grouping Exercise.

On the cards write the phrases which can be heard in a shop or at a department store.

Cards A Words of a shopkeeper or a shop-assistant
  • What can I do for you?

  • Which one would you like?

  • How much would you like?

  • Here you are. It’s suits you perfectly.

  • May I help you?

  • Do you want anything else?

  • Here is your bill.

  • Pay at the cash desk, please.

  • What can I get for you today?

  • Here is your change. Thank you.

Cards B for customers
  • Could you show me that hat?

  • My size in Ukraine is 37.

  • I’d like to buy a nice dress for my sister.

  • Will you wrap it up, please?

  • Where I can pay for it?

  • I’d like to try it on.

  • I don’t like this colour.

  • Ca you give me another one?

  • One loaf of bread, please.

  • What’s the price of it ?

Pupils having got the cards read the phrases and arrange themselves into 2 groups: customers and shop-assistants.

2) Brainstorming.

Now you’ll try to make a conclusion and to assure the opposite team that you are right.

Where is better to buy clothes and footwear?

Divide the board into 2 halves. The teams give their arguments to prove that it’s better to do shopping:

You can buy everything you want in one store.

There are fitting rooms there.

It is safe. Etc.

  • All the things are cheaper.

  • You can bargain. Etc.

The team having more arguments wins.

ІІ. Основная часть.

    1. Составление диалогов

Work in pairs. Practice simultaneously.


I. P1. You are a customer. Now you are at the food store. Ask a shop-assistant about the price of foodstuff you’re going to buy.

P2. You are a shop-assistant. A customer asks you questions about the price of foodstuff. Answer his questions politely.

II. P1. You are the tourist. Now you are at the clothes department. Ask the shop-assistant to let you try on the things. Mention the colour and size.

P2. You are a shop-assistant. Try to meet your customer’s needs.

2. Ознакомление с таблицей размеров.

What is necessary to know when you choose clothes or shoes?

- your size, of course.

Let’s get acquainted with British and American size standards.

Do you know your size/

Now, match your size to the British and American ones according to the table given on page 64.

3. Диалогическая деятельность.


Use the task given in ex. 38, p. 63, use your data, use the conversation from ex. 37, p. 63 and compose your own dialogue with a shop-assistant, then act it out. When acting don’t read, but speak.

4. Практика в аудировании автентичного текста «Fast food ».

- Этап підготовки к восприятию текста.

What do you know about fast food restaurants?

In what country was it opened?

Are there any fast food restaurants in Ukraine? In what towns?

Do you like fast food restaurants?

What are your favorite foods?

- Предъявление нових слов .







  • Этап прослушивания текста и выполнение упражнений.

  • А) Первичное прослушивание текста.

Fast- Food.

One of the earliest events at which burger in a bun was sold was the 1904 World’s Fair St. Louis, Missouri. In 1920’s hamburgers became a new market concept for American restaurants. The first fast food restaurant was White Castle, in Wichita, Kansas in 1921.

It sold hamburgers for five cents each. The first hamburgers were cooked with onions and they were smaller, so most customers ate more than one at a meal. The first fast food slogan created by White Castle was “Buy ‘em by the sack”. Other companies copied White Castle and offered the simple combination of hamburgers, French fries and Cola. Some of the competitors introduced variations on the hamburger theme. A slice of cheese, melted on top of the meat made the sandwich cheeseburger.

The most unusual innovation in those early years of fast food was how the food was served at some of the new restaurants. The “drive-in” service began in the 1920 with the A and W root beer company.

After World War II the number of restaurants specializing in fast food grew tremendously. They used different methods of competition: in Oklahoma the carhops wore roller skates. Hot dogs, pizza, fish and sea food, submarine sandwiches, roast beef sandwiches, donuts, salads… by the 1960s the fast food industry in the United States had grown to include other kinds of dishes and large and loyal clientele.

No matter where fast food restaurants are located or what type of fast food they sell, their most fundamental operating principle is standardization. Fast food restaurants must offer a standardized menu that limits the number of food choices. A small selection of items in the menu makes preparing fast food convenient for the thousands of restaurants that part of the particular company. They need only a limited variety of ingredients.

Anyone who has eaten at a fast food restaurant can appreciate the convenience of standardization. For some people it is comforting when there aren’t very many choices and they know in advance what they will be eating and how it will taste. Although some people dislike fast food for its predictability, it can be reassuring to a hungry person in a hurry or far from home. This predictability is essential for a successful fast food company. If customers have an enjoyable meal at one restaurant, they will probably be willing to go to any other restaurant of the same company.

Tick true or false statements (+)or(-).



  • One of the earliest events at which burger in a bun was sold was the 1904 World’s Fair St. Louis, Missouri.

  • It sold hamburgers for four cents each.

  • A slice of butter, melted on the top of the meat made the sandwich cheeseburger.

. A.

- Повторное прослушивание текста.

Complete the sentences with one of the following words. 1.

1. The first fast food restaurant was White Castle, in Wichita,_____ in 1921.

2. The most unusual_______ in those early years of fast food was how the food was served at some of the new restaurants.

3. 3. The “drive-in” _____ began in the 1920 with the A and W root beer company.

4. Fast food restaurants must offer a standardized menu that limits the number of food choices.

5. They need only a limited variety of____ .

6. This predictability is essential for a ____ fast food company.

- Контроль понимания текста.

Tell about typical American food.

Use these questions:

  • What became a new market concept for American restaurants?

  • Why did most customers eat more than one hamburger at a meal?

  • Who created the first fast food slogan?

  • When did the number of restaurants specializing in fast food grow tremendously?

  • Why some people dislike fast food ?

ІІІ. Заключная часть

    1. Домашнее завдание.

Translate into the English sentences from ex. 41, p. 65. Then, make up 3 short dialogues using some of these phrases, add your own ones so that the conversations sound natural.

    1. Подведение итогов.

What was the most interesting activity?

What size in G.B. or the USA will you look for when buying clothes or boots?

Did you suggest another title for this story?

I hope that if you found it interesting, you’ll read other stories written by O’Henry.

They are really worth reading.