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1 класс - 2 класс - 3 класс - 4 класс - 5 класс - 6 класс - 7 класс - 8 класс - 9 класс - 10 класс - 11 класс

Английский язык: учебное пособие для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений с русским языком обучения. Н.В. Юхнель, Е.Г. Наумова, Минск, «Вышэйшая школа», - 2010

Английский язык: учебное пособие для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений с русским языком обучения. Н.В. Юхнель, Е.Г. Наумова, Минск, «Вышэйшая школа», - 2010

Страница № 224.

Страницы учебника:

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Страница учебника

OCR-версия страницы из учебника (текст страницы, которая находится выше):

William James Sidis was born to Russian-Jewish immigrants on April 1, 1898, in New York City. His father was a polyglot and his son would become one too at a young age. Billy's parents wanted him to be able to love learning. They never punished him and helped him to learn new facts, new subjects and new languages. Young William could read the New York Times at 18 months, learnt Latin at the age of two, Greek - at three, had written four books and knew ten languages (English, Latin, Greek, Russian, Hebrew, French, German, Turkish, Armenian and Vendergood - his own invention) before his eighth birthday. At the age of five he was able to name the day of the week for any given historical date with the help of a formula invented by him. He gave a lecture at the University of Harvard at the age of 11. His IQ was between 250 and 300 (usually it is between 85 and 115). He became a university student at the age of twelve and graduated before he was sixteen.


1. Marta Sokolowska, Poland

I'm a person who used to learn English only at school. I started learning it at the age of 11, when I was in the fifth form, that wasn't much, only two hours a week. I don't know how it happened but in the class of 30 people I was able to learn good English. I must say I had a very good teacher. He liked me because I had a kind of gift for English and I showed some interest in what he used to say. I was good at talking and after four years of learning the language at school I was able to speak freely while other people

Страницы учебника:

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Все учебники по английскому языку:

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