Разработка урока по теме: Здоровый образ жизни

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План-конспект урока английского языка в 8 классе по теме “Keeping Fit

Цели урока:

  • Образовательные – обучение навыкам говорения и чтения по теме урока, формирование лексических навыков, обучение аудированию;

  • Развивающие – развивать коммуникативные навыки по теме урока, развитие памяти и речевых навыков урока, развитие речемыслительной деятельности, расширение кругозора;

  • Воспитательные – воспитывать здоровые привычки и культуры здорового образа жизни, воспитывать умение работать в сотрудничестве, воспитывать способности к самооценке через наблюдение за собственной речью на родном и иностранном языке, формировать, эмоционально-ценностного отношения к миру.

Задачи рока:

  • - тренировать учащихся в употреблении лексики по теме урока;

  • - формирование языковой компетенции;

  • - увеличение объёма используемых лексических единиц;

  • - развитие умений понимать речь на слух.


Интерактивная доска, карточки, раздаточный материал, доска, магнитофон.

Ход урока:

  1. The organization moment.

В начале урока учитель раздаёт каждому ученику лесенку на которой ученик после каждого этапа урока оценивает себя, ставит себе оценку. Итоги подводятся в конце урока как рефлексия.


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1. T. Good morning boys and girls.

Ch. Good morning teacher.

T. How are you?

Ch. We are fine, thank you. And you?

T. I am OK thank you, sit down. I am very glad that you are fine, but before starting our lesson I want to know what mood you have at the beginning of our lesson. You have four pictures on your desks. Can you choose one according to your mood and show it.

Oh, I see most of you have so-so mood, I guess, you are a little bit nervous. There is no need to worry, calm down and let’s work. We’ll cope with everything.

II. Speech drill.

T. Our lesson today is devoted to a very important thing and sometimes problem.

Can you tell me what the most valuable thing in people’s life is?

Ch. (pupils try to answer) если ребятам не удаётся ответить на этот вопрос им предлагаются пословицы на английском языке, чтобы найти это слово и определить тему урока)


  1. An apple a day keeps doctors away.

  2. Health is above wealth.

  3. Early to bed and early to rise makes people healthy wealthy and wise.

  4. A healthy mind in a healthy body.

(можно сопроводить картинками)

Children, what thing is the most important for you?

Yes, you are right. Because “Health is the greatest wealth

T. Can you guess what we are going to speak about?

P1. We are going to speak about health.

T. What is the theme of our lesson?

Ch. A healthy way of life.

T. Yes, using other words “Keeping fit” (на экране). We shall speak today about healthy way of life, about sport, and everything we can connect with this theme.

III. Oral speech.

1. a.

1T. Keeping fit is a hard, every day work. Different people keep fit in different ways.

1. I want you to take you clean sheets of paper and write down at least 5 ways to keep fit. (3 min.)

2. Now compare sheets of paper with your partners and write out those ways, you don’t have in your sheets.

3. Name common ways of keeping fit.

4. Fill in the web you have on your desks. Also write three purposes to keep fit.


b. T. Let’s make a short questionnaire on page104 of your books, and see if you keep feet.

Open your books on page 104 and do ex. 18. (a short discussion and commentaries) How many yes/no you have, read about yourself.

V. Listening comprehension.

T. Good for you. You can always be in fit. Now let’s listen to the students talking about their ways of keeping fit. While listening you should fill in the table.

T. 1. What does Ann/Mark eat to be in fit?

2. What exercises do they do?

2. Summing up. (group work)

T. Ex. 32 p. 107 discuss and tell. What makes to keep feet, what destroys our help? Use the words and words combinations. In the exercises

VI. Making a survey.

T. Very well. You coped with the task perfectly. Then when we speak about health and keeping fit, first of all we think about different kinds of sport.

1. Do you do any sports?

2. What sport is it?

3. How often do you do sport?

4. Where do you usually do it? (ask Sasha, Veronika, Dasha)

I would like you three to do a survey. You should choose four of your classmates and find out everything about their favorite sport games, fill in the table and make a report. (a table)

Ребята опрашивают четырёх одноклассников каждый, заполняют таблицу и делают доклад о самом популярном виде спорта своих одноклассников.


  1. What is your favourite sport game? Why?

  2. Why do you like it?

  3. What team do you support?

  4. Who is the most popular player of this team or sport game?

Children give their reports on their surveys.

Релаксационная пауза.

T.: I see you are tired. Let’s relax.

Clap your hands when you hear words about good or bad habits.

No waiting, no parking,

Don’t smile, stop laughing.

Turn it on, turn it off,

Open your mouth, try to cough.

No smoking, no drinking,

No running, stop thinking.

Work all day, play all night,

Do what I say – that’s right.

Turn left, turn right,

Always love, never fight.

Come early, don’t be late,

Try to be good, don’t hate.

T: What bad and good habits do you know? ( на карточках даны фразы, ученики по цепочке высказываются, учитель быстро записывает на доске ключевые слова, разделив их на 2 столбика)

Примерные фразы высказываний учеников:

P1: I think (to my mind/ I’m sure/….) smoking is a bad habit

T: You are right ( OK/ That’s right/…) etc. or You are mistaken (You’ re wrong/…) etc.

P2: I’ m sure following a diet is a good habit.

T: ….

Bad habits

Good habits


Taking drugs

Taking / drinking alcohol

Eating too much sweets

Skipping breakfast

Eating high fibre food

Eating low fat food

Physical inactivity


Sleeping too much or too little



Cleaning teeth

Washing a face and hands

Doing sports

Not eating at night

Following a diet

Eating more fruits and vegetables

Counting calories

Getting vitamins


VIII. Closing the lesson.

T. I think it’s high time to finish our lesson. First of all I want you to show me the faces. Oh, I am glad that your mood is better than at the beginning of the lesson. Then I can say that you liked the lesson.

IX. Reflexion

What about your staircases. How did you estimate yourselves? What mark did you put? Was it difficult to estimate yourselves? Why?

X. Homework.

Ex. 10 p. 121.


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