Коробейникова Елена Юрьевна
Магистрант кафедры теоретической и прикладной психологии ФГБОУ ВПО «Челябинский государственный педагогический университет» г.Челябинск
Ул. Ш. Металлургов 59-3
Тел. 8-951-777-69-85
[link] [Дата обращения 20.09.2013]
Korobeinikova Elena Yurievna
Graduate student at the Department of theoretical and applied psychology, Federal STATE budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Chelyabinsk state pedagogical yniversity, Chelyabinsk
, Chelyabinsk
St. W. Metallurgists 59-3
Phone 8-951-777-69-85
[email protected]
Psychological-pedagogical correction properties attention of the senior preschool children
Abstract: At the present stage of development of education becomes acute the problem of the development of attention in children of preschool age. The problem of the development of attention and activities relevant to the fact that these processes are an integral component of any form of creative activity of man, his behavior in General. This raises the important task of developing the creative potential of the younger generation, and this in turn requires improvements in the development patterns of the whole system of mental processes.
The relevance of the study due to the need of implementation of a program of psychological - pedagogical correction properties attention to older preschoolers.
Keywords: attention, properties, attention, older preschoolers, modeling, psychological-pedagogical correction
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