The plan of the lesson
Grade: 2
Theme: “Sport in our life ”
The aims of the lesson: Students will able to:
Educational- teach students to new words, ask students to make a list of everything they remember from the previous lesson.
Developing- develop student’s speaking and listening skills, practice their grammar and vocabulary.
Bringing-up- bring –up good qualities with the help of the dialogues, develop friendship.
The aids of the lesson: books, interactive board, blackboard.
I. Introduction: Good morning boys and girls! How are you? Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What date is it today? What day is it?
I. Warming-up activities: Now let’s begin our lesson with phonetic drill.
Jump, jump, jump —
Jump far away;
And all come home
Some other day.
II. Following up activities:
Our theme at this lesson is “Sport in our life”. At this lesson we will be to talk about sports. In our life everyone like do sport.
Let’s play game «Guess»
Now you are ready to play. First game is «Guess». (Мұғалім іс әрекетті жасырады, сол іс әрекетті көрсетеді, бірақ оны атамайды. Оқушылар сол іс әрекетті тауып ағылшынша айтады: "You can run”, "You can read” және т.б. Одан кейін оқушылар жүргізіші рөлінде бола алады.
Келесі ойынды өткізу үшін мұғалім оқуышыларды екіге бөледі.
Ойын «Келісемін немесе келіспеймін»
Келесі ойынның атауы «Келісемін немесе келіспеймін». Жүргізуші қозғалыстарды көрсетеді және ол не істей алатынын айтып береді. Ол дұрыс болса, оның қозғалысын қайталап айту керек, егер ол бұрыс болса, онда оны түзету керек.
(Жүршізіші ретінде оқушы болады)
— I can draw. (Yes, you can draw.)
— I can climb. (Yes, you can climb.)
— I can run. (Yes, you can run.)
— I can fly. (No, you can’t fly.)
Today we shall learn some new words — the names of the sports games. Look at the blackboard, please. You can see the pictures on it. I shall name the game, and you will try to guess the game.
Now repeat the words after me. Let’s say it all together.
play, badminton, table tennis, football, tennis, hockey, chess, basketball.
1) I think you can play these games. I shall try to guess if you can play these sports games. If I am right you will repeat my sentence. If I am wrong you will correct my sentence.
— You can play football. (Yes, lean. I can play football.)
— You can play hockey. (No, I can’t. I can’t play hockey.)
— You can play tennis. (No, I can’t. I can’t play tennis.)
— You can play chess. (Yes, lean. lean play chess.)
2) It’s time to have a rest. Stand up, please.
Hands on the head, hands on the hips,
Hands on the table, hands like this.
Hands on the shoulders, hands up and down,
Hands behind the head and sit down!
3)Work in pairs
Let’s ask some questions to our friend. You can see the picture of the clown in your textbooks, page 46, exercise 5.
— Who is ready to start?
One of the pupils can be Trikki and answer to the questions.)
Now we shall work in pairs and find out what games your partner can play.
— Do you know how to begin such questions? (Can you play football?)
You are right.
— How can you answer the question? (Yes, I can. No, I can’t.)
(Оқушылар екі – екіге бөлінеді және диалог құрастырады. Оқушылар диалогтарын сынып алдында көрсетеді, одан кейін оқушылар өздерінің сыныптастары туралы айтады. (оның қандай спорттық ойындарды ойнай алатынын немесе ойнай алмайьынын).)
Мысал ретінде диалог:
— Sasha, can you play basketball?
— Yes, I can.
— Can you play football?
— Yes, I can.
— Can you play hockey?
— No, I can’t.
— Can you play tennis?
— No, I can’t.
Сыныптасы туралы айтуға арналған мысал
Sasha can play basketball and football. He can’t play hockey. He can’t play tennis.
1)Our time is over. Thank you for your work.
— Ask students what they understood at this lesson.
—What kind of sports we can discuss in English ?
— Can you speak about your favourite sport in English
2)Stand up, please.
I can jump, 1 can run,
I can sing, I can dance,
I can swim, I can’t fly,
I can climb and say "goodbye!”
Round of activities:
Home task: your home task will be repeat all passed themes.
Marks and comments: Your marks are;
Brief reference to the next lesson: