Alexei Savrasov, устная тема по английскому языку с переводом. Топик.

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Alexei Savrasov was a Russian landscape painter and creator of the lyrical landscape style. Savrasov was born into the family of a merchant. He began to draw early and in 1838 he entered the Moscow School of painting, sculpturing and architecture. He graduated from it in 1850, and immediately began to specialize in landscape painting. In 1857, Savrasov became a teacher at the Moscow School of painting, sculpturing and architecture. His best disciples, Isaac Levitan and Konstantin Korovin, remembered their teacher with admiration and gratitude.

The Rooks Have Come Back was painted by Savrasov near Ipatiev Monastery in Kostroma. In 1857, he married Sophia Karlovna Hertz, sister of art historian K. Hertz. In their home they entertained artistic people and collectors including Pavel Tretyakov. Savrasov became especially close with Vasily Perov. Perov helped him paint the figures of the boat trackers in Savrasov's Volga near Yuryevets, Savrasov painted landscapes for Perov's Bird Catcher and Hunters on Bivouac, In the 1860s, he travelled to England to see the International Exhibition, and to Switzerland. In one of his letters he wrote that no academies in the world could so advance an artist as the present world exhibition. The painters who influenced him most were British painter John Constable and Swiss painter Alexandre Calame.

The Rooks Have Come Back (1871) is considered by many critics to be the high point in Savrasov's artistic career. Using a trivial episode of birds returning home, and an extremely simple landscape, Savrasov emotionally showed the transition of nature from winter to spring. It was a new type of lyrical landscape painting, called later by critics the mood landscape. The painting brought him fame. In 1870, he became a member of the Peredvizhniki group.

In 1871, after the death of his daughter, there was a crisis in his art. He became an alcoholic. All attempts of his relatives and friends to help him were in vain. Only the doorkeeper of the Moscow School of painting, sculpturing and architecture and Pavel Tretyakov, founder of the Tretyakov Gallery, were present at his funeral in 1897.

Перевод текста: Alexei Savrasov

1. Саврасов, выдающийся русский пейзажист, известен тем, что создал жанр лирического пейзажа, позже названного «пейзажем настроения».
2. Он закончил Московскую школу живописи, скульптуры и архитектуры, несколько лет преподавал там, и его ученики вспоминают о нем с восхищением и благодарностью.
3. На его творчество оказали большое влияние британские и швейцарские художники.
4. Многие критики считали его картину «Грачи прилетели», которая принесла ему славу, вершиной его творчества.
5. Саврасов считал, что участие в международных выставках может внести больший вклад в профессиональный рост художника, чем учеба в художественных академиях. .

1. Savrasov, an outstanding Russian landscape painter, is famous for creating the lyrical landscape, later called mood landscape by critics.
2. He graduated from the Moscow school of painting, sculpturing and architecture, was a teacher of it for some years and is remembered by his disciples with admiration and gratitude.
3. In his work, he was influenced by British and Swiss painters.
4. Many critics considered his painting The Rooks Have Come Back Home, which brought him fame, to be the high point in his artistic career.
5. Savrasov believed that participation in international art exhibitions could advance an artist more than art academies.

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