Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме:
"Россия – моя Родина"
УМК: Кузовлев В.П.
Класс: 7
Тема урока: "Russia, My Homeland" ("Россия – моя Родина").
Цель урока: формирование коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся на основе изученных лексических единиц, речевых и грамматических структур по страноведческой тематике.
Задачи урока.
Образовательные задачи:
1. Совершенствование лексических навыков по страноведческой тематике на уровне свободного высказывания в виде монологической и диалогической речи.
2. Тренировка обучающихся в умении вести общение на английском языке в предлагаемых ситуациях.
Развивающие задачи:
1. Формирование и развитие коммуникативных умений и навыков (умение пользоваться речью: монологической, диалогической; умение слушать и слышать; умение участвовать в дискуссии);
2. Формирование и развитие учебно-организационных умений и навыков (взаимоконтроль, навыки самостоятельной работы, умение участвовать в коллективной познавательной деятельности, умение обобщать и анализировать).
Воспитательные задачи:
1. Воспитание чувства любви и уважения к своей стране и родному краю.
2. Развитие патриотических качеств личности школьника.
Оборудование: компьютер.
Оснащение урока: презентация «Russia , My Homeland»; аудиоматериал из аудиоприложения к учебнику английского языка песня “Подмосковные вечера” на английском языке; текст « The Russian Federation»; карта России;
План урока.
I. Начало урока (приветствие; сообщение цели урока; речевая зарядка).
1).Речевая зарядка:
2) презентация «Russia, My Homeland» (warming – up activity);
3) аудирование (информация о символах России, обсуждение прослушанного в группах);
4) прослушивание песни «Подмосковные вечера» на английском языке и исполнение песни под фонограмму
5) контрольное чтение текста (контроль выполнения домашнего задания)
6) работа с картой Show me the Urals, please! etc.
III. Заключительная часть урока (подведение итогов; домашнее задание - составить как можно больше слов из названия «The Russian Federation»; оценивание деятельности учащихся на уроке, выставление отметок).
Ход урока:
T: Good morning, boys and girls! I’m very glad to see you.
P: Good morning, teacher!
T: Sit down, please!
Сообщение цели урока, темы.
T: Dear children! I expect our lesson to be very interesting and exciting today because we are going to talk about your dearest and most favourite place on the Earth, about the greatest and most powerful country. Can you guess what country it is?
P: I think we are going to talk about Russia.
T: Right you are. Read the name of our lesson, please.
P: The name of our lesson is “Russia, My Homeland.”
Речевая зарядка (проводится одним из обучающихся)
P: What is the official name of our country?
P1: The official name of our country is the Republic of the Russian Federation.
P: What is the capital of the Russian Federation?
P2: The capital of Russia is Moscow.
P: What is the population of our country?
P3: The population of our country is over 140 million people.
P: Why do we call the Russian Federation a multinational country?
P4: We call Russia a multinational country because people of different ethnic groups live there.
P: How many nationalities live in Russia ?
P5: There are 180 nationalities in Russia.
P: Russia is the largest country in the world, isn’t it?
P6: Yes, it is.
1) обучающиеся рассказывают о себе и своем понимании слов «Я из России», пока звучит музыка.
P1, P2. P3,….
2) презентация «Russia, My Homeland» (warming – up activity)
3) T: Russia is not only the largest country in the world it is also one of the most powerful states. P1: The Head of our country is the President.
P2: The Prime Minister is the Head of the Council of Ministers.
P3: The official name of the Russian Parliament is the Federal Assembly.
P4: The upper House of the Federal Assembly is the Federal Council.
P5: The lower House of the Federal Assembly is the State Duma.
T: So, what political system does the Russian Federation represent according to the Constitution?
P: The Russian Federation is a presidential republic.
T: Who is the President of Russia at the moment?
P: The Russian President is Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
T: Уou are Right.
4)T: You know that each state has its symbols. What are the official symbols of our country?
P: The official symbols of Russia are the flag, the national emblem and the anthem.
T: Listen to the text for the information on the flag and the state emblem of the Russian Federation.
Учащиеся слушают текст об официальных символах России.
The Flag of the Russian Federation
The Russian flag is sometimes called the IMPERIAL FLAG. It consists of three equal stripes of white, blue and red. The first flag of this design appeared more than 300 years ago. Peter the Great adapted the flag from the National flag of the Netherlands. Later a black two-headed eagle on a golden background was added to the flag of Russia. The flag existed until the revolution in 1917. In the nineties, with the democratic changes, the three-colour flag was restored again. On 21 August 1991, the flag was officially adopted by the Russian President –Б.Ельцин. In Russia the colours of the flag symbolize:
white — frankness and generosity;-(искренность и щедрость)
blue — honesty and wisdom;-(честность-мудрость)
red — courage and love.-(храбрость-любовь)
The Emblem of the Russian Federation
The Russian National Emblem is the golden DOUBLE-HEADED EAGLE.
