Theme of the lesson: Perfect forms of Passive Voice
The aims of the lesson:
Educational: to enrich pupils’ knowledge about different professions, their duties, advantages and disadvantages, to remember Simple and Continuous forms of the Passive Voice, to practice Perfect forms of Passive Voice.
Developing: to develop pupils’ speaking and writing skills, attention, logical thinking, and ability to converse.
Cultural: to bring pupils up to work and think faster in English, to work in a group or in pair, to be friendly and to listen to each other.
Visual aids: cards, tables
The type of the lesson: work with technology
Technology: technology of group learning
Procedure of the lesson:
I. Organization moment.
-Good afternoon, children! How are you doing?
- Who is on duty today?
- Who is absent? Thank you, sit down.
II. Checking up the home task:
Presentation of the lesson:
I think it’s clear with your homework. Now open your copy books and write down today’s date. What day is it today? Today is the twelfth of February. Today we are going to continue our theme about Passive Voice. Also we are going to talk about its Simple, Progressive and Perfect forms. Who wants to remind me what are they? And give me some examples. Yes, you are right. You need the passive voice in the following cases: Case 1: When it is not known or not necessary to mention who performs the action. Case 2: When it is necessary to draw more attention to the receiver of the action. In this case, the object in the active construction becomes the subject in the passive construction and receives more attention. And progressive tenses are used when we talk about actions that are held in the definite period of time. We make it by adding being. So here is the table to learn:
Present Simple (active voice) Present Simple (passive voice)
V (s)
Am, are, is + V(III)/ +ed
Past Simple (active voice)
Past Simple (passive voice)
V (II)/ +ed
Was, were + V(III)/ +ed
Present Continuous (active voice)
Present Continuous (passive voice)
Am, are, is + Ving
Am, are, is + being + V(III)/+ed
Past Continuous (active voice)
Past Continuous (passive voice)
Was, were + Ving
Was, were + being + V(III)/+ed
IV. Practice
Now you are going to be divided into two groups: “Boys” and “Girls”. Each member of every group has to give to each other two sentences in Active Voice. As you have guessed, you have to change them into Passive Voice.
Now put down sentences that I am going to read in Passive Voice:
Someone is interviewing Dr Johnson at the moment.
We usually talk briefly about the problems of the family at dinner time.
We thought about our friend all the time.
The teacher sent for the pupil's parents.
They are repairing the clock now.
They sell milk in this shop.
They were playing tennis from four till five.
They are building a new concert-hall in our street.
He wrote this book in the 19th century.
Nobody lived in that old house.
Rest minute Production:
Has anybody explained the rules of the game to you?
They have forgotten the story.
They haven't brought back my skates.
I had translated the whole text.
They have made a number of important experiments in this laboratory.
By six o'clock they had finished the work.
By the middle of autumn we had planted all the trees.
Giving the marks and home task: