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Learning objectives that this lesson is cotributing to

1.UE3. Use basic adjectives and colours to say what someone/something is or has

1.L3. Recognize with support simple greetings recognize the spoken form of limited range of basic and everyday classroom words.

1.S3. Pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly.

1.UE6. Use demonstrative pronounce this, these to indicate things.

1.S1. Make basic personal statements and simple statements basic objects.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly.

Recognize basic adjectives and colours to say what someone/something is or has.

Pronounce this, these to indicate things

Most learners will be able to:

Make basic adjectives and colours.

Make demonstrative pronounce this, these

Some learners will be able to:

Use basic adjectives and colours to say what someone/something is or has.

Use demonstrative pronounce this, these to indicate things.

Language objective

Learners can: pronounce basic words expression words, can use basic adjectives and colours to say what someone/something is or has. Use demonstrative pronounce this, these to indicate things.


Red, orange, white, black, blue, grey, green, pink, yellow, purple

Useful classroom language for dialogue/writing:


Work with pictures: this is red, these are green and blue

Can you say why...?

Repeat new words after teacher

Writing prompt


Greetings and names: chain game: What is your name? My name is….


Planned timing

Planned activities ( replace the notes below with your planned activities)




Warm-up What colours do you like?



  1. Work with new words (repeat after audio)

  2. Work with pictures

Pronounce basic words, pronounce this, these, for example this is red, these are blue and red.

  1. Game: something/someone, when we say something is red, they must keep something to red. When we say someone is blue, they must keep someone who dress blue clothes


Pictures, cards



Teacher check knowledge of children

Game with colours

Additional information

Differentiation- how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment- how are you planning to check learners learning?

Cross- curricular links

Health and safety check

ICT links

Values links

Game: something/someone, when we say something is red, they must keep something to red. When we say someone is blue, they must keep someone who dress blue clothes

Formative assessments: stars

Kazakh, russian


Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

We reach our aims. Our children recognize new words, can say colours, remember adjectives someone/something, demonstrative pronounce this, these. We play games, we work with pictures, cards.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well?

1: Children know colours, adjectives, demonstrative pronounce

2: They remember this words

What two things would have improved the lesson?

1:Repeat adjectives and demonstrative pronounce

2: Work with audio materials

What have I learned from this lesson about tge lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

I have heard who is able learner and who is weak learner, and how I can work with this class