Викторина по английскому языку по теме Английский алфавит

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ABC Show «Английский алфавит»

Цель: актуализация фонетических и графических навыков выразительного рассказывания стихотворений; закрепление лексических навыков.

Оборудование: картинки с буквами алфавита, костюмы для инсценировок; магнитофон; кассеты с записями песен.

Ход мероприятия

Queen -1: Good morning, dear boys and girls! Welcome to our ABC party! There are a lot of us.

Queen – 2: Good morning, friends! We are glad to see you here! Мы живем в стране ABC-Land. А сегодня мы приглашаем вас в волшебную страну Englishland.

Во время путешествия вы встретитесь с ее жителями.

Буква A: Hello! I am the letter A. A is for Alphabet and for ABC. Can you say the Alphabet from A to Z?

Children: Yes, we can.

Queen -1: Let’s sing the Alphabet Song.

(Children sing a song)

Queen -1: And now let’s meet our friends and recite poems about the letters.

Queen – 2: Name the next letter after A.

Children: B

Буква B:

B is for Books and for Bookcase.

I have many books in my bookcase.

Queen -1: Name the next letter!

Children: C

Буква C

C is for Cat. My cat is grey.

And with me it likes to play.

Queen – 2: And who is she?

Children: D

Буква D.

D is for a doll.

It is pretty and small.

Queen -1: Do you know his name?

Children: E

Буква E

E is for eleven and eight.

Nineteen plums are on the plate.

Queen – 2: Name the next letter.

Children: F

Буква F

F for flowers: red and blue,

White and yellow and purple, too.

Queen -1: But I think, F is for family.

How is your mother?

She is fine, thanks.

How is your father?

He is fine, thanks.

How is your sister?

She is fine, thanks.

How is your brother?

He is fine, thanks.

(Входят буквы G and H)

Буква G

Look at me! I am the letter G!

G is for girls, as you can see,

They are in the garden under the tree.

Буква H

I am the letter H.

H is for hand.

I have two hands.

This is a way

I clap my hands.

( Children sing song “Clap Your Hands Together”)

Queen – 2: Can you say who is he?

Children: I

Буква I

Ice-cream starts with the letter I,

But I think I is for I.

I am a boy, and I am ten.

I like to play with my brother Ben.

Queen -1: Do you know his name?

Children: J

Буква J

J is for jam. This is an apple jam.

Jimmy likes it and so does Sam.

Queen -1: Do you remember this letter?

Children: K

Буква K

K is for Kite. Kate has a kite.
It is little and it is white.

My kite is white,

My kite is light,

My kite is in the sky.

Queen – 2: And what is his name?

Children: L

Буква L

L for little bunny and kitten.

They like to hop without stop.

Queen -1: Name the next letter.

Children: M

Буква M

I am the letter M.

M is for a mouse.


Little mouse, little mouse,

Where is your house?


Little cat, little cat, I have no flat.

I am a poor mouse, I have no house.


Little mouse, little mouse,

Come into my house!

Little cat, little cat,

I can not do that.

You want to eat me!

Queen – 2: And who is he?

Children: N

Буква N

N is for nut, for name and for nose,

I like to eat nuts and to smell rose.

Queen -1: What is his name?

Children: O

Буква O

O is for one. One and two is three.

Three little cats are in the tree.

Let’s count all together!

Will you stand up, please?

(Дети хором читают стих)


One, one, one little dogs run.

Two, two, two cats see you.

Three, three, three birds in the tree.

Four, four, four toys on the floor.

Queen – 2: Thank you, children. Name the next letter.

Children: P

Буква P

P is for pilots, who fly very high,

Can you see planes in the endless blue sky?

Queen -1: Tell me, please, who is he?

Children: Q


Q is for questions, I like them a lot,

I always ask you: where, why, who and what.

Queen – 2: Let’s play the game.

Сейчас мы проверим, внимательные ли вы. Я называю и показываю звук, вам необходимо распознать его в слове и хлопнуть в ладоши. Если такого звука в слове нет, вы сидите тихо.

Queen -1: Let’s meet the next letter. What is his name?

Children: R

Буква R

R is for run, we run a race,

We have such fun on sunny days!

Queen – 2: Name the next letter, please.

Children: S

Буква S

S is for streets where buses run,

Two by two, or one by one.

Queen -1: Do you remember this letter?

Children: T

Буква T

T is for tea with tasty treat,

That my Granny gives me to eat.

Queen – 2: Name the next letter, please.

Children: U

Буква U

U is for Under, but not for at.

I am under the tree”, -says Pat.

Little children, come to me.

Let us play under the tree.

Queen -1: Children, look at this ABC and say what letters are missing.

(D, H, O)

Queen – 2: Name the next letter.

Children: V

Буква V

V is for violets which smell so sweet,

They’re a nice present from my brother Pete.

Queen -1: And what is his name?

Children: W

Буква W

W for winter, when snow is white,

Skiing and skating likes every child.

Queen – 2: I know this letter very well, and you?

Children: X

Буква X

X is in Six. Let’s count up to six.

( Дети считают до шести хором)

Queen -1: Do you his name?

Children: Y

Буква Y

Y is for yard, where we like to play.

In summer friends play in the yard every day.

Queen – 2: Let’s sing a song “The More We are Together”

Queen -1: Let’s remember the last letter.

Children: Z

Буква Z

Tomorrow on Sunday we go to the zoo.

Tomorrow, tomorrow we go to the zoo.

There is a giraffe there and a Zebra too,

A bear and a monkey and a kangaroo.

Queen – 2: Thank you, children. You know the ABC very well.

Queen -1: And let’s recite a poem together. “We can read, we can write”

We can read, we can write,

We can speak English too.

We love learning English!

And what about you?

( Все хором)