Звучит мелодия «В гостях у сказки», дети выходят на сцену, переодетые в героев сказки. На сцене стоит декорация «Теремка» из фанеры, елочка, веточки деревьев и макет солнца, звучит мелодия «В гостях у сказки». За фасадом домика спряталась лягушка (The Frog).
Ведущая: Here is the house in the wood.
A Mouse is running through the wood.
It stops at the door,
It knocks at the door.
Mouse: Knock, knock, knock. Who lives here?
Frog: I do!
Mouse: Who are you?
Frog: I’m a frog. Sorry, and who are you?
Mouse: I’m a mouse. Hello, Frog!
Frog: Hello, Mouse!
Mouse: May I come in?
Frog: Do, please. Come in.
Mouse: Thank you! (входит в дом)
Ведущая: Here is the house in the wood.
A Hare is running through the wood.
It stops at the door,
It knocks at the door.
Hare: Knock, knock, knock. Who lives here?
Frog, Mouse: We do.
Hare: Who are you?
Frog: I’m a frog.
Mouse: I'm a mouse. Sorry, and who are you?
Hare: I’m a hare. Hello, Frog! Hello, Mouse! May I come in?
Frog, Mouse: Do, please. Come in.
Hare: Thank you! (Входит в дом)
Ведущая: Here is the house in the wood.
A Fox is running through the wood.
It stops at the door,
It knocks at the door.
Fox: Knock, knock, knock. Who lives here?
Frog, Mouse, and Hare: We do.
Fox: Who are you?
Frog: I’m a frog.
Mouse: I'm a mouse.
Hare: I’m a hare. Sorry, and who are you?
Fox: I’m a fox. Hello, Frog! Hello, Mouse! Hello, Hare! May I live with you?
All: Do, please. Come in.
Fox: Thank you! (входит в дом)
Ведущий: Here is the house in the wood.
A Wolf is running through the wood.
It stops at the door,
It knocks at the door.
Wolf: Knock, knock, knock. Who lives here?
Frog, Mouse, Hare, and Fox: We do.
Wolf: Who are you?
Frog: I’m a frog
Mouse: I'm a mouse.
Hare: I’m a hare.
Fox: I’m a fox.
Wolf: I’m a wolf. Hello, Frog! Hello, Mouse! Hello, Hare! Hello, Fox! May I live with you?
All: Do, please. Come in.
Wolf: Thank you (входит в дом)
Ведущий: Here is the house in the wood.
A Bear is running through the wood.
It stops at the door,
It knocks at the door.
Bear: Knock, knock, knock. Who lives here? Who are you?
Frog: I’m a frog.
Mouse: I’m a mouse.
Hare: I’m a hare.
Fox: I’m a fox.
Wolf: I’m a wolf. And who are you?
Bear: I’m a bear. May I live with you?
All: Do, please. Come in.
Bear: Thank you! (входит в дом)
Ведущий: Here is a house in the wood. A frog, a mouse, a hare, a fox, a wolf and bear live here! They are together and happy!
Играет мелодия «The more we are together», все встают в круг и водят хоровод под песню. Дети поют:
The more we are together, together, together,
The more we are together, the happier we are!
For your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends.
The more we are together, the happier we are!