Above the two heads of the eagle, there is an historical crown.
The first emblem of the double-headed eagle was introduced in 1480, by Prince Ivan the III.
It was at the time of the establishment of the Russian state system. It symbolized the supreme-(верховный) power and sovereignty of the state.
Since then, the double-headed eagle is the main part of the emblem of our country. But now the crown is a symbol of the sovereignty both of the Russian Federation (as a whole) and of its parts (subjects of the Federation.
T: Let’s divide our class into two groups.
Group 1, talk about the flag of our country.
– What is the flag called? Why?
– What are the colours of the flag?
– What do they stand for?
– What changes has the flag gone through over the years?
Group 2, use the following questions to talk about the emblem of Russia
– What is the emblem of Russia?
– How does the design of the emblem reflect the history of our country?
– Do you agree that the emblem of a country reflects not only the history of the country but also the spirit of the nation through its symbols?
– Can we say that the National Emblem of our country signifies our history?
Обучающиеся делятся на две группы. Первая группа говорит о национальном флаге, вторая – о государственном гербе, третья – о национальном гимне.
5) ролевая игра
T: Well, Russia is a wonderful country. It has always been a country of mystery and attraction for foreigners. Winston Churchill once said that Russia "is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma".
T: Now you will have a chance to demonstrate that we are really friendly and hospitable. Today we are waiting for a group of English teenagers. Let’s meet our guests according to the old Russian tradition with bread and salt. They are symbols of hospitality.
T: Read the texts you have on your desks and answer our guests questions about Russia . Ex.6 , p.7
a) The main dishes of the traditional menu are blini (pancakes) with honey, caviar or sour cream, different soups (like shchi and borshch), pirozhki, pelmyeni (boiled pastry with meat filling) served with mustard, butter, vinegar or sour cream. Russian people eat brown bread with nearly every meal.
b) Usually tourists buy such traditional Russian souvenirs as beautifully painted mugs, plates and spoons from the village of Khokhloma, Palekh boxes and Matryoshka dolls. Matryoshka is a symbol of Russian folk art. The doll first appeared in Russia at the end of the 19th century and since then it has always been the most favourite Russian souvenir. But Russian Matryoshka is not only a toy with surprise or just souvenir. It is a symbol of motherhood, family and unity.
c) Perhaps the greatest Russian love is tea. It's drunk without milk and is often served with homemade jam (varienye), baranki (circles of dry pastry) and pirozhki (baked pastry with some filling). Russian-style tea is a special ceremony when people sit around a table with a samovar (tea-urn) placed in the middle, and drink hot strong tea with a slice of lemon either from cups or from glasses in glassholders.
Учащиеся читают тексты о русских сувенирах, национальной кухне и традиционной церемонии чаепития, соотносят прочитанное с иллюстрациями и отвечают на вопросы английских школьников.
6) Релаксация – прослушивание и исполнение песни «Подмосковные вечера» на английском языке.
T: To know a country - means to know its people. Russia is famous for its talented and unique poets, writers, artists and musicians. Let’s have some rest and listen to the song “Moscow Suburb Nights” by Soloviov-Sedoy and Mikhail Matusovskiy. It is famous all over the world. Sing it along!
7) продолжение ролевой игры:
На доске – портреты Александра Сергеевича Пушкина, Исаака Левитана, Юрия Гагарина, Петра Ильича Чайковского, Георгия Жукова
One of E.T/.: I can see portraits of some famous Russian people on the board. I can recognize some of them. He is Alexander Pushkin, the greatest poet and writer. He is Yuri Gagarin, the first Russian cosmonaut. But who is that man?
P: He is Isaak Levitan, a Russian artist.
T: Children, use the information and tell our guests about Levitan.
Обучающиеся составляют совместный рассказ о художнике, используя биографические факты.Ex.7 .p.8
P: Isaak Levitan was born in August, 1860. He had two sisters and a brother. Isaak spent his childhood in a small village of Kibarty. In 1873 he began learning to paint. He showed the poetic beauty of Russian nature in his works. The painter used the best traditions of Russian artists. He watched the countryside, the fields, the woodlands, the meadows. One of his famous works is “Autumn Day. Sokolniki Park” (1879). Anton Chekhov called him “Russia’s best landscape painter”.
8) продолжение ролевой игры one of E.G.: How interesting! I’ve never heard about Isaak Levitan before. But I’ve learnt a lot of new things about some outstanding Russian people during my currant visit. Two days ago I was in Moscow. I went sightseeing there. Moscow is wonderful. It is remarkable for its monuments. I took some pictures of them. Could you help me to make up captions for each photo?
T: Please, look at the photos and say whom these monuments are to.
Гость показывает фотографии памятников, отснятые им во время пребывания в Москве, и просит учащихся помочь подписать их.
P1: This is a monument to Lomonosov. It is situated in front of Moscow University.
P2: This monument is to Alexander Pushkin. It is situated in front of the “Pushkinsky” cinema.
P3: And this is a monument to Yuri Dolgoruky, the founder of Moscow. It is situated opposite the Mossovet building.
Гость подписывает фотографии после ответа обучающихся.
G.: Thank you for your help.
T: Are there any questions to our guests?
P1: Did you enjoy your staying in Moscow?
G1.: Certainly, I did. Moscow is a remarkable city. It is the city of contrasts: so friendly and gentle in many ways, yet in other ways, quite proud and powerful.
P2: What other cities are you going to visit during your trip?
G.2: I would like to visit a lot of different cities and towns. But I’m afraid I have little time.
9) Чтение And now we shall read the text about the Russian Federation .
The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. It occupies about one seventh of the earth’s surface. It covers the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia. Its total area is about 17 million square kilometers. The country is washed by 12 seas of 3 oceans: the Pacific, the Arctic and the Atlantic. In the south Russia borders on China, Mongolia, Korea, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Azerbaijan. In the west it borders on Norway, Finland, the Baltic States, Belorussia, and Ukraine. It also has a sea border with the USA.
There are two great plains in Russia: the Great Russian Plain and the West Siberian Lowland. There are several mountain chains on the territory of the country: the Urals, the Caucasus, the Altai and others. The largest mountain chain, the Urals, separates Europe from Asia. There are over two million rivers in Russia. Europe’s biggest river, the Volga, flows into the Caspian Sea. The main Siberian rivers – the Ob, the Yenisei and the Lena – flow from the south to the north. The Amur in the Far East flows into the Pacific Ocean.
Russia is rich in beautiful lakes. The world’s deepest lake (1.600 meters) is Lake Baikal. It is much smaller than the Baltic Sea, but there is much more water in it than in the Baltic Sea. The water in the lake is so clear that if you look down you can count the stones on the bottom.
Russia has one-sixth of the world’s forests. They are concentrated in the European north of the country, in Siberia and in the Far East. On the vast territory of the country there are various of climate, from arctic in the north to subtropical in the south. In the middle of the country the climate is temperate and continental.
Russia is a parliamentary republic. The Head of State is the President. The legislative powers are exercised by the Duma.
The capital of Russia is Moscow. It is its largest political, scientific, cultural and industrial center. It is one of the oldest Russian cities.
At present, the political and economic situation in the country is rather complicated. There are a lot of problems in the national economy of the Russian Federation. The industrial production is decreasing. The prices are constantly rising, the rate of inflation is very high. People are losing their jobs because many factories and plants are going bankrupt. But in spite of the problems Russia is facing at present, there are a lot of opportunities for this country to become one of the leading countries in the world. I’m sure that we, the younger generation, can do very much to make Russia as strong and powerful as in used to be.
10) работа с картой Show me the Urals, please! etc.
III.1) Подведение итогов урока.
T: Are you proud of your country? Do you love it?
P1: Yes, I’m proud of Russia and I like it very much.
P2: I love my country and I’m very proud of it, too.
P3: ...
Беседа о чувствах национальной гордости за свою страну и любви к ней.
2) Домашнее заданиеT: It is fine to be patriotic and love your nation, but it is not good to want to be separate and better than all other nations. We are all in this world together! Take this quiz to see how patriotic you are. It will be your first home task. Next lesson we are going to discuss your results.
Тест-викторина «Насколько Вы патриотичны?»Are you proud of your nation? It is fine to be patriotic, but it is not good to be blind to the faults of your nation and to want to be separate and better than all other nations. We are all in this world together! Take this quiz to see how patriotic you are
1. During the Olympics, you only watch events in which people from your country are performing. True
6. You know all the words to your nation’s national anthem.
2. You have your country’s flag hanging somewhere in your room or home.
7. You prefer films that are made in your home country, or are in your first language.
3. You have friends and pen friends from other nations.
8. Your favourite rock star is from your home country.
4. You would never consider living outside your home country (if it were possible).
9. You know a lot about your nation’s history.
5. If someone criticizes your home nation, you defend it, even if you know that person’s criticisms are valid.
10. You think your country is the best country in the world.
a – 10 b – 5 a – 10 b – 5
a – 5 b – 10
a – 10 b – 5
a – 10 b – 5
a – 10 b – 5
a – 10 b – 5
a – 10 b – 5
a – 10 b – 5
a – 10 b – 5
90 – 100 points: You are very patriotic. It’s good that you like your country, but don’t forget that you can learn things from other nations, and people from other nations, too.
85 – 65 points: You seem to have a healthy amount of patriotism. You like your country, but you appreciate other countries too. It’s important to be able to see the faults of your country and love it at the same time.
60 – 50 points: You are not very patriotic. Are you a citizen of the world, or do you actually dislike your home country? There are good things about any place. Maybe you have forgotten what makes your home special. Don’t take it for granted
Оценки, отметки.T: Thank you for being industrious at the lesson. I am satisfied with your work. Each of you gets a good or an excellent mark. Now the lesson is over. You may be free. Good-bye.