Решебник (ГДЗ) по учебнику ENJOY ENGLISH, 4 класс (М.З. Биболетова, О.А. Денисенко, Н.Н. Трубанева) 2011![]()
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Пособие предназначено ученикам начальной школы, их родителям и учителям, работающим по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой, О.А. Денисенко и Н.Н. Трубаневой «Enjoy English-4 класс». ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ Unit 1. Speaking about seasons and weather 4 Section 1. What is your favourite season? 4 Section 2. Speaking about the future . . 11 Section 3. When the weather is fine . . 16 Section 4. Writing at home..18 Рабочая тетрадь..19 Test yourself 1....25 Unit 2. Enjoying your home 28 Section 1. Describing your house . 28 Section 2. What is there in your room? 31 Section 3. Home sweet home..35 Section 4. Writing at home..37 Рабочая тетрадь..38 Test yourself 2....44 Unit 3. Being happy in the country and in the city 46 Section 1. We like the place we live! . . 46 Section 2. Are they different: the country and the city?....49 Section 3. People and animals in the country and in the city..54 Section 4. Writing at home..57 Рабочая тетрадь..59 Test yourself 3....67 Unit 4. Telling stories 70 Section 1. Reading last summer story . 70 Section 2. In the world of fantasy . 73 Section 3. How to ask questions in the Past Simple....76 Section 4. Writing at home..78 Рабочая тетрадь..80 Test yourself 4....88 Unit 5. Having a good time with your family 91 Section 1. Being happy together .. 91 Section 2. What do you do to help your family?....94 Section 3. Answering phone calls . 101 Section 4. Let us try to be polite .. 106 Section 5. Writing at home..107 Рабочая тетрадь..110 Test yourself 5....116 Unit 6. Shopping for everything 117 Section 1. Shopping for clothes .. 117 Section 2. There is no bad weather, there are only bad clothes ..123 Section 3. Shopping for food..124 Section 4. Writing at home..126 Рабочая тетрадь..128 Test yourself 6....134 Unit 7. School is fun 136 Section 1. What do we do at school? . . 136 Section 2. The things you can use in the lesson....139 Section 3. Reading for pleasure .. 141 Section 4. Writing at home..149 Рабочая тетрадь..151 Test yourself 7....156 Решебник к учебнику: Все домашние работы к учебнику английского языка для 4 класса и рабочей тетради ENJOY ENGLISH (4 класс) М.З. Биболетова, О.А. Денисенко, Н.Н. Трубанева — М.: - «ЛадКом». -2011. - 160 с. |
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