Конспект уроку з англійської мови з теми Їжа (6 клас)

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Білозерська загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів №15 [pic]

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Сучасний урок з англійської мови

на тему: «Їжа»

6 клас


Макєєвої Катерини Валеріївни

2016 р.

Тема уроку: «Їжа»

Клас: 6



формувати комунікативні компетентності учнів у процесі оволодіння іноземною мовою; закріпити вивчений лексичний матеріал з теми «Їжа» та активізувати його у мовленні;


розвивати вміння застосовувати вивчені лексичні одиниці та граматичні правила в конкретних ситуаціях; розвивати здогадку та вміння швидко орієнтуватись в умовах непідготовленого монологічного мовлення; розвивати вміння та навички читання, аудіювання, мовлення та письма; розвивати логічне мислення, довготривалу пам'ять; створення умов для розвитку уяви, мислення засобами мови.


виховувати культуру спілкування, активне ставлення до навчання та позитивне емоційне ставлення до навчальної роботи; виховувати любов та по вагу до традиційної української їжі.

Тип уроку: урок-вікторина

Засоби навчання: Несвіт А.М. Англійська мова (6-й рік навч.): підруч. для 6 кл. загальноосвіт. навч. закл. / А.М. Несвіт. – Київ : Генеза, 2014. – 224 с.


1. Мультимедійна презентація до уроку.

2. Відео для фіз.хвилинки

3. Роздатковий матеріал

4. Мікрофон

5. Наочний матеріал

6. Аудіозапис

Хід уроку

І. Організаційний момент.

1. Привітання. (Слайд 1) 2хв.

Good morning, pupils! Its nice to see you! How are you?

Fine?! That’s great! I am fine too, thank you!

So, tell me please, my dear, who is on duty today?

Is anybody absent?

Remind me please, what day is it today?

And what date is it today?

Excellent! So, we are ready to start our lesson. We have a lot of interesting work to do.

2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. Мотивація навчальної діяльності.

4 хв.

  • Complete the sentences (Слайд 2)

Well, I want you to pay attention to the blackboard, as there are some sentences. But there is one problem – they are unfinished. In order to finish them correctly there are pictures which contain the words to add. Then, take only the third letter from the end of each added word and you will read the topic of today’s lesson. (Слайд 3)

1. Ann usually prefers tea to…


2. “I took my place in the kitchen and wanted to start eating soup but there was no…”


3. A friend of mine had a Birthday party last week, so I bought a present at the department …


4. The majority of children can’t stand eating…


So, my geniuses, what is the secret word have we got? You are quite right! The topic of our lesson is “Food”, and we’re going to revise all the words, fill the crossword, answer questions, make up dialogues and many other interesting exercises to do. It’s not just a simple lesson, we’ve got a quiz today, so be ready to competitions. (Слайд 4)

3. Мовленнєва та фонетична зарядка 4 хв.

  • I am a journalist (Слайд 5)

Let’s imagine that I am a journalist and are superstars. Of course, I want to know something about you, so I’ve got a microphone here to ask you some interesting information. I will pay attention to your pronunciation of the words and intonation.

1. Hello. Do you like eating?

2. What is your favourite place to have dinner?

3. My favourite dish is mashed potatoes, and yours?

4. Have you ever been to restaurant?

5. Do you prefer fruits to vegetables or on the contrary?

Yes, of course. I like eating very much.

My favourite place where I have dinner is McDonalds.

I’ve got a lot of favourite dishes, but the most favourite are: borsch, pasta and cakes with a cup of tea.

Of course, I have been to restaurant as I am a superstar!

No, I don’t. I prefer vegetables to fruits.

ІІ. Основна частина уроку.

1. Crossword. (Поділ учнів на дві команди) 6 хв.

Now, you are divided into two teams and the first task for you to do is to fill the crossword. Look please at the blackboard, there the crossword with 13 unfilled words the 13th is extra. So, one by one you come to me take a picture with some kind of food and fill empty places. If the member of one of the team doesn’t know the word his/her word passes to the member of the opposite team.



Horizontal: 2) soup 4) butter 6) bread 7) cheese 10) tomatoes 11) egg 13) ice-cream Vertical: 1) juice 2) sausage 3) porridge 5) pasta 8) salad 9) coffee 12) beef

3. Аудіювання. 3 хв.

  • Get more (Слайд 6)

Now, my friends, you’ve got another task to do. You will listen to the speaker. She will tell you the list of vegetables. You should write down as many vegetables as you can. The team who will write down more words and translate them will get more points.

4. Фіз. хвилина 2 хв.

  • The penguin dance (Слайд 7)

Let’s have some rest and remember that we are funny and happy people. We’re going to prove this, yes? Ok

5. Unscramble the sentences (Слайд 8) 5 хв.

Well, well, well! You have easily done the previous tasks, but what can you say about this one? Your task is to put the words in to the right order. The more right sentences, the more points will get t your team. I believe you will break through!

1. English/have/usually/ during/ the day/meals/four/ people

(English people usually have four meals during the day).

2. lunch/ Schoolchildren/ in / have/ their/ the/ canteen/school

(Schoolchildren have their lunch in the school canteen).

3. Ukrainian/ borsch/ favourite/My/ is/ dish

(My favourite Ukrainian dish is borsch)

Are you ready? Let’s check up.

Thank you!

6. A Guessing Game (веселі загадки про їжу) (Слайд 9) 6 хв.

1. What room is never entered?

2. I have no bones and no legs, but if you keep me warm, I will soon walk away. What am I?

3. What kind of cup can’t hold water?

4. It’s red and sweet, and it’s good to eat?

5. The only vegetable that makes you cry.

6. What grows under ground and has eyes?

1. A mushroom.

2. An egg.

3. A cupcake

4. An apple

5. An onion

6. A potato

Great job, thank you!

7. Making up dialogues. (Змагання капітанів) 6 хв. (Слайд 10)

Finally, we’ve got the last deciding task for you. Now you will prove how much information do you know about traditional food of Ukraine and England. Each captain from both teams comes to me and chooses a sheet of paper. There are two themes with some prompts: Ukrainian traditional food and English. Your task is to tell your partner what are the traditional dishes and why do you like it.


I like English food. It’s very tasty.

And I prefer Ukrainian traditional food to English, because it is healthier…

III. Заключна частина урок

1.Рефлексія (Слайд 11) 3 хв.

I believe you like our today’s lesson. But in order to be sure that you are satisfied with it I put 3 circles of different colour on your desks : red – I didn’t like this lesson; yellow – I liked, but not all; green – I liked everything!

So, raise your circles. Thank you, I’m appreciated!

2. Підсумок уроку. 4 хв. (Слайд 12)

(Підведення підсумків уроку, нагородження переможців)

Журі підраховує загальну суму балів кожної команди. Вчитель вказує на більш активних учнів. Команда-переможниця отримує диплом І ступеня, інша команда – ІІ ступеня.

I hope that you had a great time and fun. Today we revised a lot of words and information about such a great topic as “Food”. You are so smart and active. For me, both teams are winners and thank you for your work. And now stand up, please. We’ll see you the next class. Goodbye!