Разработка урока по английскому языку на тему Tricky Jobs

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Министерство образования и науки Луганской Народной Республики

ГБОУ Стахановская специализированная школа I-IIIступеней №9 им. А.Стаханова


по теме “ TRICKY JOBS” для 8 класса

Учитель:Самотугина В.В.


Стаханов 2014-2015г.

Цель: -активизировать и расширить лексику по теме, ввести новые лексические единицы и закрепить их в речи на уровне фразы, предложения;-практиковать учашихся в чтениии с извлечением конкретной информации для развития умения анализировать прочитанное; - развивать логическое мышление, память, монологическую речь; - поддерживать стойкий интерес к учебе и изучению предмета;

Оборудование: магнитофон,CD диск с записью для аудирования, картинки



Everyday dialogue.

What jobs do you know? What jobs should be done only by men? What do your parents do? Are their jobs stressful (exciting , tiring, well-paid, rewarding, dangerous)?What do you want to be in the future? What qualities do you need to be a good ……? (Some qualities are written on the board: dedicated, hardworking, tough, patient, talented, courageous) Are there any risks involved in the job?


1. Presenting the topic

Teacher: Look at these pictures. In your opinion what do they have in common? (pictures of different tricky jobs)

Pupils: They are dangerous.

Teacher: Today the topic of our lesson is “Tricky Jobs”. What do you think the title means?

Pupils: “Tricky jobs” means jobs that require skills and good judgment as they are difficult and dangerous.

Teacher: We will learn some new words describing jobs, read the texts and talk about jobs which involve risks.

2. Speaking

Teacher: Look at the pictures. (a vet, a combat soldier, a trapeze artist) For which of these jobs do people need to be: talented, courageous, tough, caring, dedicated?

Pupil 1: A vet has to be caring because he treats sick animals. He has to be dedicated too because he helps animals.

Pupil 2: A combat soldier has to be tough and courageous because his job is very dangerous and risky.


Pupil 3: A trapeze artist has to be talented because his job requires natural and technical skills. He also has to be courageous because his job is very dangerous.

Teacher: What are the risks involved in these jobs?

Pupil 1: Some animals may scratch, bite or be dangerous enough to kill a vet.

Pupil 2: A soldier may have problems with the parachute or he could be seriously injured or even killed by enemy.

Pupil 3: A trapeze artist can slip and fall off the trapeze and be seriously injured.

3. Listening

Teacher: First read the following sentences, then listen to the tape and find out who said what: the vet the trapeze artist or the combat soldier.


Key: a) the vet; b) the trapeze artist; c) the vet; d) the trapeze artist; e) the combat soldier

4. Reading

Teacher: Each job has both positive and negative points. Tricky jobs as well have both sides. Let’s read the text and find out positive and negative points of each job.



Students read three texts about: 1. Chris Sayers, a trapeze artist at Zippo Circus 2. James Rennie, a combat soldier in the British Army 3. Steve Divers, an experienced vet

Then students talk about positive and negative sides of their jobs: Trapeze artist Positive points: thrilling, good salary Negative points: dangerous, can have serious injures or break bones, a lot of training involvedCombat soldierPositive points: very exciting, excellent salary Negative points: dangerous, tough, life-threatening, very secretive life, a lot of training VetPositive points: rewarding, well-paid job Negative points: dangerous, can be scratched, bite or even killed by poisonous animals, many years of study before becoming a vet

5. Speaking

Teacher: If you had to do one of the three jobs mentioned in the texts which would you choose and why? Which would you definitely not choose? Why?

Pupil’s answer: I would choose to become a vet because I love animals and I would like to help them when they are ill or have been injured. A vet is a very rewarding and well-paid job as well.But there are some risks involved in the job. You can be scratched, bitten or even killed bythe animals, that’s why you should be careful and patient. What is more, you should spend many years of study before becoming a vet. I would definitely not choose to become a combat soldier because it is a violent, tough and life-threatening job. You should lead a secret lifestyle and could easily be killed by enemies.


Teacher: Let’s sum up what we have learnt at the lesson. What tricky jobs have we talked about? What other tricky jobs can you name? Well, our time is over. You were very active, creative and hardworking. Your marks are …. .Your homework is to describe the jobs in the list below. Then choose, write and be ready to speak about the pros and cons of the jobs: waiter, doctor, policeman, flight attendant, teacher, gardener, builder, pilot, fire-fighter, surgeon.