План урока по английскому языку.
Класс: 5
Тема: Кем я стану в будущем.
Задачи урока: практическая: систематизировать лексику по теме;
образовательная: развивать навыки устной речи, совершенствовать навыки монологической речи, учить высказываться логично и связно;
развивающая: развивать речевые способности, способности логически излагать, умения сравнивать, анализировать, воображать; формировать языковые навыки учащихся; развивать умения работать в группах;
воспитательная: готовить к выбору профессии, формировать умение делать выбор с опорой на сильные стороны характера.
Оборудование: компьютер.проектор, доска, магнитофон.
Ход урока
Начало урока. Вступительное слово учителя.
Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you here. What is your name? Do you like studying English? (2-3 чел.) Thank you.
The motto of our lesson today is «There are a lot of things I can be». What do you think we’ll speak about? Yes, it’s about your future jobs. It’s very important to make a right choice according to your interests and hobbies.
Let’s see what we will do today.
We will learn the names of different jobs.
We will speak about our talents and interests.
We will speak about our favourite subjects.
We will read about famous people.
We will mime different jobs and guess them.
We will read the poem about our future.
Everybody has hobbies and interests. What about you? Look at the chart. These are some hobbies and interests. Read and translate. Put a sign in an appropriate place.
A lot
Only sometimes
Very little
Reading or writing stories and letters
Learning facts about the world
Mending things or seeing how they work
Drawing, painting or making music
Helping people or looking after children
Planning or organising things
Учитель: Are there some subjects that you like a lot? Look, read and translate them. What can you say about them?
… is an important subject because …
As for me I like … best.
History English
4. Учитель: English students have careers lessons at school. You will have your first careers lesson. Don’t forget to concentrate on your strengths. (Краткие сообщения с опорой на таблицу):
Carreers Lesson
I am good at/enjoy.. working in a team
listening to others
using numbers / computers
speaking to people on the phone
writing to people by letter, fax, email
I am ... reliable
5. Систематизация лексики.
5.1 Учитель: There are a lot of jobs. Do you know them?
ardener Painter
5.2 Учитель: Can you complete the sentences?
Соотнести название профессии с ее описанием.
What’s the job?
Gardener, teacher, doctor, painter, astronomer, musician, lawyer, engineer, actor, salesperson.
1. they try to sell things.
2. they work in theatres or in films.
3. they work with the law.
4. they try to cure people.
5. they design or repair machines.
6. they look at the stars and planets.
7. they work with plants.
8. they play music.
9. they help people to learn
10. they draw or paint pictures.
5. Учитель: Most of the jobs are a combination of different things. What things are involved in these jobs? (перевод слов, соединение слов в таблице).
Doctor Teacher
Taxi driver
Working with language
Science and research
Practical work
Creative work
Social work
Administrative work
Обучение чтению.
Учитель: I’ve got some photos of famous people. What are they? What are their jobs? ( Chaplin, Christie, Stallone, Sharapova).
Чтение, соотнесение текста и рисунка.
Поставить предложения в правильном порядке:
Упр.50,с 95 ( выполнение задания).
Физ. Минутка.
9. Защита учащимся своего проекта по профессии: актер.
I have a special guest. Welcome the girl, please.
Презентация учащейся в электронном виде и краткое сообщение по слайдам, например:
A work of an actor involves a lot of different things: working with language, creative work and practical work. Actors are good at communicating and dramatizing
Perhaps in the future people won’t go to theatres and cinemas.
They will stay at home and watch videos and films on computers.
So now actors need people to organize and choose things to put on the computers.
Учитель: As you can see there are a lot of different jobs. You can be what you want.
Read the poem. (по строчке каждый, перевод всего стихотворения)
10.Подведение итогов.
Учитель: It’s very important to find a right job. Thank you for your work today. Your marks for the lesson are:
The lesson is over. Good-bye